using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.TDK; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.UPS { public class EATONUPS:UPSBase { public EATONUPS(string module, string name, string scRoot) : base(module, name, scRoot) { Oids.Add("InputVoltage", ".");//输入电压,输入电压为0说明使用UPS xupsInputVoltage Oids.Add("BatteryVoltage", ".");//电池当前电压V xupsBatVoltage Oids.Add("BatteryRemainsTime", ".");//剩余时间s,要除60 xupsBatTimeRemaining Oids.Add("upsOutputSource", ".");//当前输出源 xupsOutputSource Oids.Add("BatteryUnderResidue", ".");//电量剩余百分比,直接用数值 xupsBatCapacity } public override void ParseOutputSource(string value) { // xupsOutputSource DESCRIPTION // SYNTAX INTEGER { // other(1), //none(2), //normal(3), //bypass(4), //battery(5), //booster(6), //reducer(7), //parallelCapacity(8), //parallelRedundant(9), //highEfficiencyMode(10), //maintenanceBypass(11), //essMode(12) //} //"The present source of output power. The enumeration // none(2) indicates that there is no source of output // power(and therefore no output power), for example, // the system has opened the output breaker. // 'normal', 'bypass', and 'battery' indicate those common UPS statuses. // 'booster' and 'reducer' indicate boost or buck operation, for // line - interactive UPSs only. // 'parallelCapacity' and 'parallelRedundant' indicate a normal parallel // UPS system, in either Parallel for Capacity or Redundancy configuration. // 'highEfficiencyMode' is normal but enhanced by High Efficiency mode. // 'maintenanceBypass' indicates that the UPS is in Maintenance / Manual // Bypass mode. // 'essMode' is normal but enhanced by Energy Saver System. // 'other' covers any other, unusual conditions." if (value == "2") //None { UPSPowerAlarm = true; } else UPSPowerAlarm = false; } public override void ParseBatteryRemainsTime(string value) { BatteryRemainsTime = Convert.ToInt32(value)/60; } public override void ParseBatteryVoltage(string value) { BatteryVoltage = Convert.ToSingle(value); } public override void ParseInputVoltage(string value) { InputVoltage = Convert.ToSingle(value); } } }