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using Aitex.Core.RT.DataCenter;
using Aitex.Core.RT.Event;
using Aitex.Core.RT.IOCore;
using Aitex.Core.RT.SCCore;
using Aitex.Core.Util;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml;
namespace Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Devices
public class IoInterLock : BaseDevice, IDevice
private DOAccessor _doReactorATMTransferReady = null;
private DOAccessor _doReactorVACTransferReady = null;
private DIAccessor _diChamLidClosed = null;
private DIAccessor _diServoDriverFaultSW = null;
private DIAccessor _diH2PressureSW = null;
private DIAccessor _diPSU1Status = null;
private DIAccessor _diPSU2Status = null;
private DIAccessor _diPSU3Status = null;
private DIAccessor _diSCR1Status = null;
private DIAccessor _diSCR2Status = null;
private DIAccessor _diSCR3Status = null;
private DOAccessor _doPSU1Enable = null;
private DOAccessor _doPSU2Enable = null;
private DOAccessor _doPSU3Enable = null;
private DOAccessor _doSCR1Enable = null;
private DOAccessor _doSCR2Enable = null;
private DOAccessor _doSCR3Enable = null;
private DOAccessor _doTCSSupply = null;
private DOAccessor _doLidOpenRoutineSucceed = null;
private DOAccessor _doLidCloseRoutineSucceed = null;
private DOAccessor _doProcessRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doPreprocessRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doExchangeMoRoutineRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doLidCloseRoutineRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doLidOpenRoutineRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doPumpDownRoutineRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doVentRoutineRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doVACTransferAllowed = null;
private DOAccessor _doATMTransferAllowed = null;
private DOAccessor _doPostProcessRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doProcessIdleRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doATMIdleRoutineRunning = null;
private DOAccessor _doVACIdleRoutineRunning = null;
private DIAccessor _diPMATMSW = null;
private DIAccessor _diPSUEnable = null;
private DIAccessor _diHeaterTempBelow900CSW = null;
private DIAccessor _diConfinementRingDown = null;
private AIAccessor _aiActualSpeed = null;
private AIAccessor _aiCurPos = null;
private AIAccessor _aiDownPos = null;
private AIAccessor _aiChamPress = null;
private AIAccessor _aiTempCtrl1 = null;
private DOAccessor _doPMASlitDoorClosed = null; //同步TM的SlitDoor状态
private DOAccessor _doReactorPressRisingRate = null;
private DOAccessor _doUPSLowBattery = null;
private DOAccessor _doChamMiddleFlow2Temp = null;
private DOAccessor _doSHFlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doChamTopFlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doChamMiddleFlow1Temp = null;
private DOAccessor _doChamBottomFlowTemp = null;
//private DOAccessor _doBottomPlateFlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doSpare1FlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doPowerRod1FlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doPowerRod2FlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doElectrodeWFlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doTMPump2FlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doTMPump1FlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doTransformerFlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doForelineFlowTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doTMTopLidTemp = null;
private DOAccessor _doTMBufferFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiChamMiddleFlow2Temp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiSHFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiChamTopFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiChamMiddleFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiChamBottomFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiBottomPlateFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiPowerRod1FlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiPowerRod2FlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiElectrodeWFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiTMPump2FlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiTMPump1FlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiTransformerFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiForelineFlowTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiTMTopLidTemp = null;
private AIAccessor _aiTMBufferFlowTemp = null;
private SCConfigItem _scPmVacPress; //判断腔体真空的BasePressure
private SCConfigItem _scReactorPressRisingRateLimit;
private SCConfigItem _scChamMiddleFlow2Temp;
private SCConfigItem _scSHFlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scChamTopFlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scChamMiddleFlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scChamBottomFlowTemp;
//private SCConfigItem _scBottomPlateFlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scPowerRod1FlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scPowerRod2FlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scElectrodeWFlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scTMPump1FlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scTMPump2FlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scTransformerFlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scForelineFlowTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scTMTopLidTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scTMBufferFlowTemp;
//private SCConfigItem _scPurgeRoutineSucceedTemp;
private SCConfigItem _scTCSFluidInfusionTime; //TCS补液时间
private double _lastChamberPressure = 0;
private long currentSeconds = 0;
private Stopwatch _swTimer = new Stopwatch();
private DeviceTimer _timerTCSSupply = new DeviceTimer();
private R_TRIG _alarmPSU1 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _alarmPSU2 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _alarmPSU3 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _alarmSCR1 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _alarmSCR2 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _alarmSCR3 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _processingStartTRIG = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _tcsSupply = new R_TRIG();
private DateTime _processingStartTime = DateTime.Now;
private bool _tcsSupplyFlag = false;
#region DO100使能
/* ChamMoveBody.UpDown.Enable (DO100), condintion A Logic AND
F closed(Run/Vent Valves)去掉V94 //需要确认close时value是true还是false
H closed(process switch Valves)
B closd
I closed(Final Valves)
DI13=1 DI_SusceptorAtSafeSpeed
Isolation valve 1 closed (DI280=0)
Lid Open Routine suscessed (DO172=1)
DOR Pres at ATM (DI75=1) //没有DI75改成DI7
PM at ATM (DI4=1)
Rotation stopped(转速为0)(AI118)
private DIAccessor _diEPV11_FB = null; //DI-280
private DOAccessor _doTMAVent_FB = null; //DO-172
private DIAccessor _diDORPressATMSW = null; //DI-7
private DOAccessor _diPMATMSW = null; //DI-4
private AIAccessor _aiActualSpeed = null; //AI118 ,前面已定义
PSU disable //
Service mode //手动模式
No related alarm according to the interlock table
<Limit ai="PM1.AI_ActualSpeed" value="0" tip="" tip.zh-CN="" tip.en-US="AI-118" /> 这个放在配置文件里面程序会变得很慢所以放到ChamMoveBodyUpDownEnableCanDo函数里
public bool AllHeatEnable { get; set; }
public bool IsService { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// DO-100
/// </summary>
public bool ChamMoveBodyUpDownEnable
return this.ChamMoveBodyUpDownEnableCanDo();
public int ElapsedTime
get { return _swTimer.IsRunning ? (int)(_swTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000) : 0; }
public IoInterLock(string module, XmlElement node, string ioModule = "")
var attrModule = node.GetAttribute("module");
base.Module = string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrModule) ? module : attrModule;
base.Name = node.GetAttribute("id");
base.Display = node.GetAttribute("display");
base.DeviceID = node.GetAttribute("schematicId");
_scPmVacPress = ParseScNode("VacuumPressureBase", node, ioModule, $"PM.VacuumPressureBase");
_scReactorPressRisingRateLimit = ParseScNode("ReactorPressRisingRateLimit", node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.ReactorPressRisingRateLimit");
//DO-195 至 DO-208
string sDO195, sDO196, sDO197, sDO198, sDO199, sDO200, sDO201, sDO202, sDO203, sDO204, sDO205, sDO206, sDO207, sDO208;
sDO195 = "ChamMiddleFlow2Temp";
sDO196 = "SHFlowTemp";
sDO197 = "ChamTopFlowTemp";
sDO198 = "ChamMiddleFlow1Temp";
sDO199 = "ChamBottomFlowTemp";
sDO200 = "Spare1FlowTemp";
sDO201 = "PowerRod1FlowTemp";
sDO202 = "PowerRod2FlowTemp";
sDO203 = "ForelineFlowTemp";
sDO204 = "ElectrodeWFlowTemp";
sDO205 = "TMPump1and2FlowTemp";
sDO206 = "TransformerFlowTemp";
sDO207 = "TMTopLidFlowTemp";
sDO208 = "TMBufferFlowTemp";
sDO195 = "ChamMiddleFlow2Temp";
sDO196 = "SHFlowTemp";
sDO197 = "ChamTopFlowTemp";
sDO198 = "ChamMiddleFlow1Temp";
sDO199 = "ChamBottomFlowTemp";
sDO200 = "Spare1FlowTemp";
sDO201 = "PowerRod1FlowTemp";
sDO202 = "PowerRod2FlowTemp";
sDO203 = "ForelineFlowTemp";
sDO204 = "ElectrodeWFlowTemp";
sDO205 = "Spare2FlowTemp";
sDO206 = "TransformerFlowTemp";
sDO207 = "Spare3FlowTemp";
sDO208 = "Spare4FlowTemp";
_scChamMiddleFlow2Temp = ParseScNode(sDO195, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO195);
_scSHFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO196, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO196);
_scChamTopFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO197, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO197);
_scChamMiddleFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO198, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO198);
_scChamBottomFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO199, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO199);
_scTMPump2FlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO200, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater." + sDO200);
//_scBottomPlateFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO200, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater.SpareTempLimit");
_scPowerRod1FlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO201, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO201);
_scPowerRod2FlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO202, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO202);
_scForelineFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO203, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater." + sDO203);
_scElectrodeWFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO204, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO204);
_scTMPump1FlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO205, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO205);
_scTransformerFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO206, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO206);
_scTMTopLidTemp = ParseScNode(sDO207, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO207);
_scTMBufferFlowTemp = ParseScNode(sDO208, node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.CoolingWater."+sDO208);
//_scPurgeRoutineSucceedTemp = ParseScNode("PurgeRoutineSucceedTemp", node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.Purge.PurgeRoutineSucceedTemp");
_scTCSFluidInfusionTime = ParseScNode("TCSSupplyTime", node, ioModule, $"PM.{Module}.TCSFluidInfusionTime");
_doReactorATMTransferReady = ParseDoNode("doReactorATMTransferReady", node, ioModule);
_doReactorVACTransferReady = ParseDoNode("doReactorVACTransferReady", node, ioModule);
_diChamLidClosed = ParseDiNode("diChamLidClosed", node, ioModule);
_doLidOpenRoutineSucceed = ParseDoNode("doLidOpenRoutineSucceed", node, ioModule);
_doLidCloseRoutineSucceed = ParseDoNode("doLidCloseRoutineSucceed", node, ioModule);
_diServoDriverFaultSW = ParseDiNode("diServoDriverFaultSW", node, ioModule);
_diH2PressureSW = ParseDiNode("diH2PressureSW", node, ioModule);
_diPSU1Status = ParseDiNode("diPSU1Status", node, ioModule);
_diPSU2Status = ParseDiNode("diPSU2Status", node, ioModule);
_diPSU3Status = ParseDiNode("diPSU3Status", node, ioModule);
_diSCR1Status = ParseDiNode("diSCR1Status", node, ioModule);
_diSCR2Status = ParseDiNode("diSCR2Status", node, ioModule);
_diSCR3Status = ParseDiNode("diSCR3Status", node, ioModule);
_doPSU1Enable = ParseDoNode("doPSU1Enable", node, ioModule);
_doPSU2Enable = ParseDoNode("doPSU2Enable", node, ioModule);
_doPSU3Enable = ParseDoNode("doPSU3Enable", node, ioModule);
_doSCR1Enable = ParseDoNode("doSCR1Enable", node, ioModule);
_doSCR2Enable = ParseDoNode("doSCR2Enable", node, ioModule);
_doSCR3Enable = ParseDoNode("doSCR3Enable", node, ioModule);
_doTCSSupply = ParseDoNode("doTCSSupply", node, ioModule);
_aiTempCtrl1 = ParseAiNode("aiTempCtrl1", node, ioModule);
_doProcessRunning = ParseDoNode("doProcessRunning", node, ioModule);
_doPreprocessRunning = ParseDoNode("doPreprocessRunning", node, ioModule);
_doPostProcessRunning = ParseDoNode("doPostProcessRunning", node, ioModule);
_doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doExchangeMoRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doExchangeMoRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doLidCloseRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doLidCloseRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doLidOpenRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doLidOpenRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doPumpDownRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doPumpDownRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doVentRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doVentRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doProcessIdleRunning = ParseDoNode("doProcessIdleRunning", node, ioModule);
_doATMIdleRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doATMIdleRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doVACIdleRoutineRunning = ParseDoNode("doVACIdleRoutineRunning", node, ioModule);
_doVACTransferAllowed = ParseDoNode("doVACTransferAllowed", node, ioModule);
_doATMTransferAllowed = ParseDoNode("doATMTransferAllowed", node, ioModule);
_diPMATMSW = ParseDiNode("diPMATMSW", node, ioModule);
_diPSUEnable = ParseDiNode("diPSUEnable", node, ioModule);
_diHeaterTempBelow900CSW = ParseDiNode("diHeaterTempBelow900CSW", node, ioModule);
_diConfinementRingDown = ParseDiNode("diConfinementRingDown", node, ioModule);
_aiActualSpeed = ParseAiNode("aiActualSpeed", node, ioModule);
_aiCurPos = ParseAiNode("aiCurPos", node, ioModule);
_aiDownPos = ParseAiNode("aiDownPos", node, ioModule);
_aiChamPress = ParseAiNode("aiChamPress", node, ioModule);
_doPMASlitDoorClosed = ParseDoNode("doPMASlitDoorClosed", node, ioModule);
_doReactorPressRisingRate = ParseDoNode("doReactorPressRisingRate", node, ioModule);
_doUPSLowBattery = ParseDoNode("doUPSLowBattery", node, ioModule);
//DO195-DO208 ChamMiddleFlow2Temp
_doChamMiddleFlow2Temp = ParseDoNode("do"+sDO195, node, ioModule); //DO195
_doSHFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO196, node, ioModule); //DO196
_doChamTopFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO197, node, ioModule); //DO197
_doChamMiddleFlow1Temp = ParseDoNode("do"+sDO198, node, ioModule); //DO198
_doChamBottomFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO199, node, ioModule); //DO199
_doTMPump2FlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO200, node, ioModule); //DO200
//_doBottomPlateFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("doSpare1FlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_doPowerRod1FlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO201, node, ioModule); //DO201
_doPowerRod2FlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO202, node, ioModule); //DO202
_doForelineFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO203, node, ioModule); //DO203
_doElectrodeWFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO204, node, ioModule); //DO204
_doTMPump1FlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO205, node, ioModule); //DO205
_doTransformerFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO206, node, ioModule); //DO206
_doTMTopLidTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO207, node, ioModule); //DO207
_doTMBufferFlowTemp = ParseDoNode("do" + sDO208, node, ioModule); //DO208
_aiChamMiddleFlow2Temp = ParseAiNode("aiChamMiddleFlow2Temp", node, ioModule);
_aiSHFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiSHFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiChamTopFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiChamTopFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiChamMiddleFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiChamMiddleFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiChamBottomFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiChamBottomFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiBottomPlateFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiBottomPlateFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiPowerRod1FlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiPowerRod1FlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiPowerRod2FlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiPowerRod2FlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiElectrodeWFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiElectrodeWFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiTMPump1FlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiTMPump1FlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiTMPump2FlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiTMPump2FlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiTransformerFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiTransformerFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiForelineFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiForelineFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiTMTopLidTemp = ParseAiNode("aiTMTopLidTemp", node, ioModule);
_aiTMBufferFlowTemp = ParseAiNode("aiTMBufferFlowTemp", node, ioModule);
public bool SetLidOpenRoutineSucceed(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
//if (_aiTempCtrl1 != null && eValue)
// if (_aiTempCtrl1.FloatValue > 100)
// {
// EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"Can not set [DO-172]DO_PurgeRoutineSucceed to {eValue}ReasonInterlock triggered, AI-193({Module}.AI_PSUTC) > 100");
// return false;
// }
if (!_doLidOpenRoutineSucceed.Check(eValue, out reason))
EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"Can not set [DO-172]DO_PurgeRoutineSucceed to {eValue}Reason" + reason);
return false;
//if (!_doPreprocessRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
if (!_doLidOpenRoutineSucceed.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"Can not set [DO-172]DO_PurgeRoutineSucceed to {eValue}Reason" + reason);
return false;
return true;
public bool SetLidClosedRoutineSucceed(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doLidCloseRoutineSucceed.Check(eValue, out reason))
EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"Can not set [DO-173]DO_CleanRoutineSucceed to {eValue}Reason" + reason);
return false;
if (!_doLidCloseRoutineSucceed.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
EV.PostWarningLog(Module, $"Can not set [DO-173]DO_CleanRoutineSucceed to {eValue}Reason" + reason);
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMProcessIdleRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doProcessIdleRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doProcessIdleRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMAtmIdleRountingRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doATMIdleRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doATMIdleRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMVacIdleRountingRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doVACIdleRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doVACIdleRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMPreProcessRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doPreprocessRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doPreprocessRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMProcessRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doProcessRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doProcessRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMCyclePurgeRoutineRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMExchangeMoRoutineRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doExchangeMoRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doExchangeMoRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMCleanRoutineRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = string.Empty;
if (!_doLidCloseRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doLidCloseRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMPurgeRoutineRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doLidOpenRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doLidOpenRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMPumpRoutineRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doPumpDownRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doPumpDownRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool SetPMVentRoutineRunning(bool eValue, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!_doVentRoutineRunning.Check(eValue, out reason))
return false;
if (!_doVentRoutineRunning.SetValue(eValue, out reason))
return false;
return true;
public bool Initialize()
DATA.Subscribe($"{Module}.{Name}.ChamMoveBodyUpDownEnable", () => ChamMoveBodyUpDownEnable);
return true;
//throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Monitor()
private void MonitorTCSSupply()
string pmStatus = DATA.Poll($"{Module}.Status") == null ? "" : DATA.Poll($"{Module}.Status").ToString();
_tcsSupply.CLK = pmStatus == "ProcessIdle";
if (_tcsSupply.Q)
if (!_doTCSSupply.SetValue(true, out string reason))
EV.PostWarningLog(Module, "Set DO_110 Fail," + reason);
_timerTCSSupply.Start(_scTCSFluidInfusionTime.IntValue * 1000);//补液计时
if (_timerTCSSupply.IsTimeout())
_doTCSSupply.Value = false;
_timerTCSSupply.Stop(); //进入Idle状态
public void Reset()
_tRIGEnable1.RST = true;
_tRIGEnable2.RST = true;
_tRIGEnable3.RST = true;
_tRIGEnable4.RST = true;
_tRIGEnable5.RST = true;
_tRIGEnable6.RST = true;
_alarmPSU1.RST = true;
_alarmPSU2.RST = true;
_alarmPSU3.RST = true;
_alarmSCR1.RST = true;
_alarmSCR2.RST = true;
_alarmSCR3.RST = true;
public void Terminate()
//throw new NotImplementedException();
private void SetReactorATMTransferReady()
if (_doReactorATMTransferReady != null)
if (_diPMATMSW != null && _diPSUEnable != null && _aiActualSpeed != null && _diConfinementRingDown != null && _aiCurPos != null && _aiDownPos != null)
if (!_diPSUEnable.Value && _diPMATMSW.Value && _aiActualSpeed.FloatValue == 0 && _diConfinementRingDown.Value &&
Math.Abs(_aiActualSpeed.FloatValue - _aiDownPos.FloatValue) < 0.5)
if (!_doReactorATMTransferReady.Value)
_doReactorATMTransferReady.Value = true;
if (_doReactorATMTransferReady.Value)
_doReactorATMTransferReady.Value = false;
private void SetReactorVACTransferReady()
if (_doReactorVACTransferReady != null)
if (_aiChamPress != null && _scPmVacPress != null && _aiActualSpeed != null && _diConfinementRingDown != null && _aiCurPos != null && _aiDownPos != null)
if (_aiChamPress.FloatValue <= _scPmVacPress.DoubleValue && _aiActualSpeed.FloatValue == 0 && _diConfinementRingDown.Value &&
Math.Abs(_aiActualSpeed.FloatValue - _aiDownPos.FloatValue) < 0.5)
if (!_doReactorVACTransferReady.Value)
_doReactorVACTransferReady.Value = true;
if (_doReactorVACTransferReady.Value)
_doReactorVACTransferReady.Value = false;
private void SetPressureRisingUpRate()
if (_aiChamPress != null && _scReactorPressRisingRateLimit.DoubleValue > 0 && _scReactorPressRisingRateLimit.DoubleValue < 200)
string pmStatus = DATA.Poll($"{Module}.Status") == null ? "" : DATA.Poll($"{Module}.Status").ToString();
if (pmStatus == "Process")
if (ElapsedTime - currentSeconds > 5)
if (_scReactorPressRisingRateLimit.DoubleValue < 200 && Math.Abs((_aiChamPress.FloatValue - _lastChamberPressure) / (ElapsedTime - currentSeconds)) > _scReactorPressRisingRateLimit.DoubleValue)
_doReactorPressRisingRate.Value = false;
_doReactorPressRisingRate.Value = true;
_lastChamberPressure = _aiChamPress.FloatValue;
currentSeconds = ElapsedTime;
if (_doReactorPressRisingRate.Value != true)
_doReactorPressRisingRate.Value = true;
private DeviceTimer _timer = new DeviceTimer();
private R_TRIG _tRIGEnable1 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _tRIGEnable2 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _tRIGEnable3 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _tRIGEnable4 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _tRIGEnable5 = new R_TRIG();
private R_TRIG _tRIGEnable6 = new R_TRIG();
private void MonitorPSUSCRAlarm()
_tRIGEnable1.CLK = _doPSU1Enable.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_tRIGEnable1.Q)
_timer.Start(10 * 1000);
_tRIGEnable2.CLK = _doPSU2Enable.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_tRIGEnable2.Q)
_timer.Start(10 * 1000);
_tRIGEnable3.CLK = _doPSU3Enable.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_tRIGEnable3.Q)
_timer.Start(10 * 1000);
_tRIGEnable4.CLK = _doSCR1Enable.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_tRIGEnable4.Q)
_timer.Start(10 * 1000);
_tRIGEnable5.CLK = _doSCR2Enable.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_tRIGEnable5.Q)
_timer.Start(10 * 1000);
_tRIGEnable6.CLK = _doSCR3Enable.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_tRIGEnable6.Q)
_timer.Start(10 * 1000);
if (_timer.IsTimeout())
_alarmPSU1.CLK = _doPSU1Enable.Value && !_diPSU1Status.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_alarmPSU1.Q)
EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, "Alarm19 PSU1 Status Is Off");
_alarmPSU2.CLK = _doPSU2Enable.Value && !_diPSU2Status.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_alarmPSU2.Q)
EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, "Alarm20 PSU2 Status Is Off");
_alarmPSU3.CLK = _doPSU3Enable.Value && !_diPSU3Status.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_alarmPSU3.Q)
EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, "Alarm21 PSU3 Status Is Off");
_alarmSCR1.CLK = _doSCR1Enable.Value && !_diSCR1Status.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_alarmSCR1.Q)
EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, "Alarm22 SCR1 Status Is Off");
_alarmSCR2.CLK = _doSCR2Enable.Value && !_diSCR2Status.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_alarmSCR2.Q)
EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, "Alarm23 SCR2 Status Is Off");
_alarmSCR3.CLK = _doSCR3Enable.Value && !_diSCR3Status.Value && _diPSUEnable.Value;
if (_alarmSCR3.Q)
EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, "Alarm24 SCR3 Status Is Off");
public bool DoReactorATMTransferReady
if (_doReactorATMTransferReady != null)
return _doReactorATMTransferReady.Value;
return false;
// if (_doReactorATMTransferReady != null)
// {
// _doReactorATMTransferReady.Value = value;
// }
public bool DoReactorVACTransferReady
if (_doReactorVACTransferReady != null)
return _doReactorVACTransferReady.Value;
return false;
// if (_doReactorVACTransferReady != null)
// {
// _doReactorVACTransferReady.Value = value;
// }
public bool DiChamLidClosed
if (_diChamLidClosed != null)
return _diChamLidClosed.Value;
return false;
public bool DoProcessRunning
if (_doProcessRunning != null)
return _doProcessRunning.Value;
return false;
if (_doProcessRunning != null)
_doProcessRunning.Value = value;
public bool DoPreprocessRunning
if (_doPreprocessRunning != null)
return _doPreprocessRunning.Value;
return false;
if (_doPreprocessRunning != null)
_doPreprocessRunning.Value = value;
public bool DoCyclePurgeRoutineRunning
if (_doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning != null)
return _doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning.Value;
return false;
if (_doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning != null)
_doCyclePurgeRoutineRunning.Value = value;
public bool DoExchangeMoRoutineRunning
if (_doExchangeMoRoutineRunning != null)
return _doExchangeMoRoutineRunning.Value;
return false;
if (_doExchangeMoRoutineRunning != null)
_doExchangeMoRoutineRunning.Value = value;
public bool DoLidCloseRoutineRunning
if (_doLidCloseRoutineRunning != null)
return _doLidCloseRoutineRunning.Value;
return false;
if (_doLidCloseRoutineRunning != null)
_doLidCloseRoutineRunning.Value = value;
public bool DoLidOpenRoutineRunning
if (_doLidOpenRoutineRunning != null)
return _doLidOpenRoutineRunning.Value;
return false;
if (_doLidOpenRoutineRunning != null)
_doLidOpenRoutineRunning.Value = value;
public bool DoPumpDownRoutineRunning
if (_doPumpDownRoutineRunning != null)
return _doPumpDownRoutineRunning.Value;
return false;
if (_doPumpDownRoutineRunning != null)
_doPumpDownRoutineRunning.Value = value;
public bool DoLidOpenRoutineSucceed
if (_doLidOpenRoutineSucceed != null)
return _doLidOpenRoutineSucceed.Value;
return false;
if (_doLidOpenRoutineSucceed != null)
_doLidOpenRoutineSucceed.Value = value;
public bool DoLidCloseRoutineSucceed
if (_doLidCloseRoutineSucceed != null)
return _doLidCloseRoutineSucceed.Value;
return false;
if (_doLidCloseRoutineSucceed != null)
_doLidCloseRoutineSucceed.Value = value;
public bool DoProcessIdleRunning
if (_doProcessIdleRunning != null)
return _doProcessIdleRunning.Value;
return false;
public bool DoAtmIdleRoutingRunning
if (_doATMIdleRoutineRunning != null)
return _doATMIdleRoutineRunning.Value;
return false;
public bool DoVacIdleRoutingRunning
if (_doVACIdleRoutineRunning != null)
return _doVACIdleRoutineRunning.Value;
return false;
public bool DiServoDriverFaultSW
if (_diServoDriverFaultSW != null)
return _diServoDriverFaultSW.Value;
return false;
public bool DiH2PressureSW
if (_diH2PressureSW != null)
return _diH2PressureSW.Value;
return false;
public bool DiSCR1Status
if (_diSCR1Status != null)
return _diSCR1Status.Value;
return false;
public bool DiSCR2Status
if (_diSCR2Status != null)
return _diSCR2Status.Value;
return false;
public bool DiSCR3Status
if (_diSCR3Status != null)
return _diSCR3Status.Value;
return false;
public bool DoPMASlitDoorClosed
if (_doPMASlitDoorClosed != null)
return _doPMASlitDoorClosed.Value;
return false;
if (_doPMASlitDoorClosed != null)
_doPMASlitDoorClosed.Value = value;
//public bool DoUPSLowBattery
// get
// {
// if (_doUPSLowBattery != null)
// {
// return _doUPSLowBattery.Value;
// }
// return false;
// }
// set
// {
// if (_doUPSLowBattery != null)
// {
// _doUPSLowBattery.Value = value;
// }
// }
public DOAccessor DoUPSLowBattery
return _doUPSLowBattery;
public bool DiHeaterTempBelow900CSW
if (_diHeaterTempBelow900CSW != null)
return _diHeaterTempBelow900CSW.Value;
return false;
public float AITempCtrl1
return _aiTempCtrl1 == null ? 0 : _aiTempCtrl1.FloatValue;
/// <summary>
/// ChamMoveBodyUpDownEnableCanDo
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ChamMoveBodyUpDownEnableCanDo()
//PSU disable
//Service mode
return (!AllHeatEnable) && IsService && (_aiActualSpeed.Value == 0);