//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using EGC = ExtendedGrid.Microsoft.Windows.Controls; namespace ExtendedGrid.Microsoft.Windows.Controls { /// /// A column that displays a hyperlink. /// public class DataGridHyperlinkColumn : EGC.DataGridBoundColumn { static DataGridHyperlinkColumn() { ElementStyleProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(EGC.DataGridHyperlinkColumn), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(DefaultElementStyle)); EditingElementStyleProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(EGC.DataGridHyperlinkColumn), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(DefaultEditingElementStyle)); } #region Hyperlink Column Properties /// /// Dependecy property for TargetName Property /// public static readonly DependencyProperty TargetNameProperty = Hyperlink.TargetNameProperty.AddOwner( typeof(EGC.DataGridHyperlinkColumn), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(EGC.DataGridColumn.NotifyPropertyChangeForRefreshContent))); /// /// The property which determines the target name of the hyperlink /// public string TargetName { get { return (string)GetValue(TargetNameProperty); } set { SetValue(TargetNameProperty, value); } } /// /// The binding to the content to be display under hyperlink /// public BindingBase ContentBinding { get { return _contentBinding; } set { if (_contentBinding != value) { BindingBase oldValue = _contentBinding; _contentBinding = value; OnContentBindingChanged(oldValue, value); } } } /// /// Called when ContentBinding changes. /// /// /// Default implementation notifies the DataGrid and its subtree about the change. /// /// The old binding. /// The new binding. protected virtual void OnContentBindingChanged(BindingBase oldBinding, BindingBase newBinding) { NotifyPropertyChanged("ContentBinding"); } /// /// Try applying ContentBinding. If it doesnt work out apply Binding. /// /// /// private void ApplyContentBinding(DependencyObject target, DependencyProperty property) { if (ContentBinding != null) { BindingOperations.SetBinding(target, property, ContentBinding); } else if (Binding != null) { BindingOperations.SetBinding(target, property, Binding); } else { BindingOperations.ClearBinding(target, property); } } #endregion #region Property Changed Handler /// /// Override which rebuilds the cell's visual tree for ContentBinding change /// and Modifies Hyperlink for TargetName change /// /// /// protected internal override void RefreshCellContent(FrameworkElement element, string propertyName) { EGC.DataGridCell cell = element as EGC.DataGridCell; if (cell != null && !cell.IsEditing) { if (string.Compare(propertyName, "ContentBinding", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { cell.BuildVisualTree(); } else if (string.Compare(propertyName, "TargetName", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { TextBlock outerBlock = cell.Content as TextBlock; if (outerBlock != null && outerBlock.Inlines.Count > 0) { Hyperlink link = outerBlock.Inlines.FirstInline as Hyperlink; if (link != null) { link.TargetName = TargetName; } } } } else { base.RefreshCellContent(element, propertyName); } } #endregion #region Styles /// /// The default value of the ElementStyle property. /// This value can be used as the BasedOn for new styles. /// public static Style DefaultElementStyle { get { return EGC.DataGridTextColumn.DefaultElementStyle; } } /// /// The default value of the EditingElementStyle property. /// This value can be used as the BasedOn for new styles. /// public static Style DefaultEditingElementStyle { get { return EGC.DataGridTextColumn.DefaultEditingElementStyle; } } #endregion #region Element Generation /// /// Creates the visual tree for cells. /// protected override FrameworkElement GenerateElement(EGC.DataGridCell cell, object dataItem) { TextBlock outerBlock = new TextBlock(); Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink(); InlineUIContainer inlineContainer = new InlineUIContainer(); ContentPresenter innerContentPresenter = new ContentPresenter(); outerBlock.Inlines.Add(link); link.Inlines.Add(inlineContainer); inlineContainer.Child = innerContentPresenter; link.TargetName = TargetName; ApplyStyle(/* isEditing = */ false, /* defaultToElementStyle = */ false, outerBlock); ApplyBinding(link, Hyperlink.NavigateUriProperty); ApplyContentBinding(innerContentPresenter, ContentPresenter.ContentProperty); return outerBlock; } /// /// Creates the visual tree for cells. /// protected override FrameworkElement GenerateEditingElement(EGC.DataGridCell cell, object dataItem) { TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); ApplyStyle(/* isEditing = */ true, /* defaultToElementStyle = */ false, textBox); ApplyBinding(textBox, TextBox.TextProperty); return textBox; } #endregion #region Editing /// /// Called when a cell has just switched to edit mode. /// /// A reference to element returned by GenerateEditingElement. /// The event args of the input event that caused the cell to go into edit mode. May be null. /// The unedited value of the cell. protected override object PrepareCellForEdit(FrameworkElement editingElement, RoutedEventArgs editingEventArgs) { TextBox textBox = editingElement as TextBox; if (textBox != null) { textBox.Focus(); string originalValue = textBox.Text; TextCompositionEventArgs textArgs = editingEventArgs as TextCompositionEventArgs; if (textArgs != null) { // If text input started the edit, then replace the text with what was typed. string inputText = textArgs.Text; textBox.Text = inputText; // Place the caret after the end of the text. textBox.Select(inputText.Length, 0); } else { // If something else started the edit, then select the text textBox.SelectAll(); } return originalValue; } return null; } /// /// Called when a cell's value is to be committed, just before it exits edit mode. /// /// A reference to element returned by GenerateEditingElement. /// false if there is a validation error. true otherwise. protected override bool CommitCellEdit(FrameworkElement editingElement) { TextBox textBox = editingElement as TextBox; if (textBox != null) { EGC.DataGridHelper.UpdateSource(textBox, TextBox.TextProperty); return !Validation.GetHasError(textBox); } return true; } /// /// Called when a cell's value is to be cancelled, just before it exits edit mode. /// /// A reference to element returned by GenerateEditingElement. /// false if there is a validation error. true otherwise. protected override void CancelCellEdit(FrameworkElement editingElement, object uneditedValue) { TextBox textBox = editingElement as TextBox; if (textBox != null) { EGC.DataGridHelper.UpdateTarget(textBox, TextBox.TextProperty); } } internal override void OnInput(InputEventArgs e) { // Text input will start an edit if (e is TextCompositionEventArgs) { BeginEdit(e); } } #endregion #region Data private BindingBase _contentBinding = null; #endregion } }