create or replace function update_db_model() returns void as $$ begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'recipe_cell_access_permission_whitelist') then CREATE TABLE "recipe_cell_access_permission_whitelist" ( "uid" text NOT NULL, "recipeName" text NOT NULL, "stepUid" text NOT NULL, "columnName" text NOT NULL, "whoSet" text, "whenSet" timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT "recipe_cell_access_permission_whitelist_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("uid") ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "recipe_cell_access_permission_whitelist" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "recipe_cell_access_permission_whitelist" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'carrier_data') then CREATE TABLE "carrier_data" ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "load_time" timestamp without time zone, "unload_time" timestamp without time zone, "rfid" text, "lot_id" text, "product_category" text, "station" text, CONSTRAINT "carrier_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "carrier_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "carrier_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'wafer_data') then CREATE TABLE "wafer_data" ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "create_time" timestamp without time zone, "delete_time" timestamp without time zone, "carrier_data_guid" text, "create_station" text, "create_slot" text, "process_data_guid" text, "wafer_id" text, "lasermarker1" text, "lasermarker2" text, "lasermarker3" text, "t7code1" text, "t7code2" text, "t7code3" text, "pj_data_guid" text, "lot_data_guid" text, "lot_id" text, "notch_angle" real, "sequence_name" text, "process_status" text, CONSTRAINT "wafer_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "wafer_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "wafer_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'event_data') then CREATE TABLE "event_data" ( "gid" serial NOT NULL, "event_id" integer, "event_enum" text, "type" text, "source" text, "description" text, "level" text, "occur_time" timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT "event_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("gid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); --ALTER TABLE "EventManager" --OWNER TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON TABLE "event_data" TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "event_data" TO postgres; CREATE INDEX "event_data_occur_time_event_id_idx" ON "event_data" USING btree ("occur_time" , "event_id" ); end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'wafer_move_history') then CREATE TABLE "wafer_move_history" ( "gid" serial NOT NULL, "wafer_data_guid" text, "arrive_time" timestamp without time zone, "station" text, "slot" text, "status" text, CONSTRAINT "wafer_move_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("gid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "wafer_move_history" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "wafer_move_history" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'process_data') then CREATE TABLE "process_data" ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "process_begin_time" timestamp without time zone, "process_end_time" timestamp without time zone, "recipe_name" text, "process_status" text, "wafer_data_guid" text, "process_in" text, CONSTRAINT "process_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "process_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "process_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'stats_data') then CREATE TABLE "stats_data" ( "name" text, "value" integer, "total" integer, "description" text, "last_update_time" timestamp without time zone, "last_reset_time" timestamp without time zone, "last_total_reset_time" timestamp without time zone, "is_visible" boolean, "enable_alarm" boolean, "alarm_value" integer, CONSTRAINT "stats_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("name" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "stats_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "stats_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'PM_statsData') then CREATE TABLE "PM_statsData" ( "chamber" text, "name" text, "partsNo" text, "current_cycle" text, "target_cycle" text, "current_value" text, "warning_value" text, "target_value" text, "install_Date" timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT "PM_statsData_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("name" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "PM_statsData" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "PM_statsData" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'PM_statsHistory') then CREATE TABLE "PM_statsHistory" ( "id" serial, "chamber" text, "name" text, "partsNo" text, "current_cycle" text, "target_cycle" text, "current_value" text, "warning_value" text, "target_value" text, "install_Date" timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT "PM_statsHistory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "PM_statsHistory" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "PM_statsHistory" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'leak_check_data') then CREATE TABLE "leak_check_data" ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "operate_time" timestamp without time zone, "status" text, "leak_rate" real, "start_pressure" real, "stop_pressure" real, "mode" text, "leak_check_time" integer, CONSTRAINT "leak_check_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "leak_check_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "leak_check_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'cj_data') then CREATE TABLE cj_data ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "start_time" timestamp without time zone, "end_time" timestamp without time zone, "carrier_data_guid" text, "name" text, "input_port" text, "output_port" text, "total_wafer_count" integer, "abort_wafer_count" integer, "unprocessed_wafer_count" integer, CONSTRAINT "cj_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "cj_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "cj_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'pj_data') then CREATE TABLE pj_data ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "start_time" timestamp without time zone, "end_time" timestamp without time zone, "carrier_data_guid" text, "cj_data_guid" text, "name" text, "input_port" text, "output_port" text, "total_wafer_count" integer, "abort_wafer_count" integer, "unprocessed_wafer_count" integer, CONSTRAINT "pj_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "pj_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "pj_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'lot_data') then CREATE TABLE lot_data ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "start_time" timestamp without time zone, "end_time" timestamp without time zone, "carrier_data_guid" text, "cj_data_guid" text, "name" text, "input_port" text, "output_port" text, "total_wafer_count" integer, "abort_wafer_count" integer, "unprocessed_wafer_count" integer, CONSTRAINT "lot_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "lot_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "lot_data" TO postgres; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'lot_wafer_data') then CREATE TABLE lot_wafer_data ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "create_time" timestamp without time zone, "lot_data_guid" text, "wafer_data_guid" text, CONSTRAINT "lot_wafer_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "lot_wafer_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "lot_wafer_data" TO postgres; CREATE INDEX "lot_wafer_data_idx1" ON "lot_wafer_data" USING btree ("lot_data_guid" , "wafer_data_guid" ); end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if not exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_catalog = CURRENT_CATALOG and table_schema = CURRENT_SCHEMA and table_name = 'recipe_step_data') then CREATE TABLE "recipe_step_data" ( "guid" text NOT NULL, "step_begin_time" timestamp without time zone, "step_end_time" timestamp without time zone, "step_name" text, "step_time" real, "process_data_guid" text, "step_number" integer, CONSTRAINT "recipe_step_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("guid" ) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "recipe_step_data" OWNER TO postgres; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "recipe_step_data" TO postgres; CREATE INDEX "recipe_step_data_idx1" ON "recipe_step_data" USING btree ("process_data_guid" , "step_number" ); end if; end; $$ language 'plpgsql'; select update_db_model(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION batch_delete_tables(text) RETURNS int AS $$ DECLARE r RECORD; count int; BEGIN count := 0; FOR r IN SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables where tablename like $1 || '%' LOOP RAISE NOTICE 'tablename: %', r.tablename; EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE "' || r.tablename || '" CASCADE'; count := count + 1; END LOOP; RETURN count; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE;