using Aitex.Core.RT.DataCenter; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using MECF.Framework.Common.Communications; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; namespace MECF.Framework.RT.Core.IoProviders { public class MYMCProtocolPlc : IoProvider, IConnection { private string _ip = ""; private string _localIp = ""; private int _port = 6731; private int _socketId = 101; private int _stationId = 102; private byte[] _bufferIn; private byte[] _bufferOut; private int _bufferSize = 2048; private MCProtocol.MC_COMMAND_HEADER _header; //private MCProtocol.MC_RESPONSE_HEADER _response; private MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND _batchCommand; private MCSocket _socket; private int perIoLength = 960; public string Address { get { return $"{_ip}:{_port}"; } } public bool IsConnected { get { return IsOpened; } } public bool Connect() { return true; } public bool Disconnect() { return true; } protected override void Close() { _socket.Close(); SetState(IoProviderStateEnum.Closed); } protected override void Open() { _socket = new MCSocket(); _header = new MCProtocol.MC_COMMAND_HEADER() { ProtocolID = MCProtocol.MC_SUBHEADER_COMMAND_MESSAGE, NetworkID = (byte)_socketId, StationID = (byte)_stationId, RequestIONumber = MCProtocol.MC_REQUEST_MODULE_IO_NUMBER, RequestStationNumber = MCProtocol.MC_REQUEST_MODULE_STATION_NUMBER, RequestDataLen = 0, CPUMonitorTimer = (ushort)(MCProtocol.MC_CPU_MONITOR_TIMER * 2), }; _batchCommand = new MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND() { Command = MCProtocol.MC_COMMAND_BATCH_READ, DeviceCode = MCProtocol.MC_DEVICE_CODE_DATA_REGISTER_WORD, DevicePoints = 0, HeadAddr = 0, Reserved = 0, SubCommand = MCProtocol.MC_SUBCOMMAND_WORD_UNITS, }; _bufferOut = new byte[_bufferSize]; _bufferIn = new byte[_bufferSize]; _socket.Open(_ip, _port, _localIp); SetState(IoProviderStateEnum.Opened); } protected override short[] ReadAi(int offset, int size) { short[] buff = new short[size]; int count = size / perIoLength; if (count < 1) { short[] aibuffer = DoReadAi(offset, size); if (aibuffer != null) Array.Copy(aibuffer, 0, buff, 0, aibuffer.Length); } else { short[] aibuffer; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { aibuffer = DoReadAi(i * perIoLength + offset, perIoLength); if (aibuffer != null) Array.Copy(aibuffer, 0, buff, i * perIoLength, aibuffer.Length); } if (size % perIoLength != 0) { aibuffer = DoReadAi(offset + perIoLength * count, size % perIoLength); if (aibuffer != null) Array.Copy(aibuffer, 0, buff, size - size % perIoLength, aibuffer.Length); } } return buff; } protected short[] DoReadAi(int offset, int size) { _batchCommand.Command = MCProtocol.MC_COMMAND_BATCH_READ; _batchCommand.SubCommand = MCProtocol.MC_SUBCOMMAND_WORD_UNITS; _batchCommand.HeadAddr = (ushort)(offset & 0xFFFF); _batchCommand.Reserved = (byte)(offset >> 16); _batchCommand.DevicePoints = (ushort)size; _header.RequestDataLen = (ushort)(MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE); byte[] buffer = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_header); byte[] command = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_batchCommand); Array.Copy(buffer, 0, _bufferOut, 0, buffer.Length); Array.Copy(command, 0, _bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE, command.Length); if (!WriteData(_bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE)) { return null; } if (!ReceiveData(_bufferIn, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_RESPONSE_SIZE)) { return null; } MCProtocol.MC_RESPONSE_HEADER responseHeader = MCProtocol.ToStruct(_bufferIn); if (responseHeader.CompleteCode != MCProtocol.MC_COMPLETE_CODE_SUCCESS) { return null; } int dataLength = responseHeader.ResponseDataLen - MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE; if (!ReceiveData(_bufferIn, dataLength)) { return null; } int sizeofT1 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(byte)); int sizeofT2 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ushort)); short[] result = new short[sizeofT1 * 2 / sizeofT2]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { result[i] = (short)BitConverter.ToUInt16(_bufferIn, i * 2); } return Array.ConvertAll(MCProtocol.Byte2Ushort(_bufferIn, 0, dataLength), x => (short)x); } protected override bool[] ReadDi(int offset, int size) { bool[] buff = new bool[size]; int count = size / perIoLength; if (count < 1) { bool[] dibuffer = DoReadDi(offset, size); if (dibuffer != null) Array.Copy(dibuffer, 0, buff, 0, dibuffer.Length); } else { bool[] dibuffer; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { dibuffer = DoReadDi(i * perIoLength + offset, perIoLength); if (dibuffer != null) Array.Copy(dibuffer, 0, buff, i * perIoLength, dibuffer.Length); } if (size % perIoLength != 0) { dibuffer = DoReadDi(offset + perIoLength * count, size % perIoLength); if (dibuffer != null) Array.Copy(dibuffer, 0, buff, size - size % perIoLength, dibuffer.Length); } } return buff; } protected bool[] DoReadDi(int offset, int size) { _batchCommand.Command = MCProtocol.MC_COMMAND_BATCH_READ; _batchCommand.SubCommand = MCProtocol.MC_SUBCOMMAND_BIT_UNITS; _batchCommand.HeadAddr = (ushort)(offset & 0xFFFF); _batchCommand.Reserved = (byte)(offset >> 16); _batchCommand.DevicePoints = (ushort)size; _header.RequestDataLen = (ushort)(MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE); byte[] buffer = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_header); byte[] command = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_batchCommand); Array.Copy(buffer, 0, _bufferOut, 0, buffer.Length); Array.Copy(command, 0, _bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE, command.Length); if (!WriteData(_bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE)) { return null; } if (!ReceiveData(_bufferIn, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_RESPONSE_SIZE)) { return null; } MCProtocol.MC_RESPONSE_HEADER responseHeader = MCProtocol.ToStruct(_bufferIn); if (responseHeader.CompleteCode != MCProtocol.MC_COMPLETE_CODE_SUCCESS) { return null; } int dataLength = responseHeader.ResponseDataLen - MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE; if (!ReceiveData(_bufferIn, dataLength)) { return null; } byte[] result = new byte[dataLength * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { if ((_bufferIn[i] & 0x10) == 0x10) { result[i * 2 + 0] = 0x01; } if ((_bufferIn[i] & 0x01) == 0x01) { result[i * 2 + 1] = 0x01; } } return result.Select(x => x == 0x01).Take(size).ToArray(); } protected override void SetParameter(XmlElement nodeParameter) { string strIp = nodeParameter.GetAttribute("ip"); string strPort = nodeParameter.GetAttribute("port"); string networkId = nodeParameter.GetAttribute("network_id"); string stationId = nodeParameter.GetAttribute("station_id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeParameter.GetAttribute("buffer_size"))) { int.TryParse(nodeParameter.GetAttribute("buffer_size"), out _bufferSize); } _port = int.Parse(strPort); _ip = strIp; _socketId = int.Parse(networkId); _stationId = int.Parse(stationId); ConnectionManager.Instance.Subscribe(Name, this); DATA.Subscribe($"{Module}.{Name}.IsConnected", () => _socket == null ? false : _socket.Connected); } protected override void WriteAo(int offset, short[] data) { short[] databuffer = new short[perIoLength]; int count = data.Length / perIoLength; if (count < 1) { Array.Copy(data, 0, databuffer, 0, data.Length); Array.Resize(ref databuffer, data.Length); DoWriteAo(offset, databuffer.Select(x => (ushort)x).ToArray()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Array.Copy(data, i * perIoLength, databuffer, 0, databuffer.Length); DoWriteAo(offset + perIoLength * i, databuffer.Select(x => (ushort)x).ToArray()); } if (data.Length % perIoLength != 0) { Array.Copy(data, perIoLength * count, databuffer, 0, data.Length % perIoLength); Array.Resize(ref databuffer, data.Length % perIoLength); DoWriteAo(offset + perIoLength * count, databuffer.Select(x => (ushort)x).ToArray()); } } } protected void DoWriteAo(int offset, ushort[] data) { _batchCommand.Command = MCProtocol.MC_COMMAND_BATCH_WRITE; _batchCommand.SubCommand = MCProtocol.MC_SUBCOMMAND_WORD_UNITS; _batchCommand.HeadAddr = (ushort)(offset & 0xFFFF); _batchCommand.Reserved = (byte)(offset >> 16); _batchCommand.DevicePoints = (ushort)data.Length; _header.RequestDataLen = (ushort)(MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE + MCProtocol.ShortSize * data.Length); byte[] header = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_header); byte[] command = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_batchCommand); byte[] byteData = MCProtocol.Ushort2Byte(data); Array.Copy(header, 0, _bufferOut, 0, header.Length); Array.Copy(command, 0, _bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE, command.Length); Array.Copy(byteData, 0, _bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE, byteData.Length); if (!WriteData(_bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.ShortSize * data.Length)) { return; } if (!ReceiveData(_bufferIn, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_RESPONSE_SIZE)) { return; } MCProtocol.MC_RESPONSE_HEADER responseHeader = MCProtocol.ToStruct(_bufferIn); if (responseHeader.CompleteCode != MCProtocol.MC_COMPLETE_CODE_SUCCESS) { LOG.Write("Write PLC failed with code," + responseHeader.CompleteCode); return; } int dataLength = responseHeader.ResponseDataLen - MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE; if (dataLength > 0 && !ReceiveData(_bufferIn, dataLength)) { return; } } protected override void WriteDo(int offset, bool[] data) { bool[] databuffer = new bool[perIoLength]; int count = data.Length / perIoLength; if (count < 1) { Array.Copy(data, 0, databuffer, 0, data.Length); Array.Resize(ref databuffer, data.Length); DoWriteDo(offset, databuffer); } else { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Array.Copy(data, i * perIoLength, databuffer, 0, databuffer.Length); DoWriteDo(offset + perIoLength * i, databuffer); } if (data.Length % perIoLength != 0) { Array.Copy(data, perIoLength * count, databuffer, 0, data.Length % perIoLength); Array.Resize(ref databuffer, data.Length % perIoLength); DoWriteDo(offset + perIoLength * count, databuffer); } } } protected void DoWriteDo(int offset, bool[] data) { // bool[] boolData = new bool[data.Length]; // boolData = data.Select(x => x==(byte)1).ToArray(); // WriteDo(offset, boolData); //} //protected void WriteDo(int offset, bool[] data) //{ _batchCommand.Command = MCProtocol.MC_COMMAND_BATCH_WRITE; _batchCommand.SubCommand = MCProtocol.MC_SUBCOMMAND_BIT_UNITS; byte[] byteData = MCProtocol.TransBoolArrayToByteData(data); _batchCommand.HeadAddr = (ushort)(offset & 0xFFFF); _batchCommand.Reserved = (byte)(offset >> 16); _batchCommand.DevicePoints = (ushort)data.Length; _header.RequestDataLen = (ushort)(MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE + byteData.Length); byte[] header = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_header); byte[] command = MCProtocol.Struct2Bytes(_batchCommand); Array.Copy(header, 0, _bufferOut, 0, header.Length); Array.Copy(command, 0, _bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE, command.Length); Array.Copy(byteData, 0, _bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE, byteData.Length); if (!WriteData(_bufferOut, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_COMMAND_SIZE + MCProtocol.MC_BATCH_COMMAND_SIZE + byteData.Length)) { return; } if (!ReceiveData(_bufferIn, MCProtocol.MC_QHEADER_RESPONSE_SIZE)) { return; } MCProtocol.MC_RESPONSE_HEADER responseHeader = MCProtocol.ToStruct(_bufferIn); if (responseHeader.CompleteCode != MCProtocol.MC_COMPLETE_CODE_SUCCESS) { LOG.Write("Write PLC failed with code," + responseHeader.CompleteCode); return; } int dataLength = responseHeader.ResponseDataLen - MCProtocol.JUNK_SIZE; if (dataLength > 0 && !ReceiveData(_bufferIn, dataLength)) { return; } } private bool WriteData(byte[] data, int length) { return _socket.Write(data, length); } private bool ReceiveData(byte[] data, int length) { return _socket.Read(data, length); } } }