using Aitex.Core.Common; using Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit; using Aitex.Core.RT.Event; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using Aitex.Core.RT.SCCore; using Aitex.Core.Util; using Aitex.Sorter.Common; using MECF.Framework.Common.Communications; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.LoadPortBase; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.TDK; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.Robots.RobotBase; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.TDKII { public class TDKIILoadPort:LoadPortBaseDevice,IConnection { public TDKIILoadPort(string module, string name, string scRoot, IoTrigger[] dos = null,IoSensor[] dis=null,RobotBaseDevice robot=null, bool IsTCPconnection = false) :base(module,name,robot) { _scRoot = scRoot; _isTcpConnection = IsTCPconnection; LoadPortType = "TDKLoadPort"; if (dos != null && dos.Length >= 1) { _doLoadPortOK = dos[0]; } if (dis != null && dis.Length >= 1) { _diInfoPadA = dis[0]; _diInfoPadA.OnSignalChanged += _diInfoPad_OnSignalChanged; } if (dis != null && dis.Length >= 2) { _diInfoPadB = dis[1]; _diInfoPadB.OnSignalChanged += _diInfoPad_OnSignalChanged; } if (dis != null && dis.Length >= 3) { _diInfoPadC = dis[2]; _diInfoPadC.OnSignalChanged += _diInfoPad_OnSignalChanged; } if (dis != null && dis.Length >= 4) { _diInfoPadD = dis[3]; _diInfoPadB.OnSignalChanged += _diInfoPad_OnSignalChanged; } InitializeLP(); } private void _diInfoPad_OnSignalChanged(IoSensor arg1, bool arg2) { if(_infoPadType == 1) InfoPadCarrierIndex = (_diInfoPadA== null || !_diInfoPadA.Value ? 0 :1) + (_diInfoPadB == null || !_diInfoPadB.Value ? 0 : 2) + (_diInfoPadC == null || !_diInfoPadC.Value ? 0 : 4) + (_diInfoPadD == null || !_diInfoPadD.Value ? 0 : 8); } private void InitializeLP() { IsMapWaferByLoadPort = true; if (_doLoadPortOK != null) _doLoadPortOK.SetTrigger(true, out _); //_deviceAddress = SC.GetValue($"{Name}.DeviceAddress"); _infoPadType = SC.ContainsItem($"LoadPort.{Name}.InfoPadType") ? SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.InfoPadType") : 2; //InfoPadType,0=TDK,1=Ext,2=FixedbySC if(_infoPadType == 1) { InfoPadCarrierIndex = (_diInfoPadA == null || !_diInfoPadA.Value ? 0 : 1) + (_diInfoPadB == null || !_diInfoPadB.Value ? 0 : 2) + (_diInfoPadC == null || !_diInfoPadC.Value ? 0 : 4) + (_diInfoPadD == null || !_diInfoPadD.Value ? 0 : 8); } if(_infoPadType == 2 || !IsAutoDetectCarrierType) { InfoPadCarrierIndex = SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.CarrierIndex"); } _enableLog = SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.EnableLogMessage"); if (_isTcpConnection) { Address = SC.GetStringValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.Address"); _tcpConnection = new TDKLoadPortTCPConnection(this, Address); _tcpConnection.EnableLog(_enableLog); if (_tcpConnection.Connect()) { //LOG.Write($"Connected with {Module}.{Name} ."); EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"Connected with {Module}.{Name} ."); } else { EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, $"Can't connect to {Module}.{Name}."); } } else { string portName = SC.GetStringValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.PortName"); int bautRate = SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.BaudRate"); int dataBits = SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.DataBits"); Enum.TryParse(SC.GetStringValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.Parity"), out Parity parity); Enum.TryParse(SC.GetStringValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.StopBits"), out StopBits stopBits); _connection = new TDKLoadPortConnection(this, portName, bautRate, dataBits, parity, stopBits); _connection.EnableLog(_enableLog); int count = SC.ContainsItem("System.ComPortRetryCount") ? SC.GetValue("System.ComPortRetryCount") : 5; int sleep = SC.ContainsItem("System.ComPortRetryDelayTime") ? SC.GetValue("System.ComPortRetryDelayTime") : 2; if (sleep <= 0 || sleep > 10) sleep = 2; int retry = 0; do { _connection.Disconnect(); Thread.Sleep(sleep * 1000); if (_connection.Connect()) { //LOG.Write($"Connected with {Module}.{Name} ."); EV.PostInfoLog(Module, $"Connected with {Module}.{Name} ."); break; } if (count > 0 && retry++ > count) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, $"Can't connect to {Module}.{Name}."); break; } } while (true); } _thread = new PeriodicJob(100, OnTimer, $"{Module}.{Name} MonitorHandler", true); } private bool OnTimer() { try { if (_isTcpConnection) { _tcpConnection.MonitorTimeout(); if(!_tcpConnection.IsConnected || _tcpConnection.IsCommunicationError) { lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.Clear(); } _trigRetryConnect.CLK = !_tcpConnection.IsConnected; if (_trigRetryConnect.Q) { Address = SC.GetStringValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.Address"); _tcpConnection = new TDKLoadPortTCPConnection(this, Address); _tcpConnection.EnableLog(_enableLog); if (!_tcpConnection.Connect()) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, $"Can not connect with {_tcpConnection.Address}, {Module}.{Name}"); } } return true; } _trigActionDone.CLK = (_lstHandler.Count == 0 && !_tcpConnection.IsBusy); if (_trigActionDone.Q) OnActionDone(null); HandlerBase handler = null; if (!_tcpConnection.IsBusy) { lock (_locker) { if (_lstHandler.Count == 0) { } if (_lstHandler.Count > 0) { handler = _lstHandler.First.Value; if (handler != null) _tcpConnection.Execute(handler); _lstHandler.RemoveFirst(); } } } } else { _connection.MonitorTimeout(); if (!_connection.IsConnected || _connection.IsCommunicationError) { lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.Clear(); } _trigRetryConnect.CLK = !_connection.IsConnected; if (_trigRetryConnect.Q) { _connection.SetPortAddress(SC.GetStringValue($"{Name}.Address")); if (!_connection.Connect()) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, $"Can not connect with {_connection.Address}, {Module}.{Name}"); } } return true; } _trigActionDone.CLK = (_lstHandler.Count == 0 && !_connection.IsBusy); if (_trigActionDone.Q) OnActionDone(null); HandlerBase handler = null; if (!_connection.IsBusy) { lock (_locker) { if (_lstHandler.Count == 0) { } if (_lstHandler.Count > 0) { handler = _lstHandler.First.Value; if (handler != null) _connection.Execute(handler); _lstHandler.RemoveFirst(); } } } } if (_infoPadType == 2) { InfoPadCarrierIndex = SC.GetValue($"LoadPort.{Name}.CarrierIndex"); } IsRequestFOSBMode = SC.GetValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierFosbMode{InfoPadCarrierIndex}") == 1; IsMapWaferByLoadPort = !IsRequestFOSBMode; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); } return true; } public override void Monitor() { base.Monitor(); try { if (_isTcpConnection) { _tcpConnection.EnableLog(_enableLog); _trigCommunicationError.CLK = _tcpConnection.IsCommunicationError; if (_trigCommunicationError.Q) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, $"{Module}.{Name} communication error, {_tcpConnection.LastCommunicationError}"); OnError("Communicartion Error"); } } else { _connection.EnableLog(_enableLog); _trigCommunicationError.CLK = _connection.IsCommunicationError; if (_trigCommunicationError.Q) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Module, $"{Module}.{Name} communication error, {_connection.LastCommunicationError}"); OnError("Communicartion Error"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); } } private R_TRIG _trigActionDone = new R_TRIG(); private string _scRoot; private bool _isTcpConnection; private TDKLoadPortConnection _connection; private TDKLoadPortTCPConnection _tcpConnection; private IoTrigger _doLoadPortOK; private IoSensor _diInfoPadA; private IoSensor _diInfoPadB; private IoSensor _diInfoPadC; private IoSensor _diInfoPadD; private int _infoPadType; public int InfoPadType => _infoPadType; public TDKLoadPortConnection Connection { get => _connection; } public TDKLoadPortTCPConnection TCPConnection => _tcpConnection; private PeriodicJob _thread; private static Object _locker = new Object(); private LinkedList _lstHandler = new LinkedList(); private bool _enableLog = true; //private bool _commErr = false; private R_TRIG _trigError = new R_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigWarningMessage = new R_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigCommunicationError = new R_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigRetryConnect = new R_TRIG(); public TDKSystemStatus SystemStatus { get; set; } public TDKMode Mode { get; set; } public TDKInitPosMovement InitPosMovement { get; set; } public TDKOperationStatus OperationStatus { get; set; } public TDKContainerStatus ContainerStatus { get; set; } public TDKPosition ClampPosition { get; set; } public TDKPosition LPDoorLatchPosition { get; set; } public TDKVacummStatus VacuumStatus { get; set; } public TDKPosition LPDoorState { get; set; } public TDKWaferProtrusion WaferProtrusion { get; set; } public TDKElevatorAxisPosition ElevatorAxisPosition { get; set; } public TDKDockPosition DockPosition { get; set; } public TDKMapPosition MapperPostion { get; set; } public TDKMappingStatus MappingStatus { get; set; } public TDKModel Model { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public bool IsConnected => _connection.IsConnected; public bool Disconnect() { if (_isTcpConnection) return _tcpConnection.Disconnect(); return _connection.Disconnect(); } public void OnCarrierNotPlaced() { _isPlaced = false; ConfirmRemoveCarrier(); } public void OnCarrierNotPresent() { _isPresent = false; //ConfirmRemoveCarrier(); } public void OnCarrierPlaced() { _isPlaced = true; ConfirmAddCarrier(); } public void OnCarrierPresent() { _isPresent = true; //ConfirmAddCarrier(); } public void OnSwitchKey1() { _isAccessSwPressed = true; } public void OnSwitchKey2() { } public void OffSwitchKey1() { _isAccessSwPressed = false; } public void OffSwitchKey2() { } public bool OnEvent(out string reason) { reason = string.Empty; lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "STATE", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "FSBxx", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "LEDST", null)); } return true; } private LoadportCassetteState _cassetteState = LoadportCassetteState.None; public override LoadportCassetteState CassetteState { get { return _cassetteState; } set { _cassetteState = value; } } public void SetCassetteState(LoadportCassetteState state) { _cassetteState = state; if (state == LoadportCassetteState.Normal) { if (!_isPlaced) { OnCarrierPlaced(); } if (!_isPresent) { OnCarrierPresent(); } } } public override WaferSize GetCurrentWaferSize() { int intwz = SC.GetValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierWaferSize{InfoPadCarrierIndex}"); return (WaferSize)intwz; } public override string SpecCarrierType { get { if(_isPlaced) return SC.GetStringValue($"CarrierInfo.CarrierName{InfoPadCarrierIndex}"); return ""; } set => base.SpecCarrierType = value; } protected override bool fStartWrite(object[] param) { return true; } protected override bool fStartRead(object[] param) { return true; } protected override bool fStartExecute(object[] param) { try { switch(param[0].ToString()) { case "SetIndicator": Indicator light = (Indicator)param[1]; IndicatorState state = (IndicatorState)param[2]; string[] statestr = new string[] { "","LON", "LBL", "LOF" }; lock(_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKSetHandler(this, statestr[(int)state], $"{(int)light:D2}")); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "LEDST", null)); } break; case "QueryIndicator": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "LEDST", null)); } break; case "QueryState": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "STATE", null)); } break; case "Undock": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "YWAIT", null)); } break; case "Dock": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "YDOOR", null)); } break; case "CloseDoor": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "DORFW", null)); } break; case "OpenDoor": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "DORBK", null)); } break; case "Unclamp": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "PODOP", null)); } break; case "Clamp": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "PODCL", null)); } break; case "DoorUp": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "ZDRUP", null)); } break; case "DoorDown": lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "ZDRDW", null)); } break; case "OpenDoorNoMap": lock (_locker) { //_lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "YDOOR", null)); } break; case "OpenDoorAndMap": lock (_locker) { //_lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "YDOOR", null)); } break; case "MapWafer": lock(_locker) { if (!IsMapWaferByLoadPort) { if(MapRobot!=null) return MapRobot.WaferMapping(LPModuleName, out _); return false; } if (DockPosition != TDKDockPosition.Dock) _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "YDOOR", null)); if(DoorState != FoupDoorState.Open) _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "DORBK", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "MAPDO", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "MAPRD", null)); } break; } return true; } catch(Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); EV.PostAlarmLog(Name, $"Parameter invalid"); return false; } } protected override bool fStartUnload(object[] param) { if (!_isPlaced) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Name, $"No carrier on {Name},can't unload."); return false; } if (!_isDocked) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Name, $"Carrier is not docked on {Name},can't unload."); return false; } if (IsRequestFOSBMode) { lock (_locker) { if (!IsFosbModeActual) _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKSetHandler(this, "FSB", "ON")); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "ZDRUP", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "DORFW", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "YWAIT", null)); } } else { if (IsFosbModeActual) _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKSetHandler(this, "FSB", "OF")); if (param.Length >= 1 && param[0].ToString() == "UnloadWithMap") { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "CUDMP", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "MAPRD", null)); } if (param.Length >= 1 && param[0].ToString() == "UnloadWithoutMap") _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "CULOD", null)); if (param == null || param.Length == 0) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "CUDMP", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "MAPRD", null)); } } return true; } protected override bool fStartLoad(object[] param) { if(!_isPlaced) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Name, $"No carrier on {Name},can't load."); return false; } if (_isDocked) { EV.PostAlarmLog(Name, $"Carrier is docked on {Name},can't load."); return false; } if (IsRequestFOSBMode) { lock (_locker) { if(!IsFosbModeActual) _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKSetHandler(this, "FSB", "ON")); if(ClampPosition == TDKPosition.Open) _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "PODCL", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "DORBK", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "YDOOR", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "ZDRDW", null)); } } else { lock (_locker) { if (IsFosbModeActual) _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKSetHandler(this, "FSB", "OF")); if (param.Length >= 1 && param[0].ToString() == "LoadWithMap") { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "CLDMP", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "MAPRD", null)); } if (param.Length >= 1 && param[0].ToString() == "LoadWithoutMap") _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "CLOAD", null)); if (param == null || param.Length == 0) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "CLDMP", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "MAPRD", null)); } } } return true; } protected override bool fStartInit(object[] param) { lock (_locker) { if(param.Length >=1 && param[0].ToString() == "ForceHome") _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "ABORG", null)); else _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKMoveHandler(this, "ORGSH", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "STATE", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "FSBxx", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "LEDST", null)); } return true; } public override bool SetIndicator(Indicator light, IndicatorState state, out string reason) { reason = ""; return fStartExecute(new object[] { "SetIndicator", light, state }); } protected override bool fStartReset(object[] param) { _lstHandler.Clear(); if (_isTcpConnection) { if (!_tcpConnection.IsConnected) _tcpConnection.Connect(); _tcpConnection.ForceClear(); } else { if (!_connection.IsConnected) _connection.Connect(); _connection.ForceClear(); } lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKSetHandler(this, "RESET", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "STATE", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "FSBxx", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "LEDST", null)); } return true; } public override void OnError(string error = "") { lock (_locker) { _lstHandler.Clear(); if(_isTcpConnection) _tcpConnection.ForceClear(); else _connection.ForceClear(); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "STATE", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "FSBxx", null)); _lstHandler.AddLast(new TDKGetHandler(this, "LEDST", null)); } base.OnError(error); } } public enum TDKSystemStatus { Normal = 0x30, RecoverableError = 0x41, UnrecoverableError = 0x45, } public enum TDKMode { Online = 0x30, Teaching = 0x31, Maintenance = 0x32, } public enum TDKInitPosMovement { OperationStatus = 0x30, HomePosStatus = 0x31, LoadStatus = 0x32, } public enum TDKOperationStatus { DuringStop = 0x30, DuringOperation = 0x31, } public enum TDKContainerStatus { Absence = 0x30, NormalMount = 0x31, MountError = 0x32, } public enum TDKPosition { Open = 0x30, Close = 0x31, TBD = 0x3F } public enum TDKVacummStatus { OFF = 0x30, ON = 0x31, } public enum TDKWaferProtrusion { ShadingStatus = 0x30, LightIncidentStatus = 0x31, } public enum TDKElevatorAxisPosition { UP = 0x30, Down = 0x31, MappingStartPos = 0x32, MappingEndPos = 0x33, TBD = 0x3F, } public enum TDKDockPosition { Undock = 0x30, Dock = 0x31, TBD = 0x3F, } public enum TDKMapPosition { MeasurementPos = 0x30, WaitingPost = 0x31, TBD = 0x3F, } public enum TDKMappingStatus { NotPerformed = 0x30, NormalEnd = 0x31, ErrorStop = 0x32, } public enum TDKModel { Type1 = 0x30, Type2 = 0x31, Type3 = 0x32, Type4 = 0x33, Type5 = 0x34, } }