SciChart.Core Attached property which helps to set ClipToBounds property Defines the ClipToBounds DependencyProperty Defines the ClipToEllipseBounds DependencyProperty Gets the ClipToBounds DependencyProperty value The dependencyObject target The ClipToBounds property value Sets the ClipToBounds DependencyProperty value. If true, the target object clips any child elements to the bounds when rendering. The dependencyObject target if set to true clip to bounds. Gets the ClipToEllipseBounds DependencyProperty value Sets the ClipToEllipseBounds DependencyProperty value. If true, the target object clips any child elements to the ellipse bounds when rendering. A helper class which provides properties to control element's focus. Compatible with both Silverlight and WPF. Defines the IsFocusable DependencyProperty Gets the IsFocusableProperty The object. IsFocusableProperty value Sets the IsFocusableProperty The object. The IsFocusableProperty value Used to show or hide UIElements based on framework (WPF, Silverlight) Defines the SnapsToDevicePixels DependencyProperty Sets the SnapsToDevicePixels attached property on the specified DependencyObject The DependencyObject The value of the SnapsToDevicePixels attached property to set Gets the SnapsToDevicePixels attached property from the specified DependencyObject The DependencyObject The value of the SnapsToDevicePixels attached property Note that the IEnumerator documentation requires an InvalidOperationException to be thrown whenever the collection is modified. This has been done for changes in the size of the collection but not when one of the elements of the collection is modified as it is a bit tricky to detect unmanaged code that modifies the collection under our feet. Extension methods for the Extension methods for the type Determines whether this Brush is transparent. The brush. Extracts the color frmo the Brush The brush. Extension methods for the type Determines whether this instance is transparent. The color. Returns the integer representation of the given color. Extension methods for the type Determines whether the is defined. The datetime. True if defined Determines whether addition is valid between the specified and The DateTime. The TimeSpan. Adds the delta between the specified and The DateTime. The TimeSpan. Adds the number of months to a DateTime instance, rolling year if end of year is reached The current. The months. Adds the number of years to a DateTime instance The DateTime. The years. Extension methods for the type Rounds the The Decimal. Rounds the with the specified mode The Decimal. The MidpointRounding. Rounds using arithmetic (5 rounds up) symmetrical (up is away from zero) rounding A Decimal number to be rounded. The number of significant fractional digits (precision) in the return value. The midpoint rounding mode The number nearest d with precision equal to decimals. If d is halfway between two numbers, then the nearest whole number away from zero is returned. Converts a to The decimal. The equivalent DateTime Extension methods for the type Async Invokes a delegate on the UI thread The dispatcher. The operation. Async Invokes a delegate on the UI thread, only if not already on the UI thread The dispatcher. The operation. Extension methods for types Checks for null and if not null, calls Dispose The IDisposable. Extension methods for types Determines whether this double is a real number The number. Determines whether the is a NaN The value. Rounds the The Double. Rounds the with the specified mode The Double. The MidpointRoudningMode Rounds using arithmetic (5 rounds up) symmetrical (up is away from zero) rounding A double number to be rounded. The number of significant fractional digits (precision) in the return value. The midpoint rounding mode The number nearest d with precision equal to decimals. If d is halfway between two numbers, then the nearest whole number away from zero is returned. Converts a to The ticks as Double. The equivalent DateTime Converts a to The Double. The equivalent Decimal. Converts a to while avoiding arithmetic overflow The Double. The equivalent Int32 Extension methods for the type Forces the layout pass on the element The element. Determines whether this instance is visible. The element. Determines whether instance is in visual tree The element. Determines whether this instance is in visual tree with the specified ancestor The element. The ancestor. Translates a Point relative to a element The element. The point. The relative to. Determines whether a Point is within bounds of an element The element. The point. Gets the bounds of an element relative to another element The element. The relative to. Get the bounds of an element relative to another element. The element. The element relative to the other element. The bounds of the element relative to another element, or null if the elements are not related. is null. is null. Finds the logical parent of the The type of parent to find The FrameworkElement. Finds the visual parent of type T The element. Finds the visual parent given a System.Type The element. Registers a PropertyChangedCallback on the property name The element. Name of the property. The callback. ThreadSafe DependencyObject.SetValue implementation The element. The property. The value. Sets Canvas.Left, Canvas.Top to the X,Y value of a point The element. The top left. Sets Canvas.Left, Canvas.Top to the X,Y value of a point The element. The left. The top. Sets X1,Y1,X2,Y2 of a Line The line. The x1y1. The x2y2. Sets X1,Y1,X2,Y2 of a Line The line. The x1. The y1. The x2. The y2. Extension methods for , types Yields a single item, converting it to . Determines whether this is a is null or empty list The enumerable. Determines whether this is a is null or empty list The enumerable. Determines whether this list is empty. The enumerable. Iterates over the list and performs an action on each element The enumerable. The operation. Iterates over the list and performs an action on each element The enumerable. The operation. Iterates over the list and performs an action on each element The enumerable. The operation. Removes items from the list that match a predicate The collection. The predicate. Adds an item to a list if it does not already contain it The collection. The item. Removes an item from a list if it contains the item The collection. The item. Outputs a List as a Comma separated string. Used for debug purposes The type of the array The list. The string format e.g. in the format '{0:n2}' will output 0.00 0.01 etc... Extension methods for types Converts a to while avoiding arithmetic overflow The Double. The equivalent Int32 Determines whether the is a NaN The value. Extension methods for the type Determines whether this IComparable is defined. The c. Fast conversion to Double if Double The input IComparable. Conversion to Double if IComparable The input IComparable. Converts an array to double array The input array. Converts an list to double array The input array. Converts an to DateTime The IComparable. Converts an to TimeSpan The IComparable. Extension methods for the type. Returns a that corresponds to this Integer. Extension methods for the type Converts a Long (ticks) to DateTime The ticks. A DateTime Extension methods for the type Adds a child if the panel is not null and if the panel does not contain the element The panel. The child. The index. Removes a child if the panel is not null and the panel contains the element The panel. The child. Extension methods for the type Returns a new Point where X and Y components are equivalent to Math.Floor of the input point The input point, e.g. x=1.242, y=6.336 The Floor'ed point, e.g. x=1, y=6 Contains common functions to get property names Returns the name of a type member from the Extension methods for the type Cross platform extension method for getting rect.BottomLeft Cross platform extension method for getting rect.TopLeft Cross platform extension method for getting rect.TopRight Cross platform extension method for getting rect.BottomRight Clips a Point to Rect bounds The rect. The point. Expands a rect by offset The rect. The offset. Returns TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight and BottomLeft in the points array Extension methods for the type Returns the substring of the input string which is sandwiched between the Before and After strings Determines whether a string is null or white space The input. Gets all indices of a value in a string The string. The value. Measures the provided instance using . A string to measure. TextBlock which the string will be assigned to. Measures the provided instance using . A string to measure. The desired font size. Converts string value to nullable T value Extension methods for the type The days in year The days in month Determines whether this instance is zero. The time span. TimeSpan from number of months The number months. TimeSpan from number of weeks The number weeks. Froms the years. The number years. Determines whether a TimeSpan is divisible by another The current. The other. Determines whether addition is valid between two timespans The current. The delta. Extension methods for the Converts type to string The type. Gets the that the current belongs to The type. Extension methods on the type Wraps an Action in an IDisposable. Useful when you want to have lazy dispose which is often used by the DirectX render context Initializes a new instance of the class. The action. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. A base class which implements IDisposable and implements the Finalizer pattern to ensure dispose is called by the Garbage Collector if not called by the user Finalizes an instance of the class. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Temporarily suspends Garbage collection for the entire application. WARNING! Use only in Using blocks and use sparingly around performance-intensive code Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. Temporarily suspends Garbage collection for the entire application. WARNING! Use only in Using blocks and use sparingly around performance-intensive code a GCHelper Instance which must be disposed to resume garbage collection Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Describes the priorities at which operations can be invoked by way of the System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher. The enumeration value is -1. This is an invalid priority. The enumeration value is 0. Operations are not processed. The enumeration value is 1. Operations are processed when the system is idle. The enumeration value is 2. Operations are processed when the application is idle. The enumeration value is 3. Operations are processed after background operations have completed. The enumeration value is 4. Operations are processed after all other non-idle operations are completed. The enumeration value is 5. Operations are processed at the same priority as input. The enumeration value is 6. Operations are processed when layout and render has finished but just before items at input priority are serviced. Specifically this is used when raising the Loaded event. The enumeration value is 7. Operations processed at the same priority as rendering. The enumeration value is 8. Operations are processed at the same priority as data binding. The enumeration value is 9. Operations are processed at normal priority. This is the typical application priority. The enumeration value is 10. Operations are processed before other asynchronous operations. This is the highest priority. Defines the interface to a Dispatcher Facade Invokes an action synchronously on the UI Thread Asynchronously invokes the on the UI Thread The action. The dispatcher priority. Asynchronously invokes the on the UI Thread, only if not currently on the UI thread The action. The dispatcher priority. Defines the base interface for a type which can be hit-tested Gets the width of the Gets the height of the Translates the point relative to the other element The input point relative to this The other to use when transforming the point The transformed Point Returns true if the Point is within the bounds of the current element The point to test true if the Point is within the bounds Gets the bounds of the current element relative to another element Types which implement IInvalidatableElement can be invalidated (redrawn) Asynchronously requests that the element redraws itself plus children. Will be ignored if the element is ISuspendable and currently IsSuspended (within a SuspendUpdates/ResumeUpdates call) Types which implement ISuspendable can have updates suspended/resumed. Useful for batch operations Gets a value indicating whether updates for the target are currently suspended Suspends drawing updates on the target until the returned object is disposed, when a final draw call will be issued The disposable Update Suspender Resumes updates on the target, intended to be called by IUpdateSuspender Called by IUpdateSuspender each time a target suspender is disposed. When the final target suspender has been disposed, ResumeUpdates is called Defines the interface to an , a disposable class which allows nested suspend/resume operations on an target Gets a value indicating whether updates for this instance are currently suspended Gets or sets a value indicating whether the target will resume when the IUpdateSuspender is disposed. Default is True Gets or sets an associated Tab for this instance A disposable class which allows nested suspend/resume operations on an target Initializes a new instance of the class. The target. The tag. Initializes a new instance of the class. The target. Gets a value indicating whether updates for this instance are currently suspended Gets or sets a value indicating whether the target will resume when the IUpdateSuspender is disposed. Default is True Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Gets or sets an associated Tab for this instance Thread-safe gets if an instance is currently suspended The target. True, if the instance is currently suspended Provides values for exporting snapshot of a to file. Export in PNG format Export in JPEG format Export in BMP format Export in XPS format Fluent API class for animating a double DependencyProperty from and to a value Sets the target element The target. Sets the From and To values From. To. Sets the Target Property to animate The target property. Sets the animation duration The duration. Sets the Completed Handler The handler. Sets the Easing Func The easing function. Starts the animator Load method : either directly from disk, from resource into disk name of resource to locate in assembly File system path, will be used to dump file in case of resources The assembly Overwrite existing dll or not The dependenciesPathRoot is the root path where SciChart will write out native DLL dependencies during startup. Make sure that this path has write access. The default is %USER%/Appdata/Local/SciChart/Dependencies To change the path, set this property once before any other SciChart function or method is called, including SciChartSurface.SetRuntimeLicenseKey. SciChart will create subfolders for environment and version number inside this folder. Initializes the class. Represents a pool of objects with a size limit. The type of object in the pool. Initializes a new instance of the ObjectPool class. Initializes a new instance of the ObjectPool class. Gets the summary amount of created instances Gets the amount of pooled instances Gets the value indicating whether current ObjectPool instance is empty. Retrieves an item from the pool. The item retrieved from the pool. Retrieves an item from the pool. The item retrieved from the pool. Retrieves an item from the pool. The item retrieved from the pool. Places an item in the pool. The item to place to the pool. Disposes of items in the pool that implement IDisposable. Cross platform MultiBinding implementation Defines the interface to a lightweight Event Aggregator used within SciChart for inter-component communication Base class for automatically logged Event Aggregator messages Initializes a new instance of the MessageBase class. Message sender (usually "this") Event message when RenderSurface is resized Initializes a new instance of the class. The sender. Size of the viewport. Gets the size of the viewport. The size of the viewport. Event message when CoordinateSystem changes Initializes a new instance of the class. The sender. The coordinate system. Gets the coordinate system. The coordinate system. The CoordinateSystem The cartesian CoordinateSystem The polar CoordinateSystem Allows synchronizing a Delegate with the event Creates a new instance of the class. The operation. Provides a debug logger which can be used to pipe debug messages from SciChart to your own code, by setting the via SetLogger Gets the singleton instance Writes a line to the . By default, the facade instance is null. In this case nothing happens Logging is performance intensive and will drastically slow down the chart. The format string Optional args for the format string Sets the to write to. By default this is null, but after being set, the will write all output to this instance The instance. Logging is performance intensive and will drastically slow down the chart. Enable only when necessary Allows assertions to be built with the following syntax: Guard.Assert(123).IsLessThan(456); Initializes a new instance of the class. The value. Name of the arg. Asserts that the current value is less than the specified other value The other value. Name of the other arg. Asserts that the current value is not equal to the specified other value The other value. Name of the other arg. Asserts that the current value is equal to the specified other value The other value. Name of the other arg. Asserts that the current value is not equal to the specified other value The other value. Asserts that the current value is less than or equal to the specified other value The other value. Name of the other arg. Asserts that the current value is greater than or equal to the specified other value The other value. Asserts that the current value is greater to the specified other value The other value. Defines the interface to a logger facade. If you wish to receive debug log messages from SciChart, then set a logger instance via . Note that logging will dramatically decrease performance, especially in a real-time scenario Logs the string format message with optional arguments The formatting string Optional arguments to the formatting string Defines the interface to a class which publishes mouse events. Used in conjunction with and to provide cross-platform WPF and Silverlight mouse eventing Occurs when the KeyDown event occurs on this element Occurs when the KeyUp event occurs on this element Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed (or when the tip of the stylus touches the tablet) while the mouse pointer is over a . Occurs when the left mouse button is released (or the tip of the stylus is removed from the tablet) while the mouse (or the stylus) is over a (or while a holds mouse capture). Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over a . Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over a . However, this event will only be raised if a caller marks the preceding event as handled; see Remarks. Occurs when the coordinate position of the mouse (or stylus) changes while over a (or while a holds mouse capture). Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over a , or the has focus. Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element Occurs when the middle mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over a . Occurs when the middle mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over a . However, this event will only be raised if a caller marks the preceding event as handled; see Remarks. Defines the interface to a class which publishes touch events. Used in conjunction with and to provide WPF touch interaction with Chart Modifiers Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the . Occurs when an input device changes position during manipulation. Occurs when a manipulation and inertia on the object is complete. Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the Occurs when a manipulation and inertia on the System.Windows.UIElement object is complete. Occurs when the input device changes position during a manipulation. When true, touch events are enabled, else disabled Defines the interface to a type which receives unified Mouse Events (cross-platform WPF and Silverlight). Gets or sets whether the mouse target is enabled. Gets or sets a Mouse Event Group, an ID used to share mouse events across multiple targets. Returns a value indicating whether mouse events should be propagated to the mouse target. Sets a keyboard focus on a parent root element of the mouse target. Called when a Mouse DoubleClick occurs. Arguments detailing the mouse button operation. Called when a Mouse Button is pressed. Arguments detailing the mouse button operation. Called when the Mouse is moved. Arguments detailing the mouse move operation. Called when a Mouse Button is released. Arguments detailing the mouse button operation. Called when the Mouse Wheel is scrolled. Arguments detailing the mouse wheel operation. Called when the MouseLeave event is fired for a Master of current . Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called when the KeyDown event is fired for the Master of the current Arguments detailing the key event Called when the KeyUp event is fired for the Master of the current Arguments detailing the key event Defines the interface to a type which receives WPF4 Touch Events Called when a Touch Down event is registered Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called after each touch position change during a manipulation. Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called when a Touch Up is complete. Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called when a manipulation is starting Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called when a manipulation is starting Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called when a manipulation is completed Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called when a touch manipulation delta occurs Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Called when a manipulation ineritia is starting Arguments detailing the manipulation operation. Gets the origin point from Gets the origin point from Gets the Cumulative Manipulation from Gets the Delta Manipulation from Gets the collection of Manipulators from Cross platform Key Event Args, used by various classes within SciChart to process key events Gets or sets the key. Gets or sets the Modifier Key that was pressed at the time of the event Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. if set to true the event came from a master chart surface, else it came from a slave. The master chart instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The modifier. if set to true the event came from a master chart surface, else it came from a slave. The master chart instance. Defines a cross-platform Mouse event args, used by various classes within SciChart to process mouse events Gets or sets the mouse wheel delta Gets or sets the mouse point that this event occurred at Gets or sets the MouseButtons that were pressed at the time of the event Gets or sets the Modifier Key that was pressed at the time of the event Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The mouse point that this event occurred at relative to the chart root grid. The mouse buttons clicked. The modifier key pressed. If True, then this mouse event occurred on a master ChartModifierBase. Used to process which modifier was the source of an event when multiple modifiers are linked The instance of the master ChartModifierBase which sourced the event. Default value is null Initializes a new instance of the class. The mouse point that this event occurred at relative to the chart root grid. The mouse buttons clicked. The modifier key pressed. The mouse wheel delta. If True, then this mouse event occurred on a master ChartModifierBase. Used to process which modifier was the source of an event when multiple modifiers are linked The instance of the master ChartModifierBase which sourced the event. Default value is null Specifies the Modifier button pressed at the time of a mouse operation No modifiers were pressed The SHIFT button was pressed The CTRL button was pressed The ALT button was pressed Specifies the MouseButtons pressed at the time of a mouse operation No buttons were pressed The LEFT button was pressed The MIDDLE button was pressed The RIGHT button was pressed Proxy class to handle mouse-events between a type which implements and The target element which will receive the notifications A proxy delegate for KeyDown events A proxy delegate for KeyUp events A proxy delegate for Mouse Left Up events A proxy delegate for Mouse Left Down events A proxy delegate for Mouse Move events A proxy delegate for Mouse Right Up events A proxy delegate for Mouse Right Down events A proxy delegate for Mouse Middle Down events A proxy delegate for Mouse Middle Up events A proxy delegate for Mouse Wheel events A proxy delegate for Mouse Leave events A proxy delegate for Touch Down events A proxy delegate for Touch Move events A proxy delegate for Touch Up events A proxy delegate for ManipulationStarting events A proxy delegate for ManipulationStarting events A proxy delegate for ManipulationCompleted events A proxy delegate for ManipulationDelta events A proxy delegate for ManipulationInertiaStarting events Defines the interface to the MouseManager, a cross-platform helper class to propagate mouse events in both Silverlight and WPF Subscribes to mouse events on the Source, propagating handlers to the Target The source of mouse events The target to receive mouse event handlers Unsubscribes the source from mouse events The source to unsubscribe Unsubscribes the element from mouse events The element to unsubscribe A cross-platform helper class to propagate mouse events in both Silverlight and WPF Defines the MouseEventGroup Attached Property Initializes a new instance of the class. Sets the MouseEventGroup Attached Property The element. The modifier group. Gets the MouseEventGroup Attached Property The element. Subscribes to mouse events on the Source, propagating handlers to the Target The source of mouse events The target to receive mouse event handlers Unsubscribes the source from subscribers The source to unsubscribe Unsubscribes the element from mouse events The element to unsubscribe Gets the Targets that should receive mouse events (in the same based on the current provided target USED INTERNALLY FOR TESTS. DO NOT MODIFY. Gets subscribers by source An interface to a provider which converts into coordinates. Used internally to SciChart and implemented with interface to enable mocking and testing Gets the mouse position from the as a (pixel coordinates relative to source The mouse position as a Defines the interface to a ServiceContainer used throughout SciChart. For a full list of available services, see the remarks on Gets the service instance registered by type. For a full list of available services, see the remarks on The type of service to get The service instance, unique to this instance Registers the service. The instance. Deregisters service of type T Determines whether this instance has the service of type Provides a container with access to shared services throught SciChart components Determines whether this instance has the service of type Registers the service. The instance. Deregisters service of type T Gets the service instance registered by type. For a full list of available services, see the remarks on The type of service to get Enumeration constants to define what thread a is invoked on Invoke actions on the UI Thread Invoke actions on a background thread TimedMethod allows an Action to be invoked after a specific period of time. Returns a cancellation token which can be cancelled before the method is invoked Invokes the specified action. use Fluent API .After .OnThread to specify other options The action. Invokes the specified action after N milliseconds. Use Fluent API .OnThread to specify other options The milliseconds. Invokes the specified action on a specific thread The thread to execute on Cancels the Timedmethod and disposes timers Starts the timed-method operation Defines a ModifierEventArgsBase, which provides a set of properties and methods which are common to all derived classes Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The source. if set to true [is master]. If True, then this mouse event occurred on a master ChartModifierBase. Used to process which modifier was the source of an event when multiple modifiers are linked Gets or sets whether this event is Handled. If true, no further modifiers will be informed of the mouse event and mouse events will cease bubbling and tunnelling In the case where e.Master is true, this returns the instance of the master chart modifier Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The inner platform args. if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . Gets or sets which types of manipulations are possible. Gets or sets an object that describes the pivot for a single-point manipulation. Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The inner platform args. if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . Cancels the manipulation and promotes touch to mouse events. true if touch was successfully promoted to mouse events, otherwise, false. Completes the manipulation without inertia. Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sender of the event The inner args. if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . Gets the cumulated changes of the current manipulation. The cumulated changes of the current manipulation. Gets the most recent changes of the current manipulation. The most recent changes of the current manipulation. Cancels the manipulation and promotes touch to mouse events. true if touch was successfully promoted to mouse events, otherwise, false. Starts inertia on the manipulation by ignoring subsequent contact movements and raising the System.Windows.UIElement.ManipulationInertiaStarting event. Completes the manipulation without inertia. Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sender of the event The inner args. if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . Cancels the manipulation and promotes touch to mouse events. true if touch was successfully promoted to mouse events, otherwise, false. Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sender of the event The inner args. if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . Cancels the manipulation and promotes touch to mouse events. true if touch was successfully promoted to mouse events, otherwise, false. Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The origin point for the manipulation event if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . The sender of the event The sender of the Manipulation event Gets the point from which the manipulation originated. Gets a collection of Manipulators which represent the touch-points in this manipulation operation Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The touch points. if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . Gets a collection of objects that represents the touch contacts for the manipulation. Defines a cross-platform Manipulation event args, used by classes throughout Scichart process manipulation events. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The touch points. if set to true, this is a Master event, else Slave event. The master instance in the case where charts are synchronized using . Gets a collection of objects that represents the touch contacts for the manipulation. A TinyMessage to be published/delivered by TinyMessenger The sender of the message, or null if not supported by the message implementation. Base class for messages that provides weak refrence storage of the sender The sender of the message, or null if not supported by the message implementation. Initializes a new instance of the MessageBase class. Message sender (usually "this") Generic message with user specified content Content type to store Contents of the message Create a new instance of the GenericTinyMessage class. Message sender (usually "this") Contents of the message Basic "cancellable" generic message Content type to store Cancel action Contents of the message Create a new instance of the CancellableGenericTinyMessage class. Message sender (usually "this") Contents of the message Action to call for cancellation Represents an active subscription to a message Initializes a new instance of the TinyMessageSubscriptionToken class. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Represents a message subscription Token returned to the subscribed to reference this subscription Whether delivery should be attempted. Message that may potentially be delivered. True - ok to send, False - should not attempt to send Deliver the message Message to deliver Message proxy definition. A message proxy can be used to intercept/alter messages and/or marshall delivery actions onto a particular thread. Delivers the specified message. The message. The subscription. Default "pass through" proxy. Does nothing other than deliver the message. Singleton instance of the proxy. Delivers the specified message. The message. The subscription. Thrown when an exceptions occurs while subscribing to a message type Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the message. The reason. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the message. The reason. The inner exception. Messenger hub responsible for taking subscriptions/publications and delivering of messages. Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. All references are held with WeakReferences All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All references (apart from the proxy) are held with WeakReferences All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. All references are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All references (apart from the proxy) are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. All references are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All references are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Unsubscribe from a particular message type. Does not throw an exception if the subscription is not found. Type of message Subscription token received from Subscribe Publish a message to any subscribers Type of message Message to deliver Publish a message to any subscribers asynchronously Type of message Message to deliver Publish a message to any subscribers asynchronously Type of message Message to deliver AsyncCallback called on completion Messenger hub responsible for taking subscriptions/publications and delivering of messages. Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. All references are held with strong references All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All references (apart from the proxy) are held with strong references All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All messages of this type will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. All references are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All references (apart from the proxy) are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. All references are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Subscribe to a message type with the given destination and delivery action with the given filter. Messages will be delivered via the specified proxy. All references are held with WeakReferences Only messages that "pass" the filter will be delivered. Type of message Action to invoke when message is delivered The message filter. Use strong references to destination and deliveryAction Proxy to use when delivering the messages TinyMessageSubscription used to unsubscribing Unsubscribe from a particular message type. Does not throw an exception if the subscription is not found. Type of message Subscription token received from Subscribe Publish a message to any subscribers Type of message Message to deliver Publish a message to any subscribers asynchronously Type of message Message to deliver Publish a message to any subscribers asynchronously Type of message Message to deliver AsyncCallback called on completion