WPFLocalizeExtension A gap text control. This property is the string that may contain gaps for controls. If this property is set to true there is no error thrown when the FormatString contains less gaps than placeholders are available. Missing placeholders for available elements may be a problem, as something else may refer to the element in a binding e.g. by name, but the element is not available in the visual tree. As an example consider a submit button would be missing due to a missing placeholder in the FormatString. If this property is true, any FormatString that refers to the same string item multiple times produces an exception. If this property is true, any FormatString that refers to the same control item multiple times produces an exception. property that stores the items to be inserted into the gaps. any item that can be inserted as such into the TextBox get's inserted itself. All other items are converted to Text using their ToString() implementation. Creates a new instance. Gets or set the format string. Ignore the Less Gaps Ignore Duplicate String References Ignore Duplicate Control References Gets or sets the gap collection. Pattern to split the FormatString, see https://github.com/SeriousM/WPFLocalizationExtension/issues/78#issuecomment-163023915 for documentation ( TODO!!!) Will be called prior to display of the control. A binding proxy class that accepts bindings and forwards them to the LocExtension. Based on: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/71348/Binding-on-a-Property-which-is-not-a-DependencyPro We don't know what will be the Source/target type so we keep 'object'. The source. The target extension. A proxy class to localize object strings. Our own instance. The source. The backing property for This flag determines, if the type should be added using the given separator. The backing property for The Separator. The backing property for The Prefix. The backing property for The result. The backing property for A notification handler for the . The object. The event arguments. This enumeration is used to determine the type of the return value of The return value is used as prefix The return value is used as suffix Holds the local prefix value Holds the local suffix value Holds the local format segment array Gets or sets a prefix for the localized text Gets or sets a suffix for the localized text Gets or sets the format segment 1. This will be used to replace format place holders from the localized text. and will format this segment. The format segment 1. Gets or sets the format segment 2. This will be used to replace format place holders from the localized text. and will format this segment. The format segment 2. Gets or sets the format segment 3. This will be used to replace format place holders from the localized text. and will format this segment. The format segment 3. Gets or sets the format segment 4. This will be used to replace format place holders from the localized text. and will format this segment. The format segment 4. Gets or sets the format segment 5. This will be used to replace format place holders from the localized text. and will format this segment. The format segment 5. Returns the prefix or suffix text, depending on the supplied . If the prefix or suffix is null, it will be returned a string.empty. The defines the format of the return value Returns the formated prefix or suffix This method formats the localized text. If the passed target text is null, string.empty will be returned. The text to format. Returns the formated text or string.empty, if the target text was null. A singleton CSV provider that uses attached properties and the Parent property to iterate through the visual tree. DefaultDictionary to set the fallback resource dictionary. DefaultAssembly to set the fallback assembly. Indicates, that one of the attached properties changed. The dependency object. The event argument. Getter of default dictionary. The dependency object to get the default dictionary from. The default dictionary. Getter of default assembly. The dependency object to get the default assembly from. The default assembly. Setter of default dictionary. The dependency object to set the default dictionary to. The dictionary. Setter of default assembly. The dependency object to set the default assembly to. The assembly. A dictionary for notification classes for changes of the individual target Parent changes. The instance of the singleton. Lock object for the creation of the singleton instance. Gets the singleton. The singleton constructor. A flag indicating, if it has a header row. An action that will be called when a parent of one of the observed target objects changed. The target . Get the assembly from the context, if possible. The target object. The assembly name, if available. Get the dictionary from the context, if possible. The target object. The dictionary name, if available. Get the localized object. The key to the value. The target object. The culture to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). A singleton CSV provider that uses attached properties and the Parent property to iterate through the visual tree. DefaultDictionary to set the fallback resource dictionary. Indicates, that one of the attached properties changed. The dependency object. The event argument. Getter of default dictionary. The dependency object to get the default dictionary from. The default dictionary. Setter of default dictionary. The dependency object to set the default dictionary to. The dictionary. A dictionary for notification classes for changes of the individual target Parent changes. The instance of the singleton. Lock object for the creation of the singleton instance. Gets the singleton. The singleton constructor. A flag indicating, if it has a header row. An action that will be called when a parent of one of the observed target objects changed. The target . Get the dictionary from the context, if possible. The target object. The dictionary name, if available. Get the assembly from the context, if possible. The target object. The assembly name, if available. Get the localized object. The key to the value. The target object. The culture to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). The base for CSV file providers. Gets the used ResourceManagers with their corresponding namespaces. Lock object for concurrent access to the resource manager list. Lock object for concurrent access to the available culture list. Returns the of the passed assembly instance The Assembly where to get the name from The Assembly name Parses a key ([[Assembly:]Dict:]Key and return the parts of it. The key to parse. The found or default assembly. The found or default dictionary. The found or default key. Get the assembly from the context, if possible. The target object. The assembly name, if available. Get the dictionary from the context, if possible. The target object. The dictionary name, if available. Thread-safe access to the AvailableCultures list. The CultureInfo. Uses the key and target to build a fully qualified resource key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Key used as a base to find the full key Target used to help determine key information Returns an object with all possible pieces of the given key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Gets fired when the provider changed. An event that is fired when an error occurred. An event that is fired when a value changed. Calls the event. The target object. Calls the event. The target object. The key. The error message. Calls the event. The key where the value was changed. The new value. A custom tag. Get the localized object. The key to the value. The target object. The culture to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). An observable list of available cultures. An extended combobox that is enumerating Enum values. Use the to hide specific entries. The Type. The backing property for This flag determines, if the type should be added using the given separator. The backing property for The Separator. The backing property for The Prefix. The backing property for Overwrite and bypass the Items property. Creates a new instance. An extension of for displaying localized enums. Our own instance. The EnumValue. The backing property for This flag determines, if the type should be added using the given separator. The backing property for The Separator. The backing property for The Prefix. The backing property for A notification handler for changed properties. The object. The event arguments. Behavior when key is not found at the localization provider. Display "Key: {key}" string. Display key string itself. Display an empty string. Interface for listeners on dictionary events of the class. This method is called when the resource somehow changed. The sender. The event arguments. An enumeration of dictionary event types. The separation changed. The provider changed. A provider reports an update. The culture changed. A certain value changed. Event argument for dictionary events. The type of the event. A corresponding tag. The constructor. The type of the event. The corresponding tag. Returns the type and tag as a string. The type and tag as a string. Represents a collection of listeners. Create new empty instance. The count of listeners. Add new listener. Get all alive listeners. Remove listener. Clear internal list from all dead listeners. Represents the culture interface for localization Informiert über sich ändernde Eigenschaften. Notify that a property has changed The property that changed DefaultProvider to set the default ILocalizationProvider. Provider to set the ILocalizationProvider. DesignCulture to set the Culture. Only supported at DesignTime. Separation to set the separation character/string for resource name patterns. A flag indicating that the invariant culture should be included. A flag indicating that the cache is disabled. A flag indicating that missing keys should be output. Callback function. Used to set the .Culture if set in Xaml. Only supported at DesignTime. The dependency object. The event argument. Callback function. Used to set the .Provider if set in Xaml. The dependency object. The event argument. Callback function. Used to set the .DefaultProvider if set in Xaml. The dependency object. The event argument. Callback function. Used to set the .Separation if set in Xaml. The dependency object. The event argument. Callback function. Used to set the .IncludeInvariantCulture if set in Xaml. The dependency object. The event argument. Callback function. Used to set the .DisableCache if set in Xaml. The dependency object. The event argument. Callback function. Used to set the .OutputMissingKeys if set in Xaml. The dependency object. The event argument. Getter of Provider. The dependency object to get the provider from. The provider. Getter of DefaultProvider. The dependency object to get the default provider from. The default provider. Tries to get the separation from the given target object or of one of its parents. The target object for context. The separation of the given context or the default. Tries to get the flag from the given target object or of one of its parents. The target object for context. The flag. Tries to get the flag from the given target object or of one of its parents. The target object for context. The flag. Tries to get the flag from the given target object or of one of its parents. The target object for context. The flag. Getter of DesignCulture. Only supported at DesignTime. If its in Runtime, .Culture will be returned. The dependency object to get the design culture from. The design culture at design time or the current culture at runtime. Setter of Provider. The dependency object to set the provider to. The provider. Setter of DefaultProvider. The dependency object to set the default provider to. The default provider. Setter of Separation. The dependency object to set the separation to. The separation. Setter of IncludeInvariantCulture. The dependency object to set the separation to. The flag. Setter of DisableCache. The dependency object to set the separation to. The flag. Setter of OutputMissingKeys. The dependency object to set the separation to. The flag. Setter of DesignCulture. Only supported at DesignTime. The dependency object to set the culture to. The value. Holds a SyncRoot to be thread safe Holds the instance of singleton Holds the current chosen Holds the separation char/string. Determines, if the contains the invariant culture. Determines, if the cache is disabled. Determines, if missing keys should be output. A default provider. Determines, if the CurrentThread culture is set along with the Culture property. Determines if the code is run in DesignMode or not. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. Static Constructor Destructor code. Gets the default to initialize the . Gets the default separation char/string. Gets the singleton. If the underlying instance is null, a instance will be created. Gets the culture of the singleton instance. Gets or sets the for localization. On set, is raised. You have to set .Culture first or wait until System.Windows.Application.Current.MainWindow is created. Otherwise you will get an Exception. thrown if Culture will be set to null Gets or sets a flag that determines, if the CurrentThread culture should be changed along with the Culture property. Gets or sets the flag indicating if the invariant culture is included in the list. Gets or sets the flag that disables the cache. Gets or sets the flag that controls the output of missing keys. The separation char for automatic key retrieval. Gets or sets the default . Gets the merged list of all available cultures. A command for culture changes. Gets the specific of the current culture. This can be used for format manners. If the Culture is an invariant , SpecificCulture will also return an invariant . Get the localized object using the built-in ResxLocalizationProvider. The source of the dictionary. The dictionary with key/value pairs. The key to the value. The culture to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). Get the localized object using the given target for context information. The key to the value. The target . The culture to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). Get the localized object using the given target and provider. The key to the value. The target . The culture to use. The provider to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). Uses the key and target to build a fully qualified resource key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Key used as a base to find the full key Target used to help determine key information Returns an object with all possible pieces of the given key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Uses the key and target to build a fully qualified resource key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Key used as a base to find the full key Target used to help determine key information Provider to use Returns an object with all possible pieces of the given key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Looks up the ResourceManagers for the searched in the in the with an Invariant Culture. The resource assembly The dictionary to look up The key of the searched entry TRUE if the searched one is found, otherwise FALSE Looks up the ResourceManagers for the searched in the in the with the passed culture. If the searched one does not exists with the passed culture, is will searched until the invariant culture is used. The resource assembly The dictionary to look up The key of the searched entry The culture to use. TRUE if the searched one is found, otherwise FALSE Looks up the ResourceManagers for the searched with the passed culture. If the searched one does not exists with the passed culture, is will searched until the invariant culture is used. The key of the searched entry The culture to use. The localization provider. TRUE if the searched one is found, otherwise FALSE Gets the status of the design mode TRUE if in design mode, else FALSE An event for missing keys. Triggers a MissingKeyEvent. The sender of the event. The missing key. True, if a reload should be performed. The list of listeners Fire the event. The sender of the event. The event arguments. Adds a listener to the inner list of listeners. The listener to add. Removes a listener from the inner list of listeners. The listener to remove. Enumerates all listeners of type T. The listener type. An enumeration of listeners. A class for culture commands. Predicate that determines if an object can execute The action to execute when the command is invoked Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new command that can always execute. The execution logic. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new command. The execution logic. The execution status logic. Occurs when changes occur that affect whether or not the command should execute. Determines whether the command can execute in its current state. Data used by the command. If the command does not require data to be passed, this object can be set to null. true if this command can be executed; otherwise, false. Is called when the command is invoked. Data used by the command. If the command does not require data to be passed, this object can be set to null. Event arguments for a missing key event. The key that is missing or has no data. A flag indicating that a reload should be performed. A custom returnmessage for the missing key Creates a new instance of . The missing key. This class ensures, that a specific object lives as long a associated object is alive. This member holds the list of all s and their appropriate objects. Initializes static members of the class. Static Constructor. Creates a new instance of Dictionary(object, ) and set it to the . This method adds a new object dependency The , which ensures the live cycle of The object, which should stay alive as long is alive true, if the binding was successfully, otherwise false The cannot be null cannot be type of The .Target cannot be the same as This method cleans up all independent (!.IsAlive) objects. This method cleans up all independent (!.IsAlive) objects or a single object. If defined, the associated object dependency will be removed instead of a full CleanUp A memory safe dictionary storage for instances. Check, if it contains the key. The target object. True, if the key exists. Removes the entry. The target object. Adds the key-value-pair. The target key object. The notifier. An extension to the class with WeakReference instead of direct object linking. Gets the target object reference. Creates a new TargetInfo instance. The target object. The target property. The target property type. The target property index. Creates a new based on a template. The target information. A new instance with safe references. A localization extension based on . Informiert über sich ändernde Eigenschaften. Notify that a property has changed The property that changed The value, the internal binding is pointing at. Gets or sets the Key to a .resx object Gets or sets the culture to force a fixed localized object Clears the common resource buffer. Adds an item to the resource buffer (threadsafe). The key. The item. Removes an item from the resource buffer (threadsafe). The key. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resource identifier. Removes the listener from the dictionary. The finalizer. If Culture property defines a valid , a instance will get created and returned, otherwise .Culture will get returned. The thrown if the parameter Culture don't defines a valid This method is called when the resource somehow changed. The sender. The event arguments. This function returns the properly prepared output of the markup extension. A localization utility based on . Informiert über sich ändernde Eigenschaften. Notify that a property has changed The property that changed Clears the common resource buffer. Adds an item to the resource buffer (threadsafe). The key. The item. Removes an item from the resource buffer (threadsafe). The key. Key to set the resource key. The resource key. Converter to set the used to adapt to the target. Gets or sets the custom value converter. ConverterParameter. Gets or sets the converter parameter. ForceCulture. Gets or sets the forced culture. Gets or sets the content. Indicates, that the key changed. The FELoc object. The event argument. Based on http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/wpf/thread/580234cb-e870-4af1-9a91-3e3ba118c89c The target object. The list of DependencyProperties of the object. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resource identifier. Removes the listener from the dictionary. The finalizer. If Culture property defines a valid , a instance will get created and returned, otherwise .Culture will get returned. The thrown if the parameter Culture don't defines a valid This method is called when the resource somehow changed. The sender. The event arguments. This function returns the properly prepared output of the markup extension. A generic localization extension. Informiert über sich ändernde Eigenschaften. Notify that a property has changed The property that changed Holds the Key to a .resx object Holds the Binding to get the key the Name of the cached dynamic generated DependencyProperties Cached DependencyProperty for this object Cached DependencyProperty for key string A custom converter, supplied in the XAML code. A parameter that can be supplied along with the converter object. The last endpoint that was used for this extension. Clears the common resource buffer. Adds an item to the resource buffer (threadsafe). The key. The item. Removes an item from the resource buffer (threadsafe). The key. Gets the extension that is bound to a given target. Please note, that only the last endpoint of each extension can be evaluated. The target object. The target property name. The index in the property (if applicable). The bound extension or null, if not available. Get the name of a property (regular or DependencyProperty). The property object. The name of the property. Gets or sets the Key to a .resx object Gets or sets the custom value converter. Gets or sets the converter parameter. Gets or sets the culture to force a fixed localized object Gets or sets the initialize value. This is ONLY used to support the localize extension in blend! The initialize value. Gets or sets the Key that identifies a resource (Assembly:Dictionary:Key) Behavior when key is not found at the localization provider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The resource identifier. This method is called when the resource somehow changed. The sender. The event arguments. If Culture property defines a valid , a instance will get created and returned, otherwise .Culture will get returned. The thrown if the parameter Culture don't defines a valid Gets a localized value. The type of the returned value. The key. An optional converter. An optional converter parameter. The resolved localized object. Gets a localized value. The type of the returned value. The key. The target culture. An optional converter. An optional converter parameter. The resolved localized object. Gets a localized value. The type of the returned value. The key. The target . An optional converter. An optional converter parameter. The resolved localized object. Gets a localized value. The type of the returned value. The key. The target culture. The target . An optional converter. An optional converter parameter. The resolved localized object. Gets a localized value. The type of the returned value. The key. The target culture. The target . An optional converter. An optional converter parameter. The resolved localized object. Resolves the localized value of the current Assembly, Dict, Key pair. The resolved value. The type of the return value. True if the resolve was success, otherwise false. Resolves the localized value of the current Assembly, Dict, Key pair and the given target. The resolved value. The type of the return value. The target object. True if the resolve was success, otherwise false. Resolves the localized value of the current Assembly, Dict, Key pair. The resolved value. The target culture. The type of the return value. True if the resolve was success, otherwise false. Resolves the localized value of the current Assembly, Dict, Key pair and the given target. The resolved value. The target culture. The target object. The type of the return value. True if the resolve was success, otherwise false. Sets a binding between a with its or and the LocExtension. The target dependency object The target property TRUE if the binding was setup successfully, otherwise FALSE (Binding already exists). If the is not a or . Sets a binding between a with its or and the LocExtension. The target object The target property TRUE if the binding was setup successfully, otherwise FALSE (Binding already exists). If the is not a or . Sets a binding between a with its or and the LocExtension. The target dependency object The target property The index of the target property. (only used for Lists) TRUE if the binding was setup successfully, otherwise FALSE (Binding already exists). If the is not a or . Sets a binding between a with its or and the LocExtension. The target object The target property The index of the target property. (only used for Lists) TRUE if the binding was setup successfully, otherwise FALSE (Binding already exists). If the is not a or . Overridden, to return the key of this instance. Loc: + key A class that bundles the key, assembly and dictionary information. The key. The assembly of the dictionary. The resource dictionary. Creates a new instance of . The key. The assembly of the dictionary. The resource dictionary. Converts the object to a string. The joined version of the assembly, dictionary and key. An abstract class for key identification. Implicit string operator. The object. The joined version of the assembly, dictionary and key. An interface describing classes that provide localized values based on a source/dictionary/key combination. and used for a localization provider that uses Inheriting Dependency Properties An interface describing classes that provide localized values based on a source/dictionary/key combination. Uses the key and target to build a fully qualified resource key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Key used as a base to find the full key Target used to help determine key information Returns an object with all possible pieces of the given key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Get the localized object. The key to the value. The target . The culture to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). An observable list of available cultures. An event that is fired when the provider changed. An event that is fired when an error occurred. An event that is fired when a value changed. A singleton RESX provider that uses inheriting attached properties. DefaultDictionary to set the fallback resource dictionary. DefaultAssembly to set the fallback assembly. Indicates, that one of the attached properties changed. The dependency object. The event argument. Getter of default dictionary. The dependency object to get the default dictionary from. The default dictionary. Getter of default assembly. The dependency object to get the default assembly from. The default assembly. Setter of default dictionary. The dependency object to set the default dictionary to. The dictionary. Setter of default assembly. The dependency object to set the default assembly to. The assembly. The instance of the singleton. Lock object for the creation of the singleton instance. Gets the singleton. The singleton constructor. Extension methods for in conjunction with the . Tries to get a value that is stored somewhere in the visual tree above this . If this is not available, it will register a on the last element. The return type. The . The function that gets the value from a . The notification action on the change event of the Parent property. A dictionary of already registered notifiers. The value, if possible. Tries to get a value that is stored somewhere in the visual tree above this . The return type. The . The function that gets the value from a . The value, if possible. Tries to get a value from a that is stored somewhere in the visual tree above this . If this is not available, it will register a on the last element. The return type. The . A that will be read out. The notification action on the change event of the Parent property. A dictionary of already registered notifiers. The value, if possible. Gets the parent in the visual or logical tree. The dependency object. True for visual tree, false for logical tree. The parent, if available. Events arguments for a ProviderChangedEventHandler. The target object. Creates a new instance. The target object. An event handler for notification of provider changes. The sender. The event arguments. Events arguments for a ProviderErrorEventHandler. The target object. The key. The message. Creates a new instance. The target object. The key that caused the error. The error message. An event handler for notification of provider erorrs. The sender. The event arguments. Events arguments for a ValueChangedEventHandler. A custom tag. The new value. The key. Creates a new instance. The key where the value was changed. The new value. A custom tag. An event handler for notification of changes of localized values. The sender. The event arguments. A singleton RESX provider that uses attached properties and the Parent property to iterate through the visual tree. DefaultDictionary to set the fallback resource dictionary. DefaultAssembly to set the fallback assembly. IgnoreCase to set the case sensitivity. Indicates, that the attached property changed. The dependency object. The event argument. Indicates, that the attached property changed. The dependency object. The event argument. Indicates, that the attached property changed. The dependency object. The event argument. Getter of default dictionary. The dependency object to get the default dictionary from. The default dictionary. Getter of default assembly. The dependency object to get the default assembly from. The default assembly. Getter of ignore case flag. The dependency object to get the ignore case flag from. The ignore case flag. Setter of default dictionary. The dependency object to set the default dictionary to. The dictionary. Setter of default assembly. The dependency object to set the default assembly to. The assembly. Setter of ignore case flag. The dependency object to set the ignore case flag to. The ignore case flag. A dictionary for notification classes for changes of the individual target Parent changes. To use when no assembly is specified. To use when no dictionary is specified. The instance of the singleton. Lock object for the creation of the singleton instance. Gets the singleton. Resets the instance that is used for the ResxLocationProvider The singleton constructor. An action that will be called when a parent of one of the observed target objects changed. The target . The base for RESX file providers. Holds the name of the Resource Manager. Holds the extension of the resource files. Holds the binding flags for the reflection to find the resource files. Gets the used ResourceManagers with their corresponding namespaces. Lock object for concurrent access to the resource manager list. Lock object for concurrent access to the available culture list. Gets or sets the ignore case flag. Gets or sets the cultures there the RESX Provider search for. Returns the of the passed assembly instance The Assembly where to get the name from The Assembly name Parses a key ([[Assembly:]Dict:]Key and return the parts of it. The key to parse. The found or default assembly. The found or default dictionary. The found or default key. Get the assembly from the context, if possible. The target object. The assembly name, if available. Get the dictionary from the context, if possible. The target object. The dictionary name, if available. Thread-safe access to the resource manager dictionary. Key. Value. Success of the operation. Thread-safe access to the resource manager dictionary. Key. Value. Tries to remove a key from the resource manager dictionary. Key. Clears the whole list of cached resource managers. Thread-safe access to the AvailableCultures list. The CultureInfo. Updates the list of available cultures using the given resource location. The resource assembly. The dictionary to look up. True, if the update was successful. Get the executable path for both x86 and x64 processes. The process id. The path if found; otherwise, null. Looks up in the cached list for the searched . The resource assembly. The dictionary to look up. The found If the ResourceManagers cannot be looked up If the searched wasn't found Uses the key and target to build a fully qualified resource key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Key used as a base to find the full key Target used to help determine key information Returns an object with all possible pieces of the given key (Assembly, Dictionary, Key) Gets fired when the provider changed. An event that is fired when an error occurred. An event that is fired when a value changed. Calls the event. The target object. Calls the event. The target object. The key. The error message. Calls the event. The key where the value was changed. The new value. A custom tag. Get the localized object. The key to the value. The target object. The culture to use. The value corresponding to the source/dictionary/key path for the given culture (otherwise NULL). An observable list of available cultures. A type converter class for Bitmap resources that are used in WPF. Frees memory of a pointer. Object to remove from memory. 0 if the removing was success, otherwise another number. Implements a standard converter that calls itself all known type converters. Modifies the source data before passing it to the target for display in the UI. The source data being passed to the target. The of data expected by the target dependency property. An optional parameter to be used in the converter logic. The culture of the conversion. The value to be passed to the target dependency property. Modifies the target data before passing it to the source object. The target data being passed to the source. The of data expected by the source object. An optional parameter to be used in the converter logic. The culture of the conversion. The value to be passed to the source object. Register missing type converters here. A flag indication if the registration was successful. Registers the missing type converters. A converter for the type . PrependTypeConverter allows to prepend the type of the value as string with the default _ separator. To change the default separator just us the converterparamater Takes the first value as StringFormat and the other values as Parameter for the StringFormat ToLowerConverter return the value as value.ToUpper() ToUpperConverter return the value as value.ToUpper() Takes given value as resource key and translates it. If no text is found, the received value is returned. Baseclass for ValueTypeConvertes which implements easy usage as MarkupExtension