/* LangFile.nsh Header file to create language files that can be included with a single command. Copyright 2008-2021 Joost Verburg, Anders Kjersem * Either LANGFILE_INCLUDE or LANGFILE_INCLUDE_WITHDEFAULT can be called from the script to include a language file. - LANGFILE_INCLUDE takes the language file name as parameter. - LANGFILE_INCLUDE_WITHDEFAULT takes as additional second parameter, the default language file to load missing strings from. * Language strings in the language file have the format: ${LangFileString} LANGSTRING_NAME "Text" * There are two types of language header files: - NSIS multi-lang support; these must start with the LANGFILE macro and provide strings for features like MUI and MultiUser. If you are adding support for a new language to NSIS you should make a copy of English.nsh and translate this .nsh along with the .nlf. - Custom installer strings; these must start with the LANGFILE_EXT macro and contain translated versions of custom strings used in a particular installer. This is useful if you want to put the translations for each language in their own separate file. * Example: ; Setup.nsi !include "MUI.nsh" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish" !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "DanishExtra.nsh" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Swedish" !insertmacro LANGFILE_INCLUDE "SwedishExtra.nsh" Section MessageBox MB_OK "$(myCustomString)" SectionEnd ; SwedishExtra.nsh !insertmacro LANGFILE_EXT Swedish ${LangFileString} myCustomString "Bork bork" */ !ifndef LANGFILE_INCLUDED !define LANGFILE_INCLUDED !macro LANGFILE_INCLUDE FILENAME ;Called from script: include a language file !ifdef LangFileString !undef LangFileString !endif !define LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_SETSTRING" !define LANGFILE_SETNAMES !include "${FILENAME}" !undef LANGFILE_SETNAMES ;Create language strings !define /redef LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_LANGSTRING" !include "${FILENAME}" !macroend !macro LANGFILE_INCLUDE_WITHDEFAULT FILENAME FILENAME_DEFAULT ;Called from script: include a language file ;Obtains missing strings from a default file !ifdef LangFileString !undef LangFileString !endif !define LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_SETSTRING" !define LANGFILE_SETNAMES !include "${FILENAME}" !undef LANGFILE_SETNAMES ;Include default language for missing strings !define LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK "${FILENAME_DEFAULT}" !include "${FILENAME_DEFAULT}" !undef LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK ;Create language strings !define /redef LangFileString "!insertmacro LANGFILE_LANGSTRING" !include "${FILENAME_DEFAULT}" !macroend !macro LANGFILE NLFID ENGNAME NATIVENAME NATIVEASCIINAME ;Start of standard NSIS language file ; NLFID: Must match the name of the .nlf file ; ENGNAME: English name of language, "=" if it is the same as NLFID ; NATIVENAME: Native name of language. (In Unicode) ; NATIVEASCIINAME: Native name of language using only ASCII, "=" if it is the same as NATIVENAME ; Example: LANGFILE "Swedish" = "Svenska" = (This is the same as LANGFILE "Swedish" "Swedish" "Svenska" "Svenska") ; For more examples, see French.nsh, Greek.nsh and PortugueseBR.nsh !ifdef LANGFILE_SETNAMES !ifdef LANGFILE_IDNAME !undef LANGFILE_IDNAME !endif !define LANGFILE_IDNAME "${NLFID}" ; ModernUI or the .nsi can change LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT if desired !ifndef LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT !ifndef NSIS_UNICODE !define LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT "%ENGNAME% / %NATIVEASCIINAME%" !endif !define /ifndef LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT "%NATIVENAME%" !endif !ifndef "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_NAME" !if "${ENGNAME}" == "=" !define /redef ENGNAME "${NLFID}" !endif !if "${NATIVEASCIINAME}" == "=" !define /redef NATIVEASCIINAME "${NATIVENAME}" !endif !define "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_ENGLISHNAME" "${ENGNAME}" !ifdef NSIS_UNICODE !define "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_NAME" "${NATIVENAME}" !else !define "LANGFILE_${NLFID}_NAME" "${NATIVEASCIINAME}" !endif !searchreplace LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL "${LANGFILE_LANGDLL_FMT}" %NATIVEASCIINAME% "${NATIVEASCIINAME}" !searchreplace LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL "${LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL}" %NATIVENAME% "${NATIVENAME}" !searchreplace LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL "${LANGFILE_${NLFID}_LANGDLL}" %ENGNAME% "${ENGNAME}" !endif !endif !macroend !macro LANGFILE_EXT IDNAME ;Start of installer language file !ifdef LANGFILE_SETNAMES !ifdef LANGFILE_IDNAME !undef LANGFILE_IDNAME !endif !define LANGFILE_IDNAME "${IDNAME}" !endif !macroend !macro LANGFILE_SETSTRING NAME VALUE ;Set define with translated string !ifndef ${NAME} !define "${NAME}" "${VALUE}" !ifdef LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK !warning 'LangString "${NAME}" for language ${LANGFILE_IDNAME} is missing, using fallback from "${LANGFILE_PRIV_INCLUDEISFALLBACK}"' !endif !endif !macroend !macro LANGFILE_LANGSTRING NAME DUMMY ;Create a language string from a define and undefine LangString "${NAME}" "${LANG_${LANGFILE_IDNAME}}" "${${NAME}}" !undef "${NAME}" !macroend !endif