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namespace Caliburn.Micro.Core.Xamarin.Forms
namespace Caliburn.Micro
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Caliburn.Micro.Core;
#if WinRT
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using UIElement = global::Xamarin.Forms.Element;
/// <summary>
/// A strategy for determining which view model to use for a given view.
/// </summary>
public static class ViewModelLocator
const string DefaultViewSuffix = "Activity";
#elif IOS
const string DefaultViewSuffix = "ViewController";
const string DefaultViewSuffix = "View";
static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLog(typeof(ViewModelLocator));
//These fields are used for configuring the default type mappings. They can be changed using ConfigureTypeMappings().
static string defaultSubNsViews;
static string defaultSubNsViewModels;
static bool useNameSuffixesInMappings;
static string nameFormat;
static string viewModelSuffix;
static readonly List<string> ViewSuffixList = new List<string>();
static bool includeViewSuffixInVmNames;
/// Used to transform names.
public static readonly NameTransformer NameTransformer = new NameTransformer();
/// <summary>
/// The name of the capture group used as a marker for rules that return interface types
/// </summary>
public static string InterfaceCaptureGroupName = "isinterface";
static ViewModelLocator() {
var configuration = new TypeMappingConfiguration();
configuration.DefaultSubNamespaceForViews = "Activities";
configuration.IncludeViewSuffixInViewModelNames = false;
#elif IOS
configuration.DefaultSubNamespaceForViews = "ViewControllers";
configuration.IncludeViewSuffixInViewModelNames = false;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies how type mappings are created, including default type mappings. Calling this method will
/// clear all existing name transformation rules and create new default type mappings according to the
/// configuration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="config">An instance of TypeMappingConfiguration that provides the settings for configuration</param>
public static void ConfigureTypeMappings(TypeMappingConfiguration config)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.DefaultSubNamespaceForViews))
throw new ArgumentException("DefaultSubNamespaceForViews field cannot be blank.");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.DefaultSubNamespaceForViewModels))
throw new ArgumentException("DefaultSubNamespaceForViewModels field cannot be blank.");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.NameFormat))
throw new ArgumentException("NameFormat field cannot be blank.");
defaultSubNsViews = config.DefaultSubNamespaceForViews;
defaultSubNsViewModels = config.DefaultSubNamespaceForViewModels;
nameFormat = config.NameFormat;
useNameSuffixesInMappings = config.UseNameSuffixesInMappings;
viewModelSuffix = config.ViewModelSuffix;
includeViewSuffixInVmNames = config.IncludeViewSuffixInViewModelNames;
private static void SetAllDefaults()
if (useNameSuffixesInMappings)
//Add support for all view suffixes
AddSubNamespaceMapping(defaultSubNsViews, defaultSubNsViewModels);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a default type mapping using the standard namespace mapping convention
/// </summary>
/// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
public static void AddDefaultTypeMapping(string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
if (!useNameSuffixesInMappings)
//Check for <Namespace>.<BaseName><ViewSuffix> construct
AddNamespaceMapping(String.Empty, String.Empty, viewSuffix);
//Check for <Namespace>.Views.<NameSpace>.<BaseName><ViewSuffix> construct
AddSubNamespaceMapping(defaultSubNsViews, defaultSubNsViewModels, viewSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>
/// <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>
/// <param name="nsTargetsRegEx">Array of RegEx replace values for target namespaces</param>
/// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
public static void AddTypeMapping(string nsSourceReplaceRegEx, string nsSourceFilterRegEx, string[] nsTargetsRegEx, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
var replist = new List<string>();
Action<string> func;
const string basegrp = "${basename}";
var interfacegrp = "${" + InterfaceCaptureGroupName + "}";
if (useNameSuffixesInMappings)
if (viewModelSuffix.Contains(viewSuffix) || !includeViewSuffixInVmNames)
var nameregex = String.Format(nameFormat, basegrp, viewModelSuffix);
func = t =>
replist.Add(t + "I" + nameregex + interfacegrp);
replist.Add(t + "I" + basegrp + interfacegrp);
replist.Add(t + nameregex);
replist.Add(t + basegrp);
var nameregex = String.Format(nameFormat, basegrp, "${suffix}" + viewModelSuffix);
func = t =>
replist.Add(t + "I" + nameregex + interfacegrp);
replist.Add(t + nameregex);
func = t =>
replist.Add(t + "I" + basegrp + interfacegrp);
replist.Add(t + basegrp);
nsTargetsRegEx.ToList().Apply(t => func(t));
string suffix = useNameSuffixesInMappings ? viewSuffix : String.Empty;
var srcfilterregx = String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSourceFilterRegEx)
? null
: String.Concat(nsSourceFilterRegEx, String.Format(nameFormat, RegExHelper.NameRegEx, suffix), "$");
var rxbase = RegExHelper.GetNameCaptureGroup("basename");
var rxsuffix = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("suffix", suffix);
//Add a dummy capture group -- place after the "$" so it can never capture anything
var rxinterface = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup(InterfaceCaptureGroupName, String.Empty);
String.Concat(nsSourceReplaceRegEx, String.Format(nameFormat, rxbase, rxsuffix), "$", rxinterface),
/// <summary>
/// Adds a standard type mapping based on namespace RegEx replace and filter patterns
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nsSourceReplaceRegEx">RegEx replace pattern for source namespace</param>
/// <param name="nsSourceFilterRegEx">RegEx filter pattern for source namespace</param>
/// <param name="nsTargetRegEx">RegEx replace value for target namespace</param>
/// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
public static void AddTypeMapping(string nsSourceReplaceRegEx, string nsSourceFilterRegEx, string nsTargetRegEx, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
AddTypeMapping(nsSourceReplaceRegEx, nsSourceFilterRegEx, new[] { nsTargetRegEx }, viewSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a standard type mapping based on simple namespace mapping
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nsSource">Namespace of source type</param>
/// <param name="nsTargets">Namespaces of target type as an array</param>
/// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
public static void AddNamespaceMapping(string nsSource, string[] nsTargets, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
//need to terminate with "." in order to concatenate with type name later
var nsencoded = RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(nsSource + ".");
//Start pattern search from beginning of string ("^")
//unless original string was blank (i.e. special case to indicate "append target to source")
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSource))
nsencoded = "^" + nsencoded;
//Capture namespace as "origns" in case we need to use it in the output in the future
var nsreplace = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("origns", nsencoded);
var nsTargetsRegEx = nsTargets.Select(t => t + ".").ToArray();
AddTypeMapping(nsreplace, null, nsTargetsRegEx, viewSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a standard type mapping based on simple namespace mapping
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nsSource">Namespace of source type</param>
/// <param name="nsTarget">Namespace of target type</param>
/// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
public static void AddNamespaceMapping(string nsSource, string nsTarget, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
AddNamespaceMapping(nsSource, new[] { nsTarget }, viewSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a standard type mapping by substituting one subnamespace for another
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nsSource">Subnamespace of source type</param>
/// <param name="nsTargets">Subnamespaces of target type as an array</param>
/// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
public static void AddSubNamespaceMapping(string nsSource, string[] nsTargets, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
//need to terminate with "." in order to concatenate with type name later
var nsencoded = RegExHelper.NamespaceToRegEx(nsSource + ".");
string rxbeforetgt, rxaftersrc, rxaftertgt;
string rxbeforesrc = rxbeforetgt = rxaftersrc = rxaftertgt = String.Empty;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsSource))
if (!nsSource.StartsWith("*"))
rxbeforesrc = RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup("nsbefore");
rxbeforetgt = @"${nsbefore}";
if (!nsSource.EndsWith("*"))
rxaftersrc = RegExHelper.GetNamespaceCaptureGroup("nsafter");
rxaftertgt = "${nsafter}";
var rxmid = RegExHelper.GetCaptureGroup("subns", nsencoded);
var nsreplace = String.Concat(rxbeforesrc, rxmid, rxaftersrc);
var nsTargetsRegEx = nsTargets.Select(t => String.Concat(rxbeforetgt, t, ".", rxaftertgt)).ToArray();
AddTypeMapping(nsreplace, null, nsTargetsRegEx, viewSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a standard type mapping by substituting one subnamespace for another
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nsSource">Subnamespace of source type</param>
/// <param name="nsTarget">Subnamespace of target type</param>
/// <param name="viewSuffix">Suffix for type name. Should be "View" or synonym of "View". (Optional)</param>
public static void AddSubNamespaceMapping(string nsSource, string nsTarget, string viewSuffix = DefaultViewSuffix)
AddSubNamespaceMapping(nsSource, new[] { nsTarget }, viewSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Makes a type name into an interface name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name = "typeName">The part.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string MakeInterface(string typeName)
var suffix = string.Empty;
if (typeName.Contains("[["))
//generic type
var genericParStart = typeName.IndexOf("[[");
suffix = typeName.Substring(genericParStart);
typeName = typeName.Remove(genericParStart);
var index = typeName.LastIndexOf(".");
return typeName.Insert(index + 1, "I") + suffix;
/// <summary>
/// Transforms a View type name into all of its possible ViewModel type names. Accepts a flag
/// to include or exclude interface types.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Enumeration of transformed names</returns>
/// <remarks>Arguments:
/// typeName = The name of the View type being resolved to its companion ViewModel.
/// includeInterfaces = Flag to indicate if interface types are included
/// </remarks>
public static Func<string, bool, IEnumerable<string>> TransformName = (typeName, includeInterfaces) =>
Func<string, string> getReplaceString;
if (includeInterfaces)
getReplaceString = r => r;
var interfacegrpregex = @"\${" + InterfaceCaptureGroupName + @"}$";
getReplaceString = r => Regex.IsMatch(r, interfacegrpregex) ? String.Empty : r;
return NameTransformer.Transform(typeName, getReplaceString).Where(n => n != String.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Determines the view model type based on the specified view type.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The view model type.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Pass the view type and receive a view model type. Pass true for the second parameter to search for interfaces.
/// </remarks>
public static Func<Type, bool, Type> LocateTypeForViewType = (viewType, searchForInterface) =>
var typeName = viewType.FullName;
var viewModelTypeList = TransformName(typeName, searchForInterface).ToList();
var viewModelType = AssemblySource.FindTypeByNames(viewModelTypeList);
if (viewModelType == null)
Log.Warn("View Model not found. Searched: {0}.", string.Join(", ", viewModelTypeList.ToArray()));
return viewModelType;
/// <summary>
/// Locates the view model for the specified view type.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The view model.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Pass the view type as a parameter and receive a view model instance.
/// </remarks>
public static Func<Type, object> LocateForViewType = viewType =>
var viewModelType = LocateTypeForViewType(viewType, false);
if (viewModelType != null)
var viewModel = IoC.GetInstance(viewModelType, null);
if (viewModel != null)
return viewModel;
viewModelType = LocateTypeForViewType(viewType, true);
return viewModelType != null
? IoC.GetInstance(viewModelType, null)
: null;
/// <summary>
/// Locates the view model for the specified view instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The view model.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Pass the view instance as a parameters and receive a view model instance.
/// </remarks>
public static Func<object, object> LocateForView = view =>
if (view == null)
return null;
return LocateForViewType(view.GetType());
#elif XFORMS
var frameworkElement = view as UIElement;
if (frameworkElement != null && frameworkElement.BindingContext != null)
return frameworkElement.BindingContext;
return LocateForViewType(view.GetType());
var frameworkElement = view as FrameworkElement;
if (frameworkElement != null && frameworkElement.DataContext != null)
return frameworkElement.DataContext;
return LocateForViewType(view.GetType());