using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Aitex.Core.Common; using Aitex.Core.RT.DataCenter; using Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Devices; using Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit; using Aitex.Core.RT.Event; using Aitex.Core.RT.IOCore; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using Aitex.Core.RT.OperationCenter; using Aitex.Core.RT.SCCore; using Aitex.Core.Util; using Aitex.Sorter.Common; using MECF.Framework.Common.Communications; using MECF.Framework.Common.SubstrateTrackings; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.LoadPortBase; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.TDK; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.Robots.RobotBase; namespace MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.OpenStages { public class OpenStageHHGyy : LoadPortBaseDevice, IConnection { public EnumLoadPortType PortType { get; set; } public bool Initalized { get; set; } public bool Error { get; set; } public virtual string InfoPadCarrierType { get; set; } = ""; public override FoupDoorState DoorState { get { return FoupDoorState.Open; } } private IoSensor[] _diInfoPadA; private IoSensor[] _diInfoPadB; private IoSensor[] _diInfoPadC; private IoSensor _diPresence; private IoSensor _diWaferProtrude; private Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit.IoTrigger _doIndicatorCstPresent; private Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit.IoTrigger _doIndicatorCstPlacement; private Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit.IoTrigger _doIndicatorCstA; private Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit.IoTrigger _doIndicatorCstB; private Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit.IoTrigger _doIndicatorCstC; private Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit.IoTrigger _doIndicatorAlarm; private int m_InfoPadIndex; private int m_IndicatorPadIndex; private RD_TRIG _trigPresentAbsent = new RD_TRIG(); private RD_TRIG _trigPresentAbsentDely = new RD_TRIG(); private RD_TRIG _trigPlacement = new RD_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigWaferProtrude = new R_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigCoverClosed = new R_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigDoorOpen = new R_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigDoorClose = new R_TRIG(); DeviceTimer _deviceTimer = new DeviceTimer(); private int _queryPeriod = 0; //ms //private bool _isStillThere = false; private bool _isVirtualMode = false; private bool _isLoaded = false; private string _carrierInformation = ""; public override LoadportCassetteState CassetteState { get { if (!_diPresence.Value) { return LoadportCassetteState.Absent; } if (_diPresence.Value && (m_IndicatorPadIndex == 60 || m_IndicatorPadIndex == 48 || m_IndicatorPadIndex == 15)) return LoadportCassetteState.Normal; return LoadportCassetteState.Unknown; } } public string Address { get => ""; } public bool IsConnected => true; public void SetPrensentAbsentDelay(int ms) { _queryPeriod = ms; } public OpenStageHHGyy(string module, string name, IoSensor[] dis, IoTrigger[] indicators, RobotBaseDevice mapRobot) : base( module, name, mapRobot) { OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.SetAndLoad", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!SetAndLoad(param,out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not load, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start load"); return true; }); OP.Subscribe($"{Name}.SetAndMap", (string cmd, object[] param) => { if (!SetAndMap(param,out string reason)) { EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"{Name} can not load, {reason}"); return false; } EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"{Name} start load"); return true; }); DATA.Subscribe($"{Name}.CarrierInformation", () => _carrierInformation); if (dis == null) throw new ArgumentException("DI cannot be null", "diPresent"); if (indicators == null) throw new ArgumentException("DO indicators cannot be null", "diNoWaferProtrude"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentException("name cannot be null or empty", "name"); _diInfoPadA = new IoSensor[] { dis[0], dis[1] }; _diInfoPadB = new IoSensor[] { dis[2], dis[3] }; _diInfoPadC = new IoSensor[] { dis[4], dis[5] }; _diPresence = dis[6]; _diWaferProtrude = dis[7]; _doIndicatorCstPresent = indicators[0]; _doIndicatorCstPlacement = indicators[1]; _doIndicatorCstA = indicators[2]; _doIndicatorCstB = indicators[3]; _doIndicatorCstC = indicators[4]; _doIndicatorAlarm = indicators[5]; IsMapWaferByLoadPort = false; PortType = EnumLoadPortType.OpenStage; LoadPortType = "OpenStage"; Initalized = true; IsBusy = false; Error = false; m_InfoPadIndex = ((_diInfoPadA[0].Value && _diInfoPadA[1].Value) ? 1 : 0) + ((_diInfoPadB[0].Value && _diInfoPadB[1].Value) ? 2 : 0) + ((_diInfoPadC[0].Value && _diInfoPadC[1].Value) ? 4 : 0); InfoPadCarrierType = SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.CarrierName{m_InfoPadIndex}") ? SC.GetStringValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierName{m_InfoPadIndex}") : "Unknown"; DockState = FoupDockState.Docked; DoorState = FoupDoorState.Open; InfoPadCarrierIndex = 3; } private bool SetAndMap(object[] param,out string reason) { _isLoaded = true; //InfoPadCarrierIndex = Convert.ToInt16(param[0]); return MapWafer(out reason); } private bool SetAndLoad(object[] param,out string reason) { InfoPadCarrierIndex = Convert.ToInt16(param[0]); reason = ""; return true; //return Load(out reason); } public override bool IsLoaded => _isLoaded; protected override bool fStartExecute(object[] param) { try { switch (param[0].ToString()) { case "MapWafer": if (!IsMapWaferByLoadPort) { string reason = ""; if (!IsEnableMapWafer(out reason)) { EV.PostAlarmLog("LoadPort", $"{LPModuleName} is not ready to map wafer:{reason}"); return false; } if (MapRobot != null) return MapRobot.WaferMapping(LPModuleName, out _); return false; } break; } IsBusy = false; return false; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); EV.PostAlarmLog(Name, $"Parameter invalid"); return false; } } public override void Monitor() { if (_isVirtualMode) return; if(SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.{LPModuleName}CarrierIndex")) { if ((SC.GetValue($"CarrierInfo.{LPModuleName}CarrierIndex")) != m_InfoPadIndex) SC.SetItemValue($"CarrierInfo.{LPModuleName}CarrierIndex", m_InfoPadIndex); } //m_InfoPadIndex = ((_diInfoPadA[0].Value && _diInfoPadA[1].Value) ? 1 : 0) + // ((_diInfoPadB[0].Value && _diInfoPadB[1].Value) ? 2 : 0) + // ((_diInfoPadC[0].Value && _diInfoPadC[1].Value) ? 4 : 0); m_IndicatorPadIndex = (_diInfoPadA[0].Value ? 32 : 0) + (_diInfoPadA[1].Value ? 16 : 0) + (_diInfoPadB[0].Value ? 8 : 0) + (_diInfoPadB[1].Value ? 4 : 0) + (_diInfoPadC[0].Value ? 2 : 0) + (_diInfoPadC[1].Value ? 1 : 0); switch(m_IndicatorPadIndex) { case 60: m_InfoPadIndex = 6; break; case 48: m_InfoPadIndex = 5; break; case 15: m_InfoPadIndex = 3; break; default: m_InfoPadIndex = 0; break; } InfoPadCarrierType = SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.CarrierName{m_InfoPadIndex}") ? SC.GetStringValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierName{m_InfoPadIndex}") : "Unknown"; if (_isPlaced) { SpecCarrierType = InfoPadCarrierType; string carrierinfor = SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.CarrierInformation{InfoPadCarrierIndex}") ? SC.GetStringValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierInformation{InfoPadCarrierIndex}") : ""; string stationName = SC.GetStringValue($"CarrierInfo.{Name}Station{InfoPadCarrierIndex}"); _carrierInformation = $"Thickness:{carrierinfor},Station Name:{stationName}"; } else { SpecCarrierType = ""; _carrierInformation = ""; } _doIndicatorAlarm.SetTrigger(MapError, out _); _doIndicatorCstPresent.SetTrigger(_diPresence.Value, out _); if (CassetteState == LoadportCassetteState.Absent) _trigPresentAbsent.CLK = false; if (CassetteState == LoadportCassetteState.Normal) { if (m_InfoPadIndex == 6) { _doIndicatorCstA.SetTrigger(true, out _); _doIndicatorCstB.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstC.SetTrigger(false, out _); _trigPresentAbsent.CLK = true; _doIndicatorCstPlacement.SetTrigger(true, out _); } else if (m_InfoPadIndex == 5) { _doIndicatorCstA.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstB.SetTrigger(true, out _); _doIndicatorCstC.SetTrigger(false, out _); _trigPresentAbsent.CLK = true; _doIndicatorCstPlacement.SetTrigger(true, out _); } else if (m_InfoPadIndex == 3) { _doIndicatorCstA.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstB.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstC.SetTrigger(true, out _); _trigPresentAbsent.CLK = true; _doIndicatorCstPlacement.SetTrigger(true, out _); } else { _doIndicatorCstA.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstB.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstC.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstPlacement.SetTrigger(false, out _); } } else { _isLoaded = false; _doIndicatorCstA.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstB.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstC.SetTrigger(false, out _); _doIndicatorCstPlacement.SetTrigger(false, out _); } if (_trigPresentAbsent.R) { SetPresent(true); SetPlaced(true); } if (_trigPresentAbsent.T) { SetPresent(false); SetPlaced(false); } var wafers = WaferManager.Instance.GetWafers(LPModuleName); int OcrThreshold = SC.GetValue("Process.OCRScoreThreshold"); foreach(var wafer in wafers) { if (wafer.IsEmpty) continue; if (wafer.SubstE90Status != EnumE90Status.Processed) continue; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wafer.LaserMarkerScore)) continue; float waferscore = Convert.ToSingle(wafer.LaserMarkerScore); if(waferscore < (float)OcrThreshold) { wafer.SubstE90Status = EnumE90Status.Aborted; wafer.ProcessState = EnumWaferProcessStatus.Failed; } } base.Monitor(); } public override void OnSlotMapRead(string _slotMap) { if (!IsMapWaferByLoadPort) OnActionDone(new object[] { }); if (_slotMap.Length != ValidSlotsNumber) { EV.PostAlarmLog("LoadPort", "Mapping Data Error."); } int waferindex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _slotMap.Length; i++) { // No wafer: "0", Wafer: "1", Crossed:"2", Undefined: "?", Overlapping wafers: "W" WaferInfoRt wafer = null; switch (_slotMap[i]) { case '0': WaferManager.Instance.DeleteWafer(LPModuleName, i); CarrierManager.Instance.UnregisterCarrierWafer(Name, i); break; case '1': Int32 thickness = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(MapRobot.ReadMappingUpData[waferindex]) - Convert.ToInt32(MapRobot.ReadMappingDownData[waferindex])); Int32 MinThickness = GetMinThickness(_slotMap); if (thickness > (MinThickness * m_doubleWaferFactor)) { wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Double); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMapDoubleWafer); waferindex++; break; } wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Normal); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); waferindex++; break; case '2': wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Crossed); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMapCrossedWafer); waferindex++; break; case 'W': wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Double); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMapDoubleWafer); waferindex++; break; case '?': wafer = WaferManager.Instance.CreateWafer(LPModuleName, i, WaferStatus.Unknown); WaferManager.Instance.UpdateWaferSize(LPModuleName, i, GetCurrentWaferSize()); CarrierManager.Instance.RegisterCarrierWafer(Name, i, wafer); //NotifyWaferError(Name, i, WaferStatus.Unknown); waferindex++; break; } } SerializableDictionary dvid = new SerializableDictionary(); dvid["SlotMap"] = _slotMap; dvid["PortID"] = PortID; dvid["PORT_CTGRY"] = SpecPortName; dvid["CarrierType"] = SpecCarrierType; dvid["CarrierID"] = CarrierId; EV.Notify(EventSlotMapAvailable, dvid); if (_slotMap.Contains("2")) { MapError = true; EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMappingError, new SerializableDictionary { {"AlarmText","Mapped Crossed wafer." } }); } if (_slotMap.Contains("W")) { MapError = true; EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMappingError, new SerializableDictionary { {"AlarmText","Mapped Double wafer." } }); } if (_slotMap.Contains("?")) { MapError = true; EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortMappingError, new SerializableDictionary { {"AlarmText","Mapped Unknown wafer." } }); } if (LPCallBack != null) LPCallBack.MappingComplete(_carrierId, _slotMap); _isMapped = true; } private Int32 GetMinThickness(string slotmap) { Int32 thickness =-1; int waferindex = 0; foreach(char slot in slotmap) { if(slot != '0') { int currentThickness = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(MapRobot.ReadMappingUpData[waferindex]) - Convert.ToInt32(MapRobot.ReadMappingDownData[waferindex])); if (thickness > currentThickness || thickness == -1) thickness = currentThickness; waferindex++; } } return thickness; } private int m_doubleWaferFactor { get { if (SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.DoubleWaferFactor")) return SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{LPModuleName}.DoubleWaferFactor"); return 2; } } public override void Reset() { base.Reset(); //_trigWaferProtrude.RST = true; } protected override bool fMonitorReset(object[] param) { IsBusy = false; return true; } public override bool IsEnableMapWafer(out string reason) { if (CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Error) { reason = "In Error State"; return false; } if (CassetteState != LoadportCassetteState.Normal) { reason = "no FOUP placed"; return false; } if (!_diWaferProtrude.Value && !IsBypassProtrusion && CurrentState != LoadPortStateEnum.TransferBlock) { //_trigWaferProtrude.CLK = !_diWaferProtrude.Value; //if (_trigWaferProtrude.Q) //{ // EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortWaferProtrusion); //} reason = "Found wafer protrude"; return false; } if (!_isLoaded) { reason = "Cassette is not loaded"; return false; } //if (!IsReady()) //{ // reason = "Not Ready"; // return false; //} reason = ""; return true; } public override bool MapWafer(out string reason) { _isLoaded = true; _trigWaferProtrude.RST = true; return base.MapWafer(out reason); } public override bool Load(out string reason) { _isLoaded = true; reason = ""; _trigWaferProtrude.RST = true; return true; } public override bool IsEnableLoad(out string reason) { if (CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Error) { reason = "In Error State"; return false; } if (CassetteState != LoadportCassetteState.Normal) { reason = "no FOUP placed"; return false; } if (!_diWaferProtrude.Value && !IsBypassProtrusion && CurrentState != LoadPortStateEnum.TransferBlock) { //_trigWaferProtrude.CLK = !_diWaferProtrude.Value; //if (_trigWaferProtrude.Q) //{ // EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortWaferProtrusion); //} reason = "Found wafer protrude"; return false; } reason = ""; return true; } public override bool IsEnableTransferWafer(out string reason) { if (CurrentState == LoadPortStateEnum.Error) { reason = "In Error State"; return false; } if (CassetteState != LoadportCassetteState.Normal) { reason = "no FOUP placed"; return false; } if (!_diWaferProtrude.Value&& !IsBypassProtrusion) { //_trigWaferProtrude.CLK = !_diWaferProtrude.Value; //if (_trigWaferProtrude.Q) //{ // EV.Notify(AlarmLoadPortWaferProtrusion); //} reason = "Found wafer protrude"; return false; } if (!_isLoaded) { reason = "Cassette is not loaded"; return false; } if (!_isMapped) { reason = "FOUP not mapped"; return false; } foreach(var wafer in WaferManager.Instance.GetWafers(LPModuleName)) { if (wafer.IsEmpty) continue; if(wafer.Status == WaferStatus.Crossed) { reason = "Crossed wafer"; return false; } if (wafer.Status == WaferStatus.Double) { reason = "Double wafer"; return false; } } reason = ""; return true; } public bool IsBypassProtrusion { get { if (SC.ContainsItem($"CarrierInfo.BypassProtrusionDetectCarrier{m_InfoPadIndex}") && SC.GetValue($"CarrierInfo.BypassProtrusionDetectCarrier{m_InfoPadIndex}")) { return true; } return false; } } public override bool IsForbidAccessSlotAboveWafer() { return false; } protected override bool fStartUnload(object[] para) { if (!_isPlaced) return false; //_isMapped = false; return true; } protected override bool fMonitorUnload(object[] param) { IsBusy = false; return true; } public override bool SetIndicator(Indicator light, IndicatorState state, out string reason) { reason = ""; switch (light) { case Indicator.LOAD: break; case Indicator.UNLOAD: break; case Indicator.ACCESSAUTO: break; case Indicator.ALARM: if (state == IndicatorState.ON) _doIndicatorAlarm.SetTrigger(true, out _); else _doIndicatorAlarm.SetTrigger(false, out _); break; default: reason = "Not support"; return false; } return true; } public bool Disconnect() { return true; } protected override bool fStartWrite(object[] param) { return true; } protected override bool fStartRead(object[] param) { return true; } protected override bool fStartLoad(object[] param) { string reason; //if (!IsEnableLoad(out reason)) //{ // EV.PostAlarmLog("System", $"{LPModuleName} load fail:{reason}"); // IsBusy = false; // return false; //} _isLoaded = true; IsBusy = false; return true; } protected override bool fMonitorLoad(object[] param) { IsBusy = false; return true; } protected override bool fStartInit(object[] param) { return true; } protected override bool fMonitorInit(object[] param) { IsBusy = false; return true; } protected override bool fStartReset(object[] param) { return true; } } }