9 操控权限:{0} Information OperationAuthorization Only authorized account can execute operation and control command 10 {0} logged out Information UserLoggedOff 用户退出系统。 11 User {0} logged in Information UserLoggedIn 用户登录 User {0} logged in 账号{0}登录 12 用户帐号'{0}'的内容被修改。 Information AccountChanged 用户帐号改变 13 用户账号'{0}'的密码被修改。 Information PasswordChanged 用户账号密码变更 14 用户帐号'{0}'已被删除。 Information AccountDeleted 用户帐号删除 15 用户帐号'{0}'已被创建。 Information AccountCreated 用户帐号创建 19 Wafer placed to {0} Information PuttingWaferToChamberEnds This event is posted right after put a wafer 20 Placing wafer to {0} Information PuttingWaferToChamberBegins This event is posted right before placing 21 Wafer picked from {0} Information PickingWaferFromChamberEnds This event is posted right after wafer picked 22 Picking wafer from {0} Information PickingWaferFromChamberBegins This event is posted right before picking 25 Align start:notch is {0}。 Information AlignBegins When aligners start aligning. 26 Align end。 Information AlignEnds When aligners aligning completed. 27 Align failed。{0} Warning AlignFailed When aligners aligning failed. 28 Wafer {0} moved from {1} {2} to {3} {4} Information WaferMoved Wafer Move information. 36 Wafer created at {0} slot {1}, status is {2}. Information WaferCreate Wafer Create Information 37 Wafer deleted from {0} slot {1}. Information WaferDelete Wafer Delete Information 41 {0} load FOUP start. Information LoadFOUPStart 42 {0} load FOUP end. Information LoadFOUPEnd 43 {0} load FOUP Failed. Alarm LoadFOUPFailed 44 {0} unload FOUP start. Information UnloadFOUPStart 45 {0} unload Foup end. Information UnloadFOUPEnd 46 {0} unload Foup failed. Alarm UnloadFOUPFailed 50 Process Job Done, Please check wafer at {0} slot {1} Warning PJ_DONE ProcessJob结束,Wafer返回到Cassette(有EFEM),或Wafer返回LL(无EFEM) 1000 {0} Information GeneralInfo 默认事件类型(通用) 1222 1023 {0} '{1}' stopped,reason: {2}。 Information ServiceRoutineAborted where {0} is the chamber name, while {1} is the service name. When service routine is aborted, this event will be posted. 1033 {0} {1}:{2}。 Information ServiceRoutineInfo 用于显示在服务程序运行过程中的信息显示,{0}反应腔名,{1}服务程序名,{2}当前动作名。 1040 {0} {1}。 Information GuiCmdExecSucc 当收到用户界面命令,并成功执行时,发出该事件。{0}反应腔名,{1}命令解释。 1052 {0} {1} Information SwInterlock 当发生软件互锁时,发出该警告信息。{0}反应腔名,{1}具体软件互锁原因。 2052 用户 {0} 无操控权,请先获取操控权 Warning AccountWithoutAuthorization 只有拥有操控权的用户,才能进行操控 获取操控权限 2053 {0}。 Warning DefaultWarning 警告范围2000~3999,如果系统反馈的警告事件没有指定事件ID,或者ID编号范围有误,则使用当前默认的警告代码作为该事件的警告代码。 默认的警告代码。 3027 {0} {1}。 Warning GuiCmdExecFailed 当用户命令执行失败时发出该警告事件。 1.检查操作指令是否符合设备操作要求。 2.检查当前操作是否触发软件互锁。 3034 {0} 数据库连接失败。 Warning DbConnFailed 当控制程序与数据库连接断开时发出该事件。 1.请检查数据库连接配置参数。 2.请检查网线是否已联通。 3038 {0} {1}。 Warning SafePlcInterlock 当安全PLC的安全逻辑将某DO设定值拦截下来的时候发出该警告信息。 检查软件互锁逻辑与硬件互锁逻辑内容,检查互锁发生原因。 3039 {0} Valve {1}{2} failed, reason {3} Warning ValveOperationFail valve operation failed 1.check interlock 2.check io module normally running 4050 Prepare transfer failed, {0} Alarm TransferPrepareFailed See detail description 4051 {0}未检测到托盘,且无托盘记录,不能取出托盘 Alarm WaferAbsentWithoutRecord 只有目标腔同时检测到托盘和托盘记录,才能取出托盘。 1.检查腔体是否有托盘。 2.检查腔体是否有托盘信息。若有托盘,但无托盘信息,请先创建该托盘的信息。 4052 {0}检测到托盘,且有托盘记录,无法送入托盘。 Alarm WaferPresentWithRecord 只有目标腔无托盘且无托盘记录时,才能送入托盘。 1.目标腔体必须无托盘。若有,请先取走托盘。 2.目标腔体必须无托盘信息。若无托盘,但已有托盘信息,请删除该托盘信息。 4054 Place wafer to {0} {1} by {2} failed,{3} Alarm PlaceWaferFailed PlaceWaferFailed Check detail reason 4055 Failed pick wafer from {0} Alarm PickingWaferFromChamberFails failed pick wafer 1.check log to get the reason。 4061 送盘后机械臂上检测到托盘。 Alarm WaferDetectedAfterSend 在送盘后机械臂上检测到托盘时,发出此错误事件。 1.检查腔体对应的托盘传感器信号是否工作正常。 2.检查机械臂/机械臂控制器是否工作正常。 4062 送盘前机械臂上未检测到托盘。 Alarm WaferNotDetectedBeforeSend 在送盘前机械臂上未检测到托盘时,发出此错误事件。 1.检查腔体对应的托盘传感器信号是否工作正常。 2.送盘前,机械臂上需要有托盘。 4063 取盘后机械臂上未检测到托盘。 Alarm WaferNotDetectedAfterPick 在取盘后机械臂上未检测到托盘时,发出此错误事件。 1.检查腔体对应的托盘传感器信号是否工作正常。 2.检查是否因外力作用,托盘在传盘过程中,从机械臂上滑落。 4064 取盘前机械臂上检测到托盘。 Alarm WaferDetectedBeforePick 在取盘前机械臂上检测到托盘时,发出此错误事件。 1.取盘前,机械臂上必须无托盘和托盘信息。 4093 Alarm event:{0}. Alarm event:{0}. 报警事件:{0}。 Alarm DefaultAlarm 警告范围4000~4000+,如果系统反馈的警告事件没有指定事件ID,或者ID编号范围有误,则使用当前默认的报警代码作为该事件的警告代码。 默认报警事件 5020 {0} 蝶阀工作异常。 Alarm ThrottleValveAbnormal 当蝶阀工作状态异常时,发出该报警。 1. 检查蝶阀运行状态。 5027 {0} PLC运行失败,请检查PLC运行情况。 Alarm PlcHeartBeatFail PLC运行时需不断向C#程序发送心跳包消息,如果消息发送超时,则向GUI发送该错误消息。 1.检查反应腔工控机上的PLC程序是否已运行。 5120 TCPConnSucess TCP connect success,IP:{0} Port:{1} TCP connect success Information 5125 {0} Communication error, {1} Alarm CommunicationError Error occur during communication with hardware 1.Check network 2.Check hardware working status 5126 {0} {1}Tolerance alarm:{2}. {0} {1} Tolerance alarm:{2}. {0} {1} 跟随误差报警:{2}. Alarm ToleranceAlarm 当设备模块的设定量和实际反馈量的误差比较报警时发出该警告。 1.检查发生跟随误差的器件工作是否正常。 2.检查设定值或变化速率是否超出范围。 5128 TC {0} broken. TC {0} broken. 温度计 {0} 坏了。 Alarm TCBroken display if TC is broken change the broken TC. 5130 System running mode changed to {0} Information RunningModeChanged system changed running mode System running mode changed to {0} 系统运行模式切换到 {0} 5200 Initialize start。 Information HomeBegins 5201 Initialize end。 Information HomeEnds 5202 Initialize failed,{0} 。 Alarm HomeFailed check subsystem。 5203 Foup Arrived at {0} Information CarrierArrived Notify the Foup placed at the position. 5204 Foup removed from {0} Information CarrierRemoved Notify the Foup is removed from the position. 5205 Manually Push the OP button at {0} Information ManualOpAccess Notify the Foup will be load. 5206 Read {0} Carrier ID, {1} Information CarrierIdRead Notify the carrier id was read. 5207 Failed read {0} carrier ID Alarm CarrierIdReadFailed Notify failed while reading the carrier id. 5208 {0} wafer mapped, {1} Information SlotMapAvailable Notify after mapped wafer.