using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using MECF.Framework.Common.ControlDataContext; using MECF.Framework.Common.DataCenter; using MECF.Framework.Common.Utilities; using MECF.Framework.UI.Client.ClientBase; using SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes; using SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries; using SciChart.Data.Model; using Cali = Caliburn.Micro; namespace MECF.Framework.UI.Client.CenterViews.DataLogs.ProcessHistory { public class ProcessHistoryViewModel : UiViewModelBase { public bool IsPermission { get => this.Permission == 3; } public ObservableCollection SelectedData { get; set; } public AutoRange ChartAutoRange { get { return EnableAutoZoom ? AutoRange.Always : AutoRange.Never; } } public AutoRange AutoRangeX { get => _autoRangeX; set { _autoRangeX = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(AutoRangeX)); } } public AutoRange AutoRangeY { get => _autoRangeY; set { _autoRangeY = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(AutoRangeY)); } } private bool _enableAutoZoom = true; public bool EnableAutoZoom { get { return _enableAutoZoom; } set { _enableAutoZoom = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(EnableAutoZoom)); NotifyOfPropertyChange(nameof(ChartAutoRange)); } } private IRange _TimeRange; public IRange TimeRange { get { return _TimeRange; } set { _TimeRange = value; NotifyOfPropertyChange("TimeRange"); } } private IRange _ValueRange; public IRange ValueRange { get { return _ValueRange; } set { _ValueRange = value; } } private Queue colorQueue = new Queue(new Color[]{Color.Red,Color.Orange,Color.Yellow,Color.Green,Color.Blue,Color.Pink,Color.Purple,Color.Aqua,Color.Bisque,Color.Brown,Color.BurlyWood,Color.CadetBlue, Color.CornflowerBlue,Color.DarkBlue,Color.DarkCyan,Color.DarkGray,Color.DarkGreen,Color.DarkKhaki,Color.DarkMagenta,Color.DarkOliveGreen, Color.DarkOrange, Color.DarkSeaGreen,Color.DarkSlateBlue,Color.DarkSlateGray,Color.DarkViolet,Color.DeepPink,Color.DeepSkyBlue,Color.DimGray, Color.DodgerBlue,Color.ForestGreen, Color.Gold, Color.Gray,Color.GreenYellow,Color.HotPink,Color.Indigo,Color.Khaki,Color.LightBlue,Color.LightCoral,Color.LightGreen, Color.LightPink,Color.LightSalmon,Color.LightSkyBlue, Color.LightSlateGray,Color.LightSteelBlue,Color.LimeGreen,Color.MediumOrchid,Color.MediumPurple,Color.MediumSeaGreen,Color.MediumSlateBlue,Color.MediumSpringGreen, Color.MediumTurquoise,Color.Moccasin,Color.NavajoWhite,Color.Olive,Color.OliveDrab,Color.OrangeRed,Color.Orchid,Color.PaleGoldenrod,Color.PaleGreen, Color.PeachPuff,Color.Peru,Color.Plum,Color.PowderBlue,Color.RosyBrown,Color.RoyalBlue,Color.SaddleBrown,Color.Salmon,Color.SeaGreen, Color.Sienna, Color.SkyBlue,Color.SlateBlue,Color.SlateGray,Color.SpringGreen,Color.Teal,Color.Aquamarine,Color.Tomato,Color.Turquoise,Color.Violet,Color.Wheat, Color.YellowGreen}); Cali.WindowManager wm = new Cali.WindowManager(); SelectDataViewModel selectDataDlg = new SelectDataViewModel(); private AutoRange _autoRangeX; private AutoRange _autoRangeY; public ProcessHistoryViewModel() { DisplayName = "Process History"; SelectedData = new ObservableCollection(); TimeRange = new DateRange(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(59)); AutoRangeX = AutoRange.Once; AutoRangeY = AutoRange.Once; } public void SelectData() { selectDataDlg.CheckAllRecipeFlag = false; selectDataDlg.SelectedRecipes.Clear(); selectDataDlg.SelectedParameters.Clear(); var settings = new Dictionary { { "Title", "Select Recipe Data" } }; bool? ret = wm.ShowDialog(selectDataDlg, null, settings); if (ret == null || !ret.Value) return; SelectedData.Clear(); double valueMin = double.MaxValue; double valueMax = double.MinValue; DateTime dtMin = DateTime.MaxValue; DateTime dtMax = DateTime.MinValue; foreach (var recipe in selectDataDlg.SelectedRecipes) { if (Convert.ToDateTime(recipe.StartTime) < dtMin) dtMin = Convert.ToDateTime(recipe.StartTime); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipe.EndTime)) { if (Convert.ToDateTime(recipe.EndTime) > dtMax) dtMax = Convert.ToDateTime(recipe.EndTime); } QueryData(recipe, selectDataDlg.SelectedParameters, ref valueMin, ref valueMax); } TimeRange = new DateRange(dtMin.AddMinutes(-1), dtMax.AddMinutes(5)); ValueRange = new DoubleRange(valueMin - 5, valueMax + 5); } public void QueryData(RecipeItem recipe, ObservableCollection keys, ref double min, ref double max) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipe.StartTime)) { MessageBox.Show($"can not query recipe data, did not record {recipe.Recipe} start time"); return; } DateTime dtFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(recipe.StartTime); DateTime dtTo = dtFrom.AddMinutes(10); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipe.EndTime)) { dtTo = Convert.ToDateTime(recipe.EndTime); } Dictionary>> result; if (GetDbData(recipe.Chamber, dtFrom, dtTo, keys, out result, ref min, ref max)) { foreach (var data in result) { ChartDataLine line = new ChartDataLine(data.Key); line.DataSource = recipe.Recipe; foreach (var tuple in data.Value) { line.Append(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2); } SelectedData.Add(line); SelectedDataChanged(); } } } public bool GetDbData(string chamber, DateTime from, DateTime to, IEnumerable dataIdList, out Dictionary>> returnDatas, ref double min, ref double max) { returnDatas = new Dictionary>>(); for (DateTime dfrom = new DateTime(from.Year, from.Month, from.Day); dfrom < to; dfrom += new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) { DateTime begin = (dfrom.Year == from.Year && dfrom.Month == from.Month && dfrom.Day == from.Day) ? from : new DateTime(dfrom.Year, dfrom.Month, dfrom.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0); DateTime end = (dfrom.Date == to.Date) ? to : new DateTime(dfrom.Year, dfrom.Month, dfrom.Day, 23, 59, 59, 999); //if (begin.Date > DateTime.Today) // continue; try { string sql = "select time AS InternalTimeStamp"; foreach (var dataId in dataIdList) { if (!returnDatas.Keys.Contains(dataId) && dataId.StartsWith($"{chamber}.")) { returnDatas[dataId] = new List>(); sql += "," + string.Format("\"{0}\"", dataId); } } sql += string.Format(" from \"{0}\" where time > {1} and time <= {2} order by time asc;", begin.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "." + chamber, begin.Ticks, end.Ticks); using (var table = QueryDataClient.Instance.Service.QueryData(sql)) { if (table == null || table.Rows.Count == 0) continue; DateTime dt = new DateTime(); Dictionary colName = new Dictionary(); for (int colNo = 0; colNo < table.Columns.Count; colNo++) colName.Add(colNo, table.Columns[colNo].ColumnName); for (int rowNo = 0; rowNo < table.Rows.Count; rowNo++) { var row = table.Rows[rowNo]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { long ticks = (long)row[i]; dt = new DateTime(ticks); } else { string dataId = colName[i]; double value = 0.0; if (row[i] is DBNull || row[i] == null) { value = 0.0; } else if (row[i] is bool) { value = (bool)row[i] ? 1.0 : 0; } else { value = (double)float.Parse(row[i].ToString()); } returnDatas[dataId].Add(Tuple.Create(dt, value)); if (value < min) min = value; if (value > max) max = value; } } } table.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); return false; } } return true; } private void SelectedDataChanged() { foreach (var item in SelectedData) { if (item.Stroke.Equals(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 255))) { Color drawingColor = colorQueue.Peek(); item.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(drawingColor.R, drawingColor.G, drawingColor.B); colorQueue.Enqueue(colorQueue.Dequeue()); } } } public void DeleteAll() { SelectedData.Clear(); } public void Delete(ChartDataLine cp) { if (cp != null && SelectedData.Contains(cp)) { SelectedData.Remove(cp); } } public void ExportAll() { try { if (SelectedData.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show($"Please select the data you want to export.", "Export", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); dlg.DefaultExt = ".xlsx"; // Default file extension dlg.Filter = "Excel数据表格文件(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; // Filter files by extension dlg.FileName = $"{DisplayName}_{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}"; Nullable result = dlg.ShowDialog();// Show open file dialog box if (result == true) // Process open file dialog box results { System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(new System.Data.DataTable($"Export_{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}")); ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("Time"); ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].DataType = typeof(DateTime); Dictionary timeValue = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < SelectedData.Count; i++) { List> data = (SelectedData[i] as ChartDataLine).Points; foreach (var tuple in data) { if (!timeValue.ContainsKey(tuple.Item1)) timeValue[tuple.Item1] = new double[SelectedData.Count]; timeValue[tuple.Item1][i] = tuple.Item2; } ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add((SelectedData[i] as ChartDataLine).DataName); ds.Tables[0].Columns[i + 1].DataType = typeof(double); } foreach (var item in timeValue) { var row = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); row[0] = item.Key; for (int j = 0; j < item.Value.Length; j++) { row[j + 1] = item.Value[j]; } ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add(row); } if (!ExcelHelper.ExportToExcel(dlg.FileName, ds, out string reason)) { MessageBox.Show($"Export failed, {reason}", "Export", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } MessageBox.Show($"Export succeed, file save as {dlg.FileName}", "Export", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); MessageBox.Show("Write failed," + ex.Message, "export failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } public void Export(ChartDataLine cp) { try { Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); dlg.DefaultExt = ".xlsx"; // Default file extension dlg.Filter = "Excel数据表格文件(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; // Filter files by extension dlg.FileName = $"{cp.DataName}_{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}"; Nullable result = dlg.ShowDialog();// Show open file dialog box if (result == true) // Process open file dialog box results { System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(new System.Data.DataTable(cp.DataName)); ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("Time"); ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].DataType = typeof(DateTime); ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(cp.DataName); ds.Tables[0].Columns[1].DataType = typeof(double); foreach (var item in cp.Points) { var row = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); row[0] = item.Item1; row[1] = item.Item2; ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add(row); } if (!ExcelHelper.ExportToExcel(dlg.FileName, ds, out string reason)) { MessageBox.Show($"Export failed, {reason}", "Export", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } MessageBox.Show($"Export succeed, file save as {dlg.FileName}", "Export", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); MessageBox.Show("Write failed," + ex.Message, "export failed", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } public void SelectColor(ChartDataLine cp) { if (cp == null) return; var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog(); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { cp.Stroke = new System.Windows.Media.Color() { A = dlg.Color.A, B = dlg.Color.B, G = dlg.Color.G, R = dlg.Color.R }; } } } }