using Aitex.Core.RT.Device; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Configuration; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Aitex.Core.Common; using Aitex.Core.RT.DataCenter; using Aitex.Core.RT.Event; using Aitex.Core.RT.OperationCenter; using Aitex.Core.RT.SCCore; using Aitex.Core.Util; using Aitex.Sorter.Common; using MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment; using MECF.Framework.Common.SubstrateTrackings; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.TDK; using Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit; using System.Threading; using static Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit.IOE84Passive; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.CarrierIdReaders.CarrierIDReaderBase; using Aitex.Core.RT.Fsm; using MECF.Framework.Common.Event; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.Robots.RobotBase; namespace MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.LoadPortBase { public abstract class LoadPortBaseDevice : Entity, IEntity, ILoadPort { public LoadPortBaseDevice(string module, string name, RobotBaseDevice robot = null, IE84CallBack e84 = null) : base() { Module = module; Name = name; LPModuleName = (ModuleName)Enum.Parse(typeof(ModuleName), Name); _robot = robot; if (_robot != null) MapRobot.OnSlotMapRead += MapRobot_OnSlotMapRead; _lpE84Callback = e84; InitializeLP(); } public virtual int TimelimitAction { get { if (SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{Name}.TimeLimitAction")) return SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.TimeLimitAction"); return 90; } } public virtual int TimelimitHome { get { if (SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{Name}.TimeLimitLoadportHome")) return SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.TimeLimitLoadportHome"); return 90; } } public virtual bool IsAutoReadCarrierID { get { return SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.EnableAutoCarrierIdRead") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.EnableAutoCarrierIdRead") : true; } } public virtual bool IsAutoUnloadAfterProcess { get { return SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.EnableAutoUnload") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.EnableAutoUnload") : true; } } public virtual bool IsBypassCarrierIDReader { get { return SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.BypassCarrierIDReader") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.BypassCarrierIDReader") : false; } } public virtual bool IsAutoDetectCarrierType { get { return SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.AutoDetectCarrierType") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.AutoDetectCarrierType") : true; } } public virtual Tuple[] ValidCarrierTypeList { get { List> ret = new List>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { if (!SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.CarrierName{i}")) continue; if (SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.EnableCarrier{i}") && !SC.GetValue($"CarrierInfo.EnableCarrier{i}")) continue; string carriertype = "Carrier Type: " + SC.GetStringValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierName{i}") + (SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.CarrierWaferSize{i}") ? ($";WaferSize:WS{SC.GetValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierWaferSize{i}")}") : ""); ret.Add(new Tuple(i, carriertype)); } return ret.ToArray(); } } public virtual DispatchLPType DspLpType { get { if (SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{Name}.DispatchLpType")) { int inttype = SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.DispatchLpType"); return (DispatchLPType)inttype; } return DispatchLPType.NA; } } private void MapRobot_OnSlotMapRead(ModuleName arg1, string arg2) { if (arg1 == LPModuleName) OnSlotMapRead(arg2); } private void InitializeLP() { BuildTransitionTable(); SubscribeDataVariable(); SubscribeOperation(); SubscribeDeviceOperation(); RegisterOperation(); } private void BuildTransitionTable() { fsm = new StateMachine(Name + ".LPStateMachine", (int)LoadPortStateEnum.Init, 50); AnyStateTransition(LoadPortMsg.Error, fError, LoadPortStateEnum.Error); AnyStateTransition((int)FSM_MSG.ALARM, fError, (int)LoadPortStateEnum.Error); AnyStateTransition(LoadPortMsg.Abort, fStartAbort, LoadPortStateEnum.Init); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Init, LoadPortMsg.Reset, fStartReset, LoadPortStateEnum.Resetting); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Error, LoadPortMsg.Reset, fStartReset, LoadPortStateEnum.Resetting); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.Reset, fStartReset, LoadPortStateEnum.Resetting); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Resetting, LoadPortMsg.ResetComplete, fCompleteReset, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Resetting, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteReset, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Resetting, FSM_MSG.TIMER, fMonitorReset, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Init, LoadPortMsg.Init, fStartInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Initializing); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.Init, fStartInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Initializing); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Error, LoadPortMsg.Init, fStartInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Initializing); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Error, LoadPortMsg.InitComplete, fCompleteInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Init, LoadPortMsg.InitComplete, fCompleteInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Initializing, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Initializing, LoadPortMsg.InitComplete, fCompleteInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Initializing, FSM_MSG.TIMER, fMonitorInit, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Init, LoadPortMsg.StartHome, fStartHomet, LoadPortStateEnum.Homing); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.StartHome, fStartHomet, LoadPortStateEnum.Homing); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Error, LoadPortMsg.StartHome, fStartHomet, LoadPortStateEnum.Homing); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Homing, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteHome, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Homing, LoadPortMsg.HomeComplete, fCompleteHome, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Init, LoadPortMsg.HomeComplete, fCompleteHome, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Error, LoadPortMsg.HomeComplete, fCompleteHome, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.Load, fStartLoad, LoadPortStateEnum.Loading); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Loading, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteLoad, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Loading, LoadPortMsg.LoadComplete, fCompleteLoad, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Loading, FSM_MSG.TIMER, fMonitorLoad, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.Unload, fStartUnload, LoadPortStateEnum.Unloading); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Unloading, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteUnload, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Unloading, LoadPortMsg.UnloadComplete, fCompleteUnload, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Unloading, FSM_MSG.TIMER, fMonitorUnload, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, fStartExecute, LoadPortStateEnum.Executing); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Executing, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteExecute, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Executing, LoadPortMsg.MoveComplete, fCompleteExecute, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Executing, FSM_MSG.TIMER, fMonitorExecuting, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.StartReadData, fStartRead, LoadPortStateEnum.ReadingData); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.ReadingData, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteRead, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.ReadingData, LoadPortMsg.ReadComplete, fCompleteRead, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.StartWriteData, fStartWrite, LoadPortStateEnum.WrittingData); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.WrittingData, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteWrite, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.WrittingData, LoadPortMsg.MoveComplete, fCompleteWrite, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.Idle, LoadPortMsg.StartAccess, fStartAccess, LoadPortStateEnum.TransferBlock); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.TransferBlock, LoadPortMsg.CompleteAccess, fCompleteAccess, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.TransferBlock, LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, fCompleteAccess, LoadPortStateEnum.Idle); Transition(LoadPortStateEnum.TransferBlock, FSM_MSG.TIMER, fMonitorTransferBlock, LoadPortStateEnum.TransferBlock); } protected virtual bool fMonitorTransferBlock(object[] param) { return true; } protected virtual bool fMonitorExecuting(object[] param) { return false; } protected virtual bool fMonitorInit(object[] param) { return false; } protected virtual bool fMonitorReset(object[] param) { return false; } protected virtual bool fMonitorUnload(object[] param) { return false; } protected virtual bool fMonitorLoad(object[] param) { return false; } protected virtual bool fCompleteAccess(object[] param) { return true; } protected virtual bool fStartAccess(object[] param) { return true; } protected virtual bool fCompleteHome(object[] param) { return true; } protected virtual bool fStartHomet(object[] param) { return true; } protected virtual bool fCompleteWrite(object[] param) { return true; } protected abstract bool fStartWrite(object[] param); protected virtual bool fCompleteRead(object[] param) { return true; } protected abstract bool fStartRead(object[] param); protected virtual bool fCompleteMove(object[] param) { return true; } protected abstract bool fStartExecute(object[] param); protected virtual bool fCompleteExecute(object[] param) { return true; } protected abstract bool fStartUnload(object[] param); protected virtual bool fCompleteUnload(object[] param) { OnUnloaded(); return true; } protected virtual bool fCompleteLoad(object[] param) { OnLoaded(); return true; } protected abstract bool fStartLoad(object[] param); protected virtual bool fCompleteInit(object[] param) { return true; } protected abstract bool fStartInit(object[] param); protected virtual bool fCompleteReset(object[] param) { return true; } protected abstract bool fStartReset(object[] param); protected virtual bool fStartAbort(object[] param) { return true; } protected virtual bool fError(object[] param) { return true; } private void SubscribeDeviceOperation() { } private void SubscribeOperation() { } private void SubscribeDataVariable() { DoorState = FoupDoorState.Unknown; WaferManager.Instance.SubscribeLocation(LPModuleName, 25); CarrierManager.Instance.SubscribeLocation(LPModuleName.ToString()); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsPresent", () => _isPresent); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsPlaced", () => _isPlaced); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsClamped", () => ClampState == FoupClampState.Close); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsDocked", () => DockState == FoupDockState.Docked); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsDoorOpen", () => DoorState == FoupDoorState.Open); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsAccessSwPressed", () => IsAccessSwPressed); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "CarrierId", () => _carrierId); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "LPLotID", () => _lplotID); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsMapped", () => _isMapped); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "IsAutoDetectCarrierType", () => IsAutoDetectCarrierType); DATA.Subscribe(Name, "ValidCarrierTypeList", () => ValidCarrierTypeList); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportState", () => CurrentState.ToString()); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.Status", () => CurrentState.ToString()); //DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportBusy", () => ); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportError", () => ErrorCode); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.CassetteState", () => CassetteState); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.FoupClampState", () => ClampState); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.FoupDockState", () => DockState); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.FoupDoorState", () => DoorState); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.FoupDoorPosition", () => DoorPosition); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.SlotMap", () => SlotMap); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorLoad", () => IndicatiorLoad); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorUnload", () => IndicatiorUnload); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorPresence", () => IndicatiorPresence); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorPlacement", () => IndicatiorPlacement); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorAlarm", () => IndicatorAlarm); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorAccessAuto", () => IndicatiorAccessAuto); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorAccessManual", () => IndicatiorAccessManual); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorOpAccess", () => IndicatiorOpAccess); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorStatus1", () => IndicatiorStatus1); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IndicatiorStatus2", () => IndicatiorStatus2); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.CasstleType", () => (int)CasstleType); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.InfoPadCarrierType", () => SpecCarrierType); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.InfoPadCarrierTypeInformation", () => SpecCarrierInformation); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.InfoPadCarrierIndex", () => InfoPadCarrierIndex); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.CarrierWaferSize", () => GetCurrentWaferSize().ToString()); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IsError", () => CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Error); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.PreDefineWaferCount", () => PreDefineWaferCount); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.IsVerifyPreDefineWaferCount", () => IsVerifyPreDefineWaferCount); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierArrived, "Carrier arrived")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierRemoved, "Carrier removed")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierIdRead, "Carrier ID read")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierIdReadFailed, "Carrier ID read failed")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierIdWrite, "Carrier ID write")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierIdWriteFailed, "Carrier ID write failed")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventSlotMapAvailable, "Slot map available")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierUnloaded, "Carrier unloaded")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventCarrierloaded, "Carrier loaded")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventRfIdRead, "Carrier RFID read")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventRfIdReadFailed, "Carrier RFID read failed")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventRfIdWrite, "Carrier RFID write")); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Event", EventRfIdWriteFailed, "Carrier RFID write failed")); SubscribeAlarm(); IndicatorStateFeedback = new IndicatorState[20]; if (_lpE84Callback != null) { _lpE84Callback.OnE84ActiveSignalChange += _lpE84Callback_OnE84ActiveSignalChange; _lpE84Callback.OnE84PassiveSignalChange += _lpE84Callback_OnE84PassiveSignalChange; _lpE84Callback.OnE84HandOffComplete += _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffComplete; _lpE84Callback.OnE84HandOffStart += _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffStart; _lpE84Callback.OnE84HandOffTimeout += _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffTimeout; } } private void SubscribeAlarm() { EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortError, $"Load Port {Name} occurred error.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortCommunicationError, $"Load Port {Name}error.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortWaferProtrusion, $"Load Port {Name} wafer protrusion error.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortLoadTimeOut, $"Load Port {Name} load timeout.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortLoadFailed, $"Load Port {Name} load failed.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortUnloadTimeOut, $"Load Port {Name} unload timeout.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortUnloadFailed, $"Load Port {Name} unload failed.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortMappingError, $"Load Port {Name} mapping error.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortMappingTimeout, $"Load Port {Name} mapping Timeout.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmCarrierIDReadError, $"Load Port {Name} occurred error when read carrier ID.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmCarrierIDWriteError, $"Load Port {Name} occurred error when write carrierID.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortMapCrossedWafer, $"Load Port {Name} mapped crossed wafer.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortMapDoubleWafer, $"Load Port {Name} mapped double wafer.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortMapUnknownWafer, $"Load Port {Name} mapped unknown wafer.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortCarrierIDIndexConfigError, $"Load Port {Name} carrierID reader configuration is invalid.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortHomeFailed, $"Load Port {Name} occurred error when home.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadPortHomeTimeout, $"Load Port {Name} home timeout.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadE84TP1Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP1 timeout during loading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadE84TP2Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP2 timeout during loading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadE84TP3Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP3 timeout during loading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadE84TP4Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP4 timeout during loading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadE84TP5Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP5 timeout during loading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmLoadE84TP6Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP6 timeout during loading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmUnloadE84TP1Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP1 timeout during unloading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmUnloadE84TP2Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP2 timeout during unloading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmUnloadE84TP3Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP3 timeout during unloading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmUnloadE84TP4Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP4 timeout during unloading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmUnloadE84TP5Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP5 timeout during unloading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); EV.Subscribe(new EventItem("Alarm", AlarmUnloadE84TP6Timeout, $"Load Port {Name} occurred TP6 timeout during unloading foup.", EventLevel.Alarm, EventType.EventUI_Notify)); } public LoadPortStateEnum CurrentState => (LoadPortStateEnum)fsm.State; public LoadPortStateEnum PreviousState => (LoadPortStateEnum)fsm.PrevState; public ModuleName LPModuleName { get; protected set; } public virtual int InfoPadCarrierIndex { get; set; } public string SpecPortName { get; set; } = string.Empty; public string Module { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } protected event Action ActionDone; public event Action OnDeviceAlarmStateChanged; public bool IsBusy { get; set; } public bool IsIdle { get { return fsm.State == (int)LoadPortStateEnum.Idle && fsm.CheckExecuted() && !IsBusy; } } public virtual bool IsReady() { return fsm.State == (int)LoadPortStateEnum.Idle && !IsBusy; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorLoad { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorUnload { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorPresence { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatorAlarm { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorPlacement { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorOpAccess { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorAccessAuto { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorAccessManual { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorStatus1 { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorStatus2 { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorManualMode { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorClampUnclamp { get; set; } public IndicatorState IndicatiorDockUndock { get; set; } public static Dictionary LoadPortIndicatorLightMap = new Dictionary() { {IndicatorType.Load, Indicator.LOAD}, {IndicatorType.Unload, Indicator.UNLOAD}, {IndicatorType.AccessAuto, Indicator.ACCESSAUTO }, {IndicatorType.AccessManual, Indicator.ACCESSMANUL}, {IndicatorType.Alarm, Indicator.ALARM}, {IndicatorType.Presence, Indicator.PRESENCE}, {IndicatorType.Placement, Indicator.PLACEMENT}, {IndicatorType.Status1, Indicator.RESERVE1}, {IndicatorType.Status2, Indicator.RESERVE2}, }; public IndicatorState[] IndicatorStateFeedback { get; set; } public virtual FoupClampState ClampState { get; set; } public virtual FoupDockState DockState { get; set; } public virtual FoupDoorState DoorState { get; set; } public virtual FoupDoorPostionEnum DoorPosition { get; set; } public virtual bool IsVacuumON { get; set; } public virtual CasstleType CasstleType { get; set; } public string SlotMap { get { return GetSlotMap(); } } //Hirata public int WaferCount { get; set; } public string LoadPortType { get; protected set; } public virtual bool IsInfoPadAOn { get; set; } public virtual bool IsInfoPadBOn { get; set; } public virtual bool IsInfoPadCOn { get; set; } public virtual bool IsInfoPadDOn { get; set; } public virtual bool IsWaferProtrude { get; set; } public virtual string SpecCarrierType { get; set; } = ""; public virtual string SpecCarrierInformation { get { if (_isPresent) return "Index:" + InfoPadCarrierIndex.ToString() + "\r\n" + "Type:" + SpecCarrierType + "\r\n" + "Size:" + GetCurrentWaferSize().ToString() + (IsVerifyPreDefineWaferCount ? ("\r\n" + "Pre-Count:" + PreDefineWaferCount.ToString()) : ""); return ""; } } public virtual LoadportCassetteState CassetteState { get; set; } public virtual int PreDefineWaferCount { get; set; } public virtual bool IsVerifyPreDefineWaferCount { get => false; } public WaferSize Size { get; set; } = WaferSize.WS12; public virtual WaferSize GetCurrentWaferSize() { return Size; } public bool IsMapWaferByLoadPort { get; set; } public bool IsPresent { get { return _isPresent; } } public bool IsPlacement { get { return _isPlaced; } } public bool IsMapped { get { return _isMapped; } } public virtual bool IsLoaded { get { return DockState == FoupDockState.Docked && DoorState == FoupDoorState.Open && DoorPosition == FoupDoorPostionEnum.Down; } } public bool IsComplete { get; set; } public bool IsAccessSwPressed { get { return _isAccessSwPressed; } } public virtual bool IsError { get; set; } public virtual string ErrorCode { get; set; } = ""; public bool MapError { get; protected set; } public bool ReadCarrierIDError { get; set; } /// /// 是否处于FOSB模式 /// /// private bool _isRequestFosbMode; public bool IsRequestFOSBMode { get => _isRequestFosbMode; set { if (value != _isRequestFosbMode) { _isRequestFosbMode = value; EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} fosb mode was set to {_isRequestFosbMode}"); } } } public bool IsFosbModeActual { get; set; } public string CarrierId { get { return _carrierId; } } public string LPLotID { get { return _lplotID; } } public RD_TRIG PresentTrig { get { return _presentTrig; } } public RD_TRIG PlacedtTrig { get { return _placetTrig; } } public RD_TRIG AccessSwPressedTrig { get { return _accessSwPressedTrig; } } public RD_TRIG ClampedTrig { get { return _clampTrig; } } public RD_TRIG DockTrig { get { return _dockTrig; } } public RD_TRIG DoorTrig { get { return _doorTrig; } } protected virtual bool _isPresent { get; set; } protected virtual bool _isPlaced { get; set; } protected bool _isDocked { get => DockState == FoupDockState.Docked; } protected bool _isAccessSwPressed; protected string _carrierId = string.Empty; protected string _rfid; protected string _lplotID; protected bool _isMapped; private readonly RD_TRIG _presentTrig = new RD_TRIG(); private readonly RD_TRIG _placetTrig = new RD_TRIG(); private readonly RD_TRIG _accessSwPressedTrig = new RD_TRIG(); private readonly RD_TRIG _clampTrig = new RD_TRIG(); private readonly RD_TRIG _dockTrig = new RD_TRIG(); private readonly RD_TRIG _doorTrig = new RD_TRIG(); public R_TRIG TrigWaferProtrude = new R_TRIG(); public int PortID { get => (int)LPModuleName; } protected string EventCarrierArrived = "CARRIER_ARRIVED"; protected string EventCarrierIdRead = "CARRIER_ID_READ"; protected string EventCarrierIdReadFailed = "CARRIER_ID_READ_FAILED"; protected string EventCarrierIdWrite = "CARRIER_ID_WRITE"; protected string EventCarrierIdWriteFailed = "CARRIER_ID_WRITE_FAILED"; protected string EventSlotMapAvailable = "SLOT_MAP_AVAILABLE"; protected string EventCarrierRemoved = "CARRIER_REMOVED"; protected string EventCarrierUnloaded = "CARRIER_UNLOADED"; protected string EventCarrierloaded = "CARRIR_DOCK_COMPLETE"; protected string EventLPHomed = "LP_HOMED"; //protected string PORT_ID = "PORT_ID"; //protected string CAR_ID = "CAR_ID"; //protected string SLOT_MAP = "SLOT_MAP"; //protected string PORT_CTGRY = "PORT_CTGRY"; //protected string RF_ID = "RF_ID"; //protected string PORT_CARRIER_TYPE = "PORT_CARRIER_TYPE"; private string EventRfIdRead = "RF_ID_READ"; private string EventRfIdReadFailed = "RF_ID_READ_FAILED"; private string EventRfIdWrite = "RF_ID_WRITE"; private string EventRfIdWriteFailed = "RF_ID_WRITE_FAILED"; public string AlarmLoadPortError { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "Error"; } public string AlarmLoadPortCommunicationError { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "CommunicationError"; } public string AlarmLoadPortWaferProtrusion { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "WaferProtrusion"; } public string AlarmLoadPortLoadTimeOut { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "LoadTimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadPortLoadFailed { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "LoadFailed"; } public string AlarmLoadPortUnloadTimeOut { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "UnloadTimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadPortUnloadFailed { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "UnloadFailed"; } public string AlarmLoadPortMappingError { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "MappingError"; } public string AlarmLoadPortMappingTimeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "MappingTimeout"; } public string AlarmCarrierIDReadError { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "CarrierIDReadFail"; } public string AlarmCarrierIDWriteError { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "CarrierIDWriteFail"; } public string AlarmLoadPortHomeFailed { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "HomeFailed"; } public string AlarmLoadPortHomeTimeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "HomeTimeout"; } public string AlarmLoadE84TP1Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84LoadTP1TimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadE84TP2Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84LoadTP2TimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadE84TP3Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84LoadTP3TimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadE84TP4Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84LoadTP4TimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadE84TP5Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84LoadTP5TimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadE84TP6Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84LoadTP6TimeOut"; } public string AlarmUnloadE84TP1Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84UnloadTP1TimeOut"; } public string AlarmUnloadE84TP2Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84UnloadTP2TimeOut"; } public string AlarmUnloadE84TP3Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84UnloadTP3TimeOut"; } public string AlarmUnloadE84TP4Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84UnloadTP4TimeOut"; } public string AlarmUnloadE84TP5Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84UnloadTP5TimeOut"; } public string AlarmUnloadE84TP6Timeout { get => LPModuleName.ToString() + "E84UnloadTP6TimeOut"; } public string AlarmLoadPortMapCrossedWafer => LPModuleName.ToString() + "MapCrossedWafer"; public string AlarmLoadPortMapDoubleWafer => LPModuleName.ToString() + "MapDoubleWafer"; public string AlarmLoadPortMapUnknownWafer => LPModuleName.ToString() + "MapUnknownWafer"; public string AlarmLoadPortCarrierIDIndexConfigError => LPModuleName.ToString() + "LoadPortCarrierIDIndexConfigError"; private IE87CallBack _lpcallback = null; public IE87CallBack LPCallBack { get { return _lpcallback; } set { _lpcallback = value; } } private IE84CallBack _lpE84Callback = null; public IE84CallBack LPE84Callback { get { return _lpE84Callback; } set { _lpE84Callback = value; _lpE84Callback.OnE84ActiveSignalChange += _lpE84Callback_OnE84ActiveSignalChange; _lpE84Callback.OnE84PassiveSignalChange += _lpE84Callback_OnE84PassiveSignalChange; _lpE84Callback.OnE84HandOffComplete += _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffComplete; _lpE84Callback.OnE84HandOffStart += _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffStart; _lpE84Callback.OnE84HandOffTimeout += _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffTimeout; } } private ICarrierIDReader _carrierIDReadercallback = null; public ICarrierIDReader CarrierIDReaderCallBack { get { return _carrierIDReadercallback; } set { _carrierIDReadercallback = value; } } public virtual CIDReaderBaseDevice[] CIDReaders { get; set; } private RobotBaseDevice _robot = null; public RobotBaseDevice MapRobot { get { return _robot; } set { _robot = value; } } public LoadPortBaseDevice() { } private void _lpE84Callback_OnE84PassiveSignalChange(E84SignalID arg2, bool arg3) { ; } private void _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffTimeout(E84Timeout _timeout, string LoadorUnload) { if (LoadorUnload == "Load") { switch (_timeout) { case E84Timeout.TP1: EV.Notify(AlarmLoadE84TP1Timeout); //OnError(AlarmLoadE84TP1Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP2: EV.Notify(AlarmLoadE84TP2Timeout); //OnError(AlarmLoadE84TP2Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP3: EV.Notify(AlarmLoadE84TP3Timeout); //OnError(AlarmLoadE84TP3Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP4: EV.Notify(AlarmLoadE84TP4Timeout); //OnError(AlarmLoadE84TP4Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP5: EV.Notify(AlarmLoadE84TP5Timeout); //OnError(AlarmLoadE84TP5Timeout); break; default: break; } } if (LoadorUnload == "Unload") { switch (_timeout) { case E84Timeout.TP1: EV.Notify(AlarmUnloadE84TP1Timeout); //OnError(AlarmUnloadE84TP1Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP2: EV.Notify(AlarmUnloadE84TP2Timeout); //OnError(AlarmUnloadE84TP2Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP3: EV.Notify(AlarmUnloadE84TP3Timeout); //OnError(AlarmUnloadE84TP3Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP4: EV.Notify(AlarmUnloadE84TP4Timeout); //OnError(AlarmUnloadE84TP4Timeout); break; case E84Timeout.TP5: EV.Notify(AlarmUnloadE84TP5Timeout); //OnError(AlarmUnloadE84TP5Timeout); break; default: break; } } } private void _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffStart(string arg2) { OnE84HandOffStart(arg2 == "Load"); } private void _lpE84Callback_OnE84HandOffComplete(string arg2) { OnE84HandOffComplete(arg2 == "Load"); } private void _lpE84Callback_OnE84ActiveSignalChange(E84SignalID arg2, bool arg3) { ; } public virtual bool Connect() { return true; } private void RegisterOperation() { OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.SetPreDefineWaferCount", (string cmd, object[] param) => { PreDefineWaferCount = Convert.ToInt32(param[0]); EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} set pre define wafer count to {PreDefineWaferCount}"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.SetInfoPadIndex", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (IsAutoDetectCarrierType) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not set carrier type index when auto detection is enable."); return false; } if (SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.CarrierIndex")) { SC.SetItemValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.CarrierIndex", Convert.ToInt32(param[0])); } InfoPadCarrierIndex = Convert.ToInt32(param[0]); EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} set carrier type index to {InfoPadCarrierIndex}"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.ReadCarrierIDByIndex", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!ReadCarrierIDByIndex(param)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not read carrier ID"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start read carrierID"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.WriteCarrierIDByIndex", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!WriteCarrierIDByIndex(param)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not read carrier ID"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start read carrierID"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.ReadCarrierID", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!ReadCarrierID(param)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not read carrier ID"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start read carrierID"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.ReadCarrierIDByLP", (string cmd, object[] param) => { string reason; if (!ReadCarrierIDByLP(param, out reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not read carrier ID:{reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start read carrierID"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportHome", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Home(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not start home, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start home"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportHomeModule", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!HomeModule(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not start home, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start home"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportReset", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!LoadportReset(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not reset, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start reset"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportStop", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Stop(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not stop, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} stop"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportLoad", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Load(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not load, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start load"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportLoadWithoutMap", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!LoadWithoutMap(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not load without map, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start load without map"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportLoadWithMap", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Load(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not load with map, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start load with map"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportUnload", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Unload(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not unload, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start unload"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportUnloadWithMap", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!UnloadWithMap(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not unload, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start unload"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportClamp", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Clamp(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not clamp, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start clamp"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportUnclamp", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Unclamp(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not unclamp, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start unclamp"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportOpenDoor", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!OpenDoor(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not open door, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start open door"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportOpenDoorNoMap", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!OpenDoorNoMap(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not open door, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start open door"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportCloseDoor", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!CloseDoor(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not close door, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start close door"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportDock", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Dock(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not dock, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start dock"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportUndock", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!Undock(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not undock, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start undock"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportQueryState", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!QueryState(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not query state, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start query state"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportQueryLED", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!QueryIndicator(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not query led state, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start query led state"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportSetLED", (string cmd, object[] param) => { int light = (int)param[0]; int state = (int)param[1]; if (!SetIndicator((Indicator)light, (IndicatorState)state, out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not set led state, {reason}"); return true; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start set led state"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportMap", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!LoadPortMap(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not start loadport map, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start loadport map"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.MapWafer", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!MapWafer(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not map, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start map"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.SetCassetteType", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!SetCassetteType(param, out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not set type, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} cassette type have set to {CasstleType}"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportForceHome", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!ForceHome(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not start force home, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start force home"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportFOSBMode", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!FOSBMode(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not change to FOSB mode, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} changed to FOSB mode"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportFOUPMode", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!FOUPMode(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not change to FOSB mode, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} changed to FOSB mode"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportQueryFOSBMode", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!QueryFOSBMode(out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not change to FOUP mode, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} changed to FOSB mode"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.SetLoadportLotID", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!SetLotID(param, out string reason)) { return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} set lotID for loadport."); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.LoadportExecuteCommand", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!LoadPortExecute(param, out string reason)) { return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} execute command {cmd[0].ToString()}."); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.E84Retry", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!LoadPortE84Retry(param, out string reason)) { return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} execute command {cmd[0].ToString()}."); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.E84Complete", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!LoadPortE84Complete(param, out string reason)) { return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} execute command {cmd[0].ToString()}."); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.ManualSetCarrierID", (string cmd, object[] param) => { OnCarrierIdRead(param[0].ToString()); EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} execute command {cmd[0].ToString()}."); return true; }); } private bool LoadPortE84Complete(object[] param, out string reason) { if (_lpE84Callback != null) { _lpE84Callback.Complete(); } reason = ""; return true; } private bool LoadPortE84Retry(object[] param, out string reason) { if (_lpE84Callback != null) { _lpE84Callback.ResetE84(); } reason = ""; return true; } private bool LoadPortMap(out string reason) { reason = ""; if (!IsMapWaferByLoadPort) { reason = "LoadPort Map not support, pls use robot map"; EV.PostAlarmLog("System", "LoadPort Map not support, pls use robot map"); return false; } bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "MapWafer" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public bool LoadPortExecute(object[] para, out string reason) { bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, para); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } reason = ""; return true; } public bool LoadportReset(out string reason) { reason = ""; return CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Reset, null); } private bool SetLotID(object[] param, out string reason) { reason = ""; if (param == null || param.Length == 0) return false; _lplotID = param[0].ToString(); return true; } private bool SetCassetteType(object[] param, out string reason) { reason = ""; if (param.Length != 1) { reason = "Invalid setting parameter."; return false; } CasstleType = (CasstleType)int.Parse(param[0].ToString()); return true; } public virtual int ValidSlotsNumber { get => 25; } public virtual bool Load(out string reason) { if (!IsEnableLoad(out reason)) { return false; } reason = ""; bool ret; if (IsMapWaferByLoadPort) ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Load, new object[] { "LoadWithMap" }); else ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Load, new object[] { "LoadWithoutMap" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool LoadWithCloseDoor(out string reason) { if (!IsEnableLoad(out reason)) return false; reason = ""; bool ret; if (IsMapWaferByLoadPort) ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Load, new object[] { "LoadWithCloseDoor" }); else ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Load, new object[] { "LoadWithoutMapWithCloseDoor" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool LoadWithMap(out string reason) { if (!IsEnableLoad(out reason)) return false; reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Load, new object[] { "LoadWithMap" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool LoadWithoutMap(out string reason) { if (!IsEnableLoad(out reason)) return false; reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Load, new object[] { "LoadWithoutMap" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool MapWafer(out string reason) { reason = ""; if (!IsMapWaferByLoadPort) { if (_robot == null) { reason = "No mapping tools"; return false; } if (!_robot.IsReady()) { reason = "Robot not ready"; return false; } if (!IsEnableMapWafer(out reason)) { EV.PostAlarmLog("System", $"{LPModuleName} is not ready. {reason}"); return false; } return _robot.WaferMapping(LPModuleName, out reason); } bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "MapWafer" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool QueryWaferMap(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartReadData, new object[] { "MapData" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool QueryFOSBMode(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartReadData, new object[] { "FOSBMode" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } /// /// FOSB模式下的Dock指令 /// /// /// public virtual bool FOSBDock(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "Dock" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } /// /// FOSB模式下的FOSBUnDock指令 /// /// /// public virtual bool FOSBUnDock(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "UnDock" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } /// /// FOSB模式下的开门指令 /// /// /// public virtual bool FOSBDoorOpen(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "FOSBDoorOpen" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } /// /// FOSB模式下的关门指令 /// /// /// public virtual bool FOSBDoorClose(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "FOSBDoorClose" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } /// /// FOSB模式下的门下移指令 /// /// /// public virtual bool DoorDown(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "DoorDown" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } /// /// FOSB模式下的门上移指令 /// /// /// public virtual bool DoorUp(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "DoorUp" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool SetIndicator(IndicatorType light, IndicatorState state) { if (LoadPortIndicatorLightMap.ContainsKey(light)) { SetIndicator(LoadPortIndicatorLightMap[light], state, out string _); return true; } EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"Not supported indicator {light}"); return false; } public IndicatorState GetIndicator(IndicatorType light) { if (LoadPortIndicatorLightMap.ContainsKey(light)) { return IndicatorStateFeedback[(int)LoadPortIndicatorLightMap[light]]; } EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"Not supported indicator {light}"); return IndicatorState.OFF; } public virtual bool SetE84Available(out string reason) { if (_lpE84Callback != null) { _lpE84Callback.SetHoAutoControl(false); _lpE84Callback.SetHoAvailable(true); } reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool SetE84Unavailable(out string reason) { if (_lpE84Callback != null) { _lpE84Callback.SetHoAutoControl(false); _lpE84Callback.SetHoAvailable(false); } reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool SetIndicator(Indicator light, IndicatorState state, out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "SetIndicator", light, state }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool QueryIndicator(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "QueryIndicator" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool QueryState(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "QueryState" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool Undock(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "Undock" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool Dock(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "Dock" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool CloseDoor(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "CloseDoor" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool OpenDoor(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "OpenDoor" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool OpenDoorAndDown(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "OpenDoorAndDown" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool DoorUpAndClose(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "DoorUpAndClose" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool OpenDoorNoMap(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "OpenDoorNoMap" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool OpenDoorAndMap(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "OpenDoorAndMap" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool Unclamp(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "Unclamp" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool Clamp(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "Clamp" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool Unload(out string reason) { reason = ""; if (!IsEnableUnload(out reason)) return false; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Unload, "UnloadWithoutMap"); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool UnloadWithMap(out string reason) { reason = ""; if (!IsEnableUnload(out reason)) return false; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Unload, "UnloadWithMap"); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool Stop(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Abort, null); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool ClearError(out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool Init(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Init, new object[] { "Init" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool Home(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Init, new object[] { "Home" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool HomeModule(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartHome, new object[] { "Home" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool ForceHome(out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Init, new object[] { "ForceHome" }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool FOSBMode(out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool FOUPMode(out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool ReadCarrierIDByLP(object[] para, out string reason) { reason = ""; if (para != null && para.Length == 2) return ReadCarrierIDByLP(Convert.ToInt32(para[0]), Convert.ToInt32(para[1]), out reason); return ReadCarrierIDByLP(0, 8, out reason); } public virtual bool ReadCarrierIDByLP(int offset, int length, out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "ReadCarrierID", offset, length }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool WriteCarrierID(string cid, int offset, int length, out string reason) { reason = ""; bool ret = CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartExecute, new object[] { "WriteCarrierID", cid, offset, length }); if (!ret) { reason = $"Can't execute on {CurrentState}"; } return ret; } public virtual bool ChangeAccessMode(bool auto, out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool SetServiceCommand(bool inService, out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool GetE84HandoffActiveSignalState(E84PioPosition piopostion, E84PioSignalAtoP AtoPsignal) { if (_lpE84Callback == null) return false; switch (AtoPsignal) { case E84PioSignalAtoP.AM_AVBL: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.AM_AVBL); case E84PioSignalAtoP.BUSY: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.BUSY); case E84PioSignalAtoP.COMPT: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.COMPT); case E84PioSignalAtoP.CONT: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.CONT); case E84PioSignalAtoP.CS_0: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.CS_0); case E84PioSignalAtoP.CS_1: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.CS_1); case E84PioSignalAtoP.TR_REQ: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.TR_REQ); case E84PioSignalAtoP.VALID: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.VALID); default: return false; } } public virtual bool GetE84HandoffPassiveSignalState(E84PioPosition piopostion, E84PioSignalPtoA PtoAsignal) { if (_lpE84Callback == null) return false; switch (PtoAsignal) { case E84PioSignalPtoA.ES: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.ES); case E84PioSignalPtoA.HO_AVBL: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.HO_AVBL); case E84PioSignalPtoA.L_REQ: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.L_REQ); case E84PioSignalPtoA.READY: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.READY); case E84PioSignalPtoA.U_REQ: return _lpE84Callback.GetE84SignalState(E84SignalID.U_REQ); default: return false; } } public virtual void SetE84HandoffSignalState(E84PioPosition piopostion, E84PioSignalPtoA PtoAsignal, bool state) { if (_lpE84Callback == null) return; switch (PtoAsignal) { case E84PioSignalPtoA.ES: _lpE84Callback.SetE84SignalState(E84PassiveSignal.ES, state); break; case E84PioSignalPtoA.HO_AVBL: _lpE84Callback.SetE84SignalState(E84PassiveSignal.HOAvbl, state); break; case E84PioSignalPtoA.L_REQ: _lpE84Callback.SetE84SignalState(E84PassiveSignal.LoadReq, state); break; case E84PioSignalPtoA.READY: _lpE84Callback.SetE84SignalState(E84PassiveSignal.Ready, state); break; case E84PioSignalPtoA.U_REQ: _lpE84Callback.SetE84SignalState(E84PassiveSignal.UnloadReq, state); break; default: break; } } public virtual void Monitor() { _presentTrig.CLK = _isPresent; _placetTrig.CLK = _isPlaced; _dockTrig.CLK = _isDocked; _clampTrig.CLK = ClampState == FoupClampState.Close; _doorTrig.CLK = DoorState == FoupDoorState.Close; _accessSwPressedTrig.CLK = _isAccessSwPressed; if (_lpE84Callback != null) { _lpE84Callback.SetFoupStatus(_isPlaced); if (CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Idle && ClampState == FoupClampState.Open && DockState == FoupDockState.Undocked) _lpE84Callback.SetReadyTransferStatus(true); else _lpE84Callback.SetReadyTransferStatus(false); } } public virtual void Reset() { MapError = false; ReadCarrierIDError = false; if (_carrierIDReadercallback != null) _carrierIDReadercallback.Reset(); } public virtual bool IsEnableDualTransfer(out string reason) { reason = ""; return false; } public virtual bool IsEnableMapWafer(out string reason) { reason = ""; if (!_isPlaced) { reason = "No carrier placed"; return false; } if (!_isDocked) { reason = "carrier is not docked"; return false; } if (!IsReady()) { reason = "Not Ready"; return false; } if (DoorState != FoupDoorState.Open) { reason = "Door is not opened"; return false; } if (DoorPosition != FoupDoorPostionEnum.Down) { reason = "Door is not down"; return false; } return true; } public virtual bool IsEnableTransferWafer(out string reason) { reason = ""; if(CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Error) { reason = "LoadPort In Error"; return false; } if (!_isPlaced) { reason = "No carrier placed"; return false; } if (!_isMapped) { reason = "Not Mapped"; return false; } if (!IsReady()) { reason = "Not Ready"; return false; } var wafers = WaferManager.Instance.GetWafers(ModuleHelper.Converter(Name)); foreach (var wafer in wafers) { if (wafer.IsEmpty) continue; if (wafer.Status == WaferStatus.Crossed || wafer.Status == WaferStatus.Double) { //EV.PostWarningLog(Name, $"At least one wafer is {wafer.Status.ToString()}."); reason = $"At least one wafer is {wafer.Status.ToString()}."; return false; } } return true; } public virtual bool IsEnableLoad(out string reason) { if (!_isPlaced) { reason = "No carrier placed"; return false; } if (_isDocked) { reason = "Carrier is docked"; return false; } if (!IsReady()) { reason = "Not Ready"; return false; } reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool IsEnableUnload(out string reason) { if (!_isPlaced) { reason = "No carrier placed"; return false; } if (!_isDocked) { reason = "Carrier is undocked"; return false; } if (!IsReady()) { reason = "Not Ready"; return false; } reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool IsForbidAccessSlotAboveWafer() { return false; } public CarrierOnLPState _CarrierOnState { get; private set; } = CarrierOnLPState.Unknow; public bool HasAlarm => throw new NotImplementedException(); protected void ConfirmAddCarrier() { if (_isPresent && _isPlaced) { if (_CarrierOnState != CarrierOnLPState.On) { CarrierManager.Instance.CreateCarrier(Name); _CarrierOnState = CarrierOnLPState.On; SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; EV.Notify(EventCarrierArrived, dvid); if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.CarrierArrive(); _isMapped = false; } IsComplete = false; } } protected void ConfirmRemoveCarrier() { if (!_isPlaced) { if (_CarrierOnState != CarrierOnLPState.Off) { for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { WaferManager.Instance.DeleteWafer(ModuleHelper.Converter(Name), 0, 25); } CarrierManager.Instance.DeleteCarrier(Name); _CarrierOnState = CarrierOnLPState.Off; SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = _carrierId ?? ""; EV.Notify(EventCarrierRemoved, dvid); if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.CarrerRemove(_carrierId); } IsComplete = false; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { WaferManager.Instance.DeleteWafer(ModuleHelper.Converter(Name), 0, 25); } _isMapped = false; _carrierId = ""; } } public virtual void OnSlotMapRead(string _slotMap) { if (!IsMapWaferByLoadPort) OnActionDone(new object[] { }); if (_slotMap.Length != ValidSlotsNumber) { EV.PostAlarmLog("LoadPort", "Mapping Data Error."); } for (int i = 0; i < _slotMap.Length; i++) { // No wafer: "0", Wafer: "1", Crossed:"2", Undefined: "?", Overlapping wafers: "W" WaferInfoRt wafer = null; switch (_slotMap[i]) { case '0': WaferManager.Instance.DeleteWafer(LPModuleName, i); CarrierManager.Instance.UnregisterCarrierWafer(Name, i); break; case '1': wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Normal); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); break; case '2': wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Crossed); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMapCrossedWafer); break; case 'W': wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Double); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMapDoubleWafer); break; case '?': wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Unknown); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); //NotifyWaferError(Name, i, WaferStatus.Unknown); break; } } SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["SlotMap"] = _slotMap; dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = CarrierId; EV.Notify(EventSlotMapAvailable, dvid); if (_slotMap.Contains("2")) { MapError = true; EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMappingError, new SerializableDictionary { {"AlarmText","Mapped Crossed wafer." } }); } if (_slotMap.Contains("W")) { MapError = true; EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMappingError, new SerializableDictionary { {"AlarmText","Mapped Double wafer." } }); } if (_slotMap.Contains("?")) { MapError = true; EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMappingError, new SerializableDictionary { {"AlarmText","Mapped Unknown wafer." } }); } if (LPCallBack != null) LPCallBack.MappingComplete(_carrierId, _slotMap); _isMapped = true; } private string GetSlotMap() { var wafers = WaferManager.Instance.GetWafers(ModuleHelper.Converter(Name)); string slot = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { slot += wafers[i].IsEmpty ? "0" : "1"; } return slot; } /// /// 获取LP中空缺Slot /// /// 返回一个list, 顺序为从下到上.(0-25) public virtual bool ReadCarrierIDByIndex(int offset = 0, int length = 16, int index = 0) { if (CIDReaders == null || CIDReaders.Length <= index) return false; return CIDReaders[index].ReadCarrierID(offset, length); } public virtual bool WriteCarrierIDByIndex(string cid, int offset = 0, int length = 16, int index = 0) { if (CIDReaders == null || CIDReaders.Length <= index) return false; return CIDReaders[index].WriteCarrierID(offset, length, cid); } public bool ReadCarrierIDByIndex(object[] para) { int offset = SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.StartPage") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.StartPage") : 0; int length = SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.DataReadSize") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.DataReadSize") : 16; int index = 0; if (para != null) index = Convert.ToInt32(para[0]); return ReadCarrierIDByIndex(offset, length, index); } public bool WriteCarrierIDByIndex(object[] para) { int offset = SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.StartPage") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.StartPage") : 0; int length = SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.DataReadSize") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.DataReadSize") : 16; if (para == null) return false; int index = Convert.ToInt32(para[0]); string cid = para[1].ToString(); return WriteCarrierIDByIndex(cid, offset, length, index); } public virtual bool ReadCarrierID(int offset = 0, int length = 16) { if (SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.{LPModuleName}CIDReaderIndex{InfoPadCarrierIndex}")) { int cidindex = SC.GetValue($"CarrierInfo.{LPModuleName}CIDReaderIndex{InfoPadCarrierIndex}"); if (CIDReaders != null && CIDReaders.Length > cidindex) _carrierIDReadercallback = CIDReaders[cidindex]; else { return true; //EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortCarrierIDIndexConfigError); } } if (_carrierIDReadercallback != null) return _carrierIDReadercallback.ReadCarrierID(offset, length); return false; } public virtual bool ReadCarrierID(object[] para) { if (para != null && para.Length == 2) { return ReadCarrierID(Convert.ToInt32(para[0]), Convert.ToInt32(para[1])); } return ReadCarrierID(); } public virtual bool WriteCarrierID(string carrierID, int offset = 0, int length = 16) { if (_carrierIDReadercallback != null) return _carrierIDReadercallback.WriteCarrierID(offset, length, carrierID); return false; } public void OnCarrierIdRead(string carrierId) { if (_isPlaced && _isPresent) { _carrierId = carrierId; SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PORT_ID"] = PortID; dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = CarrierId; EV.Notify(EventCarrierIdRead, dvid); CarrierManager.Instance.UpdateCarrierId(Name, carrierId); if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.CarrierIDReadSuccess(_carrierId); ReadCarrierIDError = false; } else { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"No FOUP found, carrier id {carrierId} not saved"); } } public bool NoteTransferStart() { return CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.StartAccess, null); } public bool NoteTransferStop() { return CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.CompleteAccess, null); } public void ProceedSetCarrierID(string cid) { _carrierId = cid; CarrierManager.Instance.UpdateCarrierId(Name, cid); } public void OnCarrierIdWrite(string carrierId) { _carrierId = carrierId; if (_isPlaced && _isPresent) { SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PORT_ID"] = PortID; dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = carrierId; EV.Notify(EventCarrierIdWrite, dvid); } else { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"No FOUP found, carrier id {carrierId} not saved"); } } public void OnCarrierIdReadFailed() { if (_isPlaced && _isPresent) { _carrierId = ""; SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PORT_ID"] = PortID; dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; EV.Notify(EventCarrierIdReadFailed, dvid); if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.CarrierIDReadFail(); EV.Notify(AlarmCarrierIDReadError, new SerializableDictionary { {"AlarmText","CarrierID read fail." } }); ReadCarrierIDError = true; } else { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, "No FOUP found, carrier id read is not valid"); } } public void OnCarrierIdWriteFailed() { if (_isPlaced && _isPresent) { SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PORT_ID"] = PortID; dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; EV.Notify(EventCarrierIdWriteFailed, dvid); } else { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, "No FOUP found, carrier id not valid"); } } public void OnCarrierIdRead(ModuleName module, string carrierId) { OnCarrierIdRead(carrierId); } public void OnCarrierIdReadFailed(ModuleName module) { OnCarrierIdReadFailed(); } public void OnCarrierIdWrite(ModuleName module, string carrierId) { OnCarrierIdWrite(carrierId); } public void OnCarrierIdWriteFailed(ModuleName module) { OnCarrierIdWriteFailed(); } public void OnLoaded() { var dvid = new SerializableDictionary { ["CarrierID"] = _carrierId ?? "", ["CAR_ID"] = _carrierId ?? "", ["PORT_ID"] = PortID, ["PortID"] = PortID, ["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName, ["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType }; EV.Notify(EventCarrierloaded, dvid); //if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.LoadComplete(); //} } public void OnUnloaded() { var dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = _carrierId; dvid["CAR_ID"] = _carrierId ?? ""; dvid["PORT_ID"] = PortID; EV.Notify(EventCarrierUnloaded, dvid); //} DockState = FoupDockState.Undocked; if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.UnloadComplete(); //_isMapped = false; } public void OnE84HandOffStart(bool isload) { if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.OnE84HandoffStart(isload); } public void OnE84HandOffComplete(bool isload) { if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.OnE84HandoffComplete(isload); } public void OnCarrierUndock() { var dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_ID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = _carrierId ?? ""; dvid["CAR_ID"] = _carrierId ?? ""; EV.Notify(EventCarrierUnloaded, dvid); //} if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.UnloadComplete(); } public void OnHomed() { //for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) //{ WaferManager.Instance.DeleteWafer(ModuleHelper.Converter(Name), 0, 25); //} _isMapped = false; var dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = _carrierId; EV.Notify(EventLPHomed); if (_lpcallback != null) _lpcallback.OnLPHomed(); } public virtual void OnError(string error = "") { EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortError); EV.PostAlarmLog("LoadPort", error); IsBusy = false; CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.Error, null); if (ActionDone != null) ActionDone(false); } protected void SetPresent(bool isPresent) { _isPresent = isPresent; if (_isPresent) { //ConfirmAddCarrier(); } else { //ConfirmRemoveCarrier(); } } protected virtual void SetPlaced(bool isPlaced) { _isPlaced = isPlaced; if (_isPlaced) { ConfirmAddCarrier(); } else { ConfirmRemoveCarrier(); } } public virtual bool OnActionDone(object[] param) { IsBusy = false; CheckToPostMessage((int)LoadPortMsg.ActionDone, new object[] { "ActionDone" }); if (ActionDone != null) ActionDone(true); return true; } public void OnActionDone(bool result) { if (ActionDone != null) ActionDone(result); } public bool CheckToPostMessage(int msg, params object[] args) { if (!fsm.FindTransition(fsm.State, msg)) { if ((LoadPortMsg)msg != LoadPortMsg.ActionDone && (LoadPortMsg)msg != LoadPortMsg.StartExecute) EV.PostWarningLog(Name, $"{Name} is in { (LoadPortStateEnum)fsm.State} state,can not do {(LoadPortMsg)msg}"); return false; } CurrentParamter = args; if (msg < 10) IsBusy = true; else IsBusy = false; fsm.PostMsg(msg, args); return true; } public bool CheckToPostMessage(LoadPortMsg msg, params object[] args) { if (!fsm.FindTransition(fsm.State, (int)msg)) { if ((LoadPortMsg)msg != LoadPortMsg.ActionDone && (LoadPortMsg)msg != LoadPortMsg.StartExecute) EV.PostWarningLog(Name, $"{Name} is in { (LoadPortStateEnum)fsm.State} state,can not do {(LoadPortMsg)msg}"); return false; } CurrentParamter = args; if ((int)msg < 10) IsBusy = true; else IsBusy = false; fsm.PostMsg((int)msg, args); return true; } public bool Check(int msg, out string reason, params object[] args) { if (!fsm.FindTransition(fsm.State, msg)) { reason = String.Format("{0} is in {1} state,can not do {2}", Name, (LoadPortStateEnum)fsm.State, (LoadPortMsg)msg); return false; } reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool FALoad(out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool WriteRfid(string cid, int startpage, int length, out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public virtual bool ReadRfId(out string reason) { reason = ""; return true; } public object[] CurrentParamter { get; private set; } public virtual DeviceState State { get { if (CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Idle) { return DeviceState.Idle; } if (MapError || ReadCarrierIDError|| CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Error) { return DeviceState.Error; } if (IsBusy) return DeviceState.Busy; return DeviceState.Unknown; } } public virtual string InfoPadCarrierType { get; set; } } public enum LoadPortStateEnum { Undefined = 0, Init, Initializing, Homing, Resetting, Idle, Mapping, Loading, Unloading, Executing, Error, ReadingData, WrittingData, TransferBlock, }; public enum LoadPortMsg { Init, StartReadData, StartWriteData, Load, Unload, Reset, StartExecute, StartHome, InitComplete = 10, ReadComplete, WriteComplete, LoadComplete, UnloadComplete, ResetComplete, HomeComplete, Error, Abort, Stop, MoveComplete, ActionDone, StartAccess, CompleteAccess, } public enum DispatchLPType { NA, Loader, Unloader, } }