using System; using Aitex.Core.RT.Device; using Aitex.Core.RT.Routine; using Aitex.Core.RT.SCCore; using MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.TMs; namespace Mainframe.TMs.Routines { public class TMPressureBalanceRoutine : TMBaseRoutine { enum RoutineStep { CheckPressureCondition, PumpDownToBase, CloseIsoValve, OpenTmSlowVent, VentToSetPoint, StopVent, WaitPressureToSetPoint, SlowPump, FastPump, VaccumDelay, CloseValves, CLoseSlowValue, CheckNeedVent } private TM _tm; private TMPumpRoutine _pumpDownRoutine; private ModuleName _paramTarget; //每个模块包含以下三个参数↓ double maxDifferent = 0; private bool _needMfcVent; //是否需要Vent操作 private double _ventMfcFlow; //MFC在Vent时设置的值 private double _balancePressure; //目标压力值 private int _ventTimeout; //MFC 超时 private int _waitPressureTimeout; //不需要Vent操作时,等待压力平衡时间 private bool _needPumpDown; //执行Routine之前已经是真空则不需要抽真空 private bool _needBalance; //执行Routine之前已经在设定压力值则不需要继续平衡 private double _slowFastPumpSwitchPressure; //慢快抽切换压力 private int _fastPumpTime; private int _slowPumpTimeout; private bool isAtmMode = false; public TMPressureBalanceRoutine() { Module = ModuleName.TM.ToString(); Name = "Pressure Balance"; _tm = DEVICE.GetDevice($"{ ModuleName.System.ToString()}.{ ModuleName.TM.ToString()}"); _pumpDownRoutine = new TMPumpRoutine(); _paramTarget = ModuleName.System; } public void Init(ModuleName target) { Name = "Pressure Balance with " + target; _paramTarget = target; } public override Result Start(params object[] objs) { if (ModuleHelper.IsPm(_paramTarget)) { _balancePressure = SC.GetValue($"TM.PressureBalance.BalancePressure") + +SC.GetValue("TM.TMPressureBigThanPM"); } else { _balancePressure = SC.GetValue("TM.PressureBalance.BalancePressure"); } _ventMfcFlow = SC.GetValue($"TM.PressureBalance.MfcFlow"); _ventTimeout = SC.GetValue("TM.PressureBalance.VentTimeout"); _waitPressureTimeout = SC.GetValue("TM.PressureBalance.WaitPressureAboveSetPointTimeout"); _slowFastPumpSwitchPressure = SC.GetValue("TM.Pump.SlowFastPumpSwitchPressure"); _fastPumpTime = SC.GetValue("TM.Pump.FastPumpTimeout"); _slowPumpTimeout = SC.GetValue("TM.Pump.PumpSlowTimeout"); //_needPumpDown = !_tm.CheckVacuum(); maxDifferent = SC.GetValue("TM.PressureBalance.BalanceMaxDiffPressure"); isAtmMode = SC.GetValue("System.IsATMMode"); if ((Math.Abs(_tm.ChamberPressure - _balancePressure) < maxDifferent) && _balancePressure != 0) { return Result.DONE; } _needPumpDown = (_tm.ChamberPressure > _balancePressure) || _balancePressure == 0; _needMfcVent = _balancePressure > 10; Notify("Start"); return Result.RUN; } public override Result Monitor() { try { if (SC.GetValue("System.IsATMMode")) { return Result.DONE; } if (_needPumpDown) { if (_balancePressure < _slowFastPumpSwitchPressure) { OpenSlowPump((int)RoutineStep.SlowPump, _tm, _slowFastPumpSwitchPressure, _slowPumpTimeout); OpenFastPump((int)RoutineStep.FastPump, _tm, _balancePressure, _fastPumpTime); CloseFastPump((int)RoutineStep.CloseValves, _tm); CloseSlowPump((int)RoutineStep.CLoseSlowValue, _tm); } else { OpenSlowPump((int)RoutineStep.SlowPump, _tm, _balancePressure, _slowPumpTimeout); CloseSlowPump((int)RoutineStep.CLoseSlowValue, _tm); } } CheckNeedVent((int)RoutineStep.CheckNeedVent); if (_needMfcVent) { VentToSetPoint((int)RoutineStep.VentToSetPoint, _tm, _balancePressure, _ventMfcFlow, _ventTimeout); StopVent((int)RoutineStep.StopVent, _tm, 2); } } catch (RoutineBreakException) { return Result.RUN; } catch (RoutineFaildException) { return Result.FAIL; } Notify("Finished"); return Result.DONE; } public override void Abort() { _tm.SetSlowVentValve(false, out string reason); _tm.SetFastVentValve(false, out reason); _tm.SetSlowPumpValve(false, out reason); _tm.SetFastPumpValve(false, out reason); Notify("Aborted"); base.Abort(); } private void CheckNeedVent(int id) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { if ((Math.Abs(_tm.ChamberPressure - _balancePressure) < maxDifferent) && _balancePressure != 0) { _needMfcVent = false; } else if (_tm.ChamberPressure < _balancePressure) { _needMfcVent = true; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void OpenTMSlowVent(int id,int delayTime) { Tuple ret = Wait(id, () => { Notify($"Open tm slowVent"); if (!_tm.SetSlowVentValve(true, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }, delayTime * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void VentToSetPoint(int id, TM tm, double balancePressure, double ventFlow, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"vent to {balancePressure} mbar with {ventFlow} sccm"); if (!_tm.SetSlowVentValve(true, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } if (!_tm.SetVentMfc(ventFlow, out reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }, () => { return _tm.ChamberPressure >= balancePressure; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"can not vent to {balancePressure} in {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void StopVent(int id, TM tm, int delayTime) { Tuple ret = Wait(id, () => { Notify($"stop vent"); if (!_tm.SetSlowVentValve(false, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } if (!_tm.SetVentMfc(0, out reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }, delayTime * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void WaitPressureToSetPoint(int id, TM tm, double pressure, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Wait pressure above {pressure} mbar"); return true; }, () => { return tm.ChamberPressure >= pressure; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"{tm.Name} pressure can not above {pressure} in {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } } }