using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Aitex.Core.RT.Device; using Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit; using Aitex.Core.RT.Routine; using Mainframe.Devices; using Mainframe.TMs; using MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadLocks; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.MachineVision.Keyence; using MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.TMs; namespace Mainframe.LLs.Routines { public class LoadLockBaseRoutine : ModuleRoutine, IRoutine { protected LoadLock LoadLockDevice { get { return _ll; } } protected TM TMDevice { get { return _tm; } } protected IoLift4 Lift { get { return _llLift; } } protected IoLoadRotation Rotation { get { return _llRotation; } } protected IoClaw WaferClaw { get { return _llWaferClaw; } } protected IoClaw TrayClaw { get { return _llTrayClaw; } } private LoadLock _ll = null; private TM _tm = null; private IoLift4 _llLift = null; private IoLoadRotation _llRotation = null; private IoClaw _llWaferClaw = null; private IoClaw _llTrayClaw = null; private KeyenceCVX300F _loadCCD = null; public IoSensor _loadTrayHomeSensor; //Tray定位 public IoSensor _loadWaferPlaced; //上下对射,检测Wafer有无 public IoSensor _loadTrayPlaced; //检测托盘有无 public LoadLockBaseRoutine() { Module = ModuleName.LoadLock.ToString(); _ll = DEVICE.GetDevice($"{Module}.{Module}"); _tm = DEVICE.GetDevice($"{ModuleName.System}.{ModuleName.TM}"); _llLift = DEVICE.GetDevice($"{Module}.LLLift"); _llWaferClaw = DEVICE.GetDevice($"{Module}.LLWaferClaw"); _llTrayClaw = DEVICE.GetDevice($"{Module}.LLTrayClaw"); _llRotation = DEVICE.GetDevice("Load.Rotation"); _loadCCD = DEVICE.GetDevice($"TM.KeyenceCVX300F"); _loadTrayHomeSensor = DEVICE.GetDevice($"TM.LoadTrayHomeSensor"); _loadWaferPlaced = DEVICE.GetDevice($"TM.LLWaferPlaced"); _loadTrayPlaced = DEVICE.GetDevice($"TM.LLTrayPresence"); } public virtual Result Start(params object[] objs) { return Result.DONE; } public virtual Result Monitor() { return Result.DONE; } public virtual void Abort() { LoadLockDevice.SetSlowPumpValve(false, out _); LoadLockDevice.SetFastPumpValve(false, out _); LoadLockDevice.SetSlowVentValve(false, out _); } protected void LiftMove(int id, bool up, int timeout) { string note = up ? "Up" : "Down"; Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Set {Module} Lift to {note}"); if(up) { if (!Lift.MoveUp(out string reason)) { Stop($"Set {Module} Lift to {note} failed:" + reason); return false; } } else { if (!Lift.MoveDown(out string reason)) { Stop($"Set {Module} Lift to {note} failed:" + reason); return false; } } return true; }, () => { if(up) { return Lift.IsUp && !Lift.IsDown; } else { return !Lift.IsUp && Lift.IsDown; } }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"Set {Module} Lift to {note} Timeout, over {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } protected void MoveRelativeHome(int id, int timeout) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"Set {Module} Rotation move relative home"); if (!_llRotation.MoveRelativeHome(out string reason)) { Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation move relative home:" + reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } protected void MoveLoadRotationHomeOffset(int id, float offset, int timeout) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"Set {Module} Rotation move offset"); if (!_llRotation.JogCW(offset, out string reason)) { Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation move offset:" + reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } protected void WaitLoadRotationDone(int id, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { //不做任何动作 return true; }, () => { //检测Rotation电机Error if (_llRotation.IsServoError) { Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation Servo Error"); return null; } return !_llRotation.IsServoBusy; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) { Stop($"Wait Load Rotation Done timeout, over {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } protected void MoveOneCircle(int id,int timeout) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"Set {Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor"); if (!_llRotation.MoveOneCircle(out string reason)) { Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor:" + reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } //Result WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult; //protected Result WaitMoveOneCircleDone(int id, int timeout) //{ // Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => // { // Notify($"Wait {Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor"); // WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult = Result.RUN; // return true; // }, () => // { // //检测到未放好Sensor信号 // if (!_loadWaferPlaced.Value) // { // //失败后Stop电机 // _llRotation.Stop(out _); // Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor fail [TM DI-35]"); // WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult = Result.VERIFYFAIL; // return true; // } // //检测Rotation电机Error // if (_llRotation.IsServoError) // { // //失败后Stop电机 // _llRotation.Stop(out _); // Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation Servo Error"); // WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult = Result.VERIFYFAIL; // return true; // } // if (!_llRotation.IsServoBusy) // { // Notify($"{Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check result ok"); // WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult = Result.Succeed; // return true; // } // return false; // }, timeout * 1000); // if (ret.Item1) // { // if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) // { // throw (new RoutineFaildException()); // } // else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout // { // Stop($"Set {Module}Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor Timeout, over {timeout} seconds"); // throw (new RoutineFaildException()); // } // else // throw (new RoutineBreakException()); // } // return WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult; //} Result WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult; public Queue DISensroQueuen = new Queue(); protected Result WaitMoveOneCircleDone(int id, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Wait {Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor"); WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult = Result.RUN; DISensroQueuen = new Queue(); return true; }, () => { DISensroQueuen.Enqueue(_loadWaferPlaced.Value); //检测到未放好Sensor信号 //if (!_loadWaferPlaced.Value) //{ // //失败后Stop电机 // _llRotation.Stop(out _); // Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor fail [TM DI-35]"); // WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult = Result.VERIFYFAIL; // return true; //} //检测Rotation电机Error if (_llRotation.IsServoError) { //失败后Stop电机 _llRotation.Stop(out _); Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation Servo Error"); return null; } if (!_llRotation.IsServoBusy) { //Notify($"{Module} Rotation One Circle Wafter check finish"); WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult = Result.Succeed; return true; } return false; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"Set {Module}Rotation One Circle Wafter check sensor Timeout, over {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } return WaitMoveOneCircleDoneResult; } protected void MoveHomePos(int id) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"{Module} Rotation move Home Pos"); if (!_llRotation.MoveRelativeHome(out string reason)) { Stop($"{Module} Rotation move Home Pos fail:" + reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } protected void MoveCCD1Pos(int id,int timeout) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"{Module} Rotation move CCD Pos1"); if (!_llRotation.MoveCCD1Pos(out string reason)) { Stop($"{Module} Rotation move CCD Pos1 fail:" + reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } protected void MoveCCD2Pos(int id, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"{Module} Rotation move CCD Pos2"); if (!_llRotation.MoveCCD2Pos(out string reason)) { Stop($"{Module} Rotation move CCD Pos2 fail:" + reason); return false; } return true; }, () => { if (!_llRotation.IsServoBusy) { return true; } return false; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"Set {Module} Rotation move CCD Pos2 Timeout, over {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } protected void ClawMove(int id, IoClaw _claw,bool claw, int timeout) { string note = claw ? "Clawing" : "Opening"; Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Set {Module} {note}"); if (!_claw.SetValue(claw, out string reason)) { Stop($"Set {Module} {note} failed:" + reason); return false; } return true; }, () => { return _claw.State == (claw ? ClawStateEnum.Clamp : ClawStateEnum.Open); }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"Set {Module} {note} Timeout, over {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void CheckForelinePressure(int id,double basePressure, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Check {Module} foreline pressure under {basePressure} mbar"); return true; }, () => { return LoadLockDevice.ForelinePressure <= basePressure; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"{Module} foreline pressure can not lower than {basePressure} in {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void SlowPump(int id, double switchPressure, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Open {Module} slow pump valve to {switchPressure} mbar"); if (!LoadLockDevice.SetSlowPumpValve(true, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }, () => { return LoadLockDevice.ChamberPressure <= switchPressure; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { LoadLockDevice.SetSlowPumpValve(false, out string _); Stop($"{Module} pressure can not pump to {switchPressure} in {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void FastPump(int id, double basePressure, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Open {Module} fast pump valve to {basePressure} mbar"); if (!LoadLockDevice.SetFastPumpValve(true, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }, () => { return LoadLockDevice.ChamberPressure <= basePressure; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { LoadLockDevice.SetSlowPumpValve(false, out string _); LoadLockDevice.SetFastPumpValve(false, out string _); Stop($"{Module} pressure can not pump to {basePressure} in {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void CloseSlowPumpValve(int id) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"Close {Module} slow pump valve"); if (!LoadLockDevice.SetSlowPumpValve(false, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void CloseFastPumpValve(int id) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"Close {Module} fast pump valve"); if (!LoadLockDevice.SetFastPumpValve(false, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void SlowVent(int id,double switchPressure, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Open {Module} slow vent valve to {switchPressure} mbar"); if (!LoadLockDevice.SetSlowVentValve(true, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }, () => { return LoadLockDevice.ChamberPressure >= switchPressure; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { LoadLockDevice.SetSlowVentValve(false, out string _); Stop($"{Module} pressure can not vent to {switchPressure} mbar in {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void SlowVent(int id,double switchPressure, double pressureDiff, int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Open {Module} slow vent valve to {switchPressure} mbar"); if (!_ll.SetSlowVentValve(true, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }, () => { return LoadLockDevice.ChamberPressure >= switchPressure - pressureDiff; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { _ll.SetSlowVentValve(false, out string _); Stop($"{Module} pressure can not vent to {switchPressure} mbar in {timeout} seconds"); throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void CloseVentValve(int id) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"Close {Module} slow vent valve"); if (!LoadLockDevice.SetSlowVentValve(false, out string reason)) { Stop(reason); return false; } return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } public void CCDModeSet(int id) { Tuple ret = Execute(id, () => { Notify($"Set CCD Mode to 0"); _loadCCD.RunR0(); return true; }); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } } Result CCDTriggerResult; public Result CCDTrigger(int id,int timeout) { Tuple ret = ExecuteAndWait(id, () => { Notify($"Load CCD Check Trigger"); _loadCCD.ClearResult(); _loadCCD.GetResult(1); CCDTriggerResult = Result.RUN; return true; }, () => { if(_loadCCD._sResult != "") { if(_loadCCD._sResult.Contains("OK")) { //Notify($"Load CCD Check Result OK"); CCDTriggerResult = Result.Succeed; return true; } else { //Stop($"Load CCD Check Result NG"); CCDTriggerResult = Result.VERIFYFAIL; return true; } } return false; }, timeout * 1000); if (ret.Item1) { if (ret.Item2 == Result.FAIL) { return Result.VERIFYFAIL; throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else if (ret.Item2 == Result.TIMEOUT) //timeout { Stop($"Load CCD receive result in {timeout} seconds"); return Result.VERIFYFAIL; throw (new RoutineFaildException()); } else throw (new RoutineBreakException()); } return CCDTriggerResult; } } }