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2023-03-03 15:42:13 +08:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.OcrReaders.IOSS
static partial class Wid110LibConst
// ====================================================================
/// <summary>
/// Constants that should be used overall WID110 library software.
/// </summary>
// ====================================================================
// local system resources
public static string tmpImage = "testImage_WidLib.bmp";
// return values: these must correspond with 'WID110Dll.h'
// these are return values only for c-function calls
// function executed sucessfully
public const int rcNoError = 1; // RETVAL_NO_ERROR
// function failed, calls to FGetLastError()
// and FGetErrorDescription() possible
public const int rcError = 0; // RETVAL_ERROR
// function parameter contained invalid lib handle, call
// to FGetErrorDescription() possible
public const int rcInvObj = -1; // RETVAL_INV_OBJ
// error codes: these must correspond with 'WID110Dll.h'
// these are values for internal lib errors returned by FGetLastError()
// an error description can be retrieved by calling FGetErrorDescription()
public static int ecInvObj = -1; // RETVAL_INV_OBJ
public static int ecNone = 0; // ERROR_NONE
public static int ecNotInit = 1; // ERROR_NOT_INIT
public static int ecNotFound = 2; // ERROR_READER_NOTFOUND
public static int ecNetInit = 3; // ERROR_NETWORK_INIT
public static int ecNetIP = 4; // ERROR_NETWORK_IP
public static int ecNetSend = 5; // ERROR_NETWORK_SEND
public static int ecNetRecv = 6; // ERROR_NETWORK_RECEIVE
public static int ecFileName = 7; // ERROR_FILENAME
public static int ecImgSave = 8; // ERROR_IMG_SAVE
public static int ecParLoad = 9; // ERROR_PARAM_LOAD
public static int ecNoProcTrg = 10; // ERROR_NO_PROC_TRIGGERSTR
public static int ecArgBufSz = 11; // ERROR_ARGBUFFERSIZE
public static int ecNoFailSt = 12; // ERROR_NO_FAILSTR
public static int ecNoMoreImg = 13; // ERROR_NO_MORE_IMAGES
public static int ecNoResult = 14; // ERROR_NO_VALID_RESULT
public static int ecNoImage = 15; // ERROR_NO_VALID_IMAGE
public static int ecNoTrgStr = 16; // ERROR_NO_TRIGGERSTRING
public static int ecNoVersPar = 17; // ERROR_VERSION_PARAMETERSET
public static int ecPOutOfRng = 18; // ERROR_PARAMETER_OUTOFRANGE
public static int ecNetTrig = 19; // ERROR_NET_TRIGGERING
public static int ecReaderTimeout = 20; //ERROR_READER_TIMEOUT
public static int ecReaderNotRunning = 21; //ERROR_READER_NOT_RUNNING
// parameter values for FProcessGetImage(type)
// these must correspond with 'WID110Dll.h'
public static int pvImgBest = 0; // IMG_PROCESS_BEST
public static int pvImgAll = 1; // IMG_PROCESS_ALL
// dummy results
public static string rsltFAIL = "fail";
public static string rsltOK = "OK";
public static string rsltERROR = "no read result";
public static string rsltBLANK = " ";
public static string rsltREAD = "READ: ";
public static string rsltNOREAD = "NOREAD: ";
// return value for FGetCodeQualityX()
// if there is no quality retrieved, call GetLastError() then
public static int rsltNoCodeQuality = -1;
// return value for FGetCodeTime()
// if there is no time retrieved, call GetLastError() then
public static int rsltNoCodeTime = -1;
// dummy error messages
public static string errNO = "no error";
public static string errDESC = "ERROR; no error description";
// string buffer sizes
public static int errLen = 256;
public static int versLenCS = 63;
public static int versLenC = versLenCS + 1;
public static int rsltLenCS = 259;
public static int rsltLenC = rsltLenCS + 1;
* @struct WID_CAPTURE
* @brief WID120 Grabbing data
* @author Jg
* @date 10.05.2017
public struct WID_CAPTURE
public int widColor; //!< light color (0..2)
public int widChannel; //!< light channel (0..6)
public int widIntensity; //!< light intensity (0..180) 0=off
public int widRotated; //!< Image Rotated (0..1)
public int widFlipped; //!< Image Flipped (0..1)
* @struct WID_ROI
* @brief A wid region of interest
* @author Jg
* @date 14.06.2017
public struct WID_ROI
public int roiXS; //!< X-Start (0..960)
public int roiXL; //!< X-Length (64..960)
public int roiYS; //!< Y-Start (0..304)
public int roiYL; //!< Y-Length (64..368)
* @struct Unsafe WID_OCR
* @brief WID120 OCR parameter (Internal used by <see cref="Wid110LibUser.Wid110Lib"/>
* @author Jg
* @date 10.05.2017
* 16.04.2020 MAI Changed char array to fixed byte. Added StructLayout attribute.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct WID_OCR_Unsafe
public fixed byte widFontName[12]; //!< Name of font "semi_5x9","semi_org","semi_lin","ocra"
public fixed byte widFielding[32]; //!< Fielding of String "aannnn-nn-cc"
public fixed byte widFormat[32]; //!< Fielding of String "++++++++++++"
public fixed byte widResult[32]; //!< Result of String "Reading Result"
public int widMinSimilarity; //!< minimum Similarity (50..75)
public int widAccSimilarity; //!< accepted Similarity (85..99)
public int widSpacing; //!< Spacing of Character (80..200)
public int widRotation; //!< Rotation of charactor (..90..)
public int widAdjustSpace; //!< Adjust Spacing (0..1)
public int widAdjustSize; //!< Adjust Size of Characters (0..1)
public int widFilter; //!< Filter (0..40)
public int widCharSizeX; //!< Character Size in X (15.. 60)
public int widCharSizeY; //!< Character Size in Y (27..108)
public int widCharPosX; //!< Character Position in X (64..960)
public int widCharPosY; //!< Character Position in Y (64..304)
public WID_ROI widRoi; //!< Region of Interrest
* @class WID_OCR
* @brief WID120 OCR parameter
* @author MAI
* @date 16.04.2020
public class WID_OCR
public string widFontName; //!< Name of font "semi_5x9","semi_org","semi_lin","ocra"
public string widFielding; //!< Fielding of String "aannnn-nn-cc"
public string widFormat; //!< Fielding of String "++++++++++++"
public string widResult; //!< Result of String "Reading Result"
public int widMinSimilarity; //!< minimum Similarity (50..75)
public int widAccSimilarity; //!< accepted Similarity (85..99)
public int widSpacing; //!< Spacing of Character (80..200)
public int widRotation; //!< Rotation of charactor (..90..)
public int widAdjustSpace; //!< Adjust Spacing (0..1)
public int widAdjustSize; //!< Adjust Size of Characters (0..1)
public int widFilter; //!< Filter (0..40)
public int widCharSizeX; //!< Character Size in X (15.. 60)
public int widCharSizeY; //!< Character Size in Y (27..108)
public int widCharPosX; //!< Character Position in X (64..960)
public int widCharPosY; //!< Character Position in Y (64..304)
public WID_ROI widRoi; //!< Region of Interrest
public WID_OCR() { }
public unsafe WID_OCR(WID_OCR_Unsafe s)
widFontName = TypeConversion.FixedByteToString(s.widFontName);
widFielding = TypeConversion.FixedByteToString(s.widFielding);
widFormat = TypeConversion.FixedByteToString(s.widFormat);
widResult = TypeConversion.FixedByteToString(s.widResult);
widMinSimilarity = s.widMinSimilarity;
widAccSimilarity = s.widAccSimilarity;
widSpacing = s.widSpacing;
widRotation = s.widRotation;
widAdjustSpace = s.widAdjustSpace;
widAdjustSize = s.widAdjustSize;
widFilter = s.widFilter;
widCharSizeX = s.widCharSizeX;
widCharSizeY = s.widCharSizeY;
widCharPosX = s.widCharPosX;
widCharPosY = s.widCharPosY;
widRoi = s.widRoi;
public unsafe WID_OCR_Unsafe ToUnsafeStruct()
WID_OCR_Unsafe s = new WID_OCR_Unsafe();
TypeConversion.StringToFixedByte(widFontName, s.widFontName, 12);
TypeConversion.StringToFixedByte(widFielding, s.widFielding, 32);
TypeConversion.StringToFixedByte(widFormat, s.widFormat, 32);
TypeConversion.StringToFixedByte(widResult, s.widResult, 32);
s.widMinSimilarity = widMinSimilarity;
s.widAccSimilarity = widAccSimilarity;
s.widSpacing = widSpacing;
s.widRotation = widRotation;
s.widAdjustSpace = widAdjustSpace;
s.widAdjustSize = widAdjustSize;
s.widFilter = widFilter;
s.widCharSizeX = widCharSizeX;
s.widCharSizeY = widCharSizeY;
s.widCharPosX = widCharPosX;
s.widCharPosY = widCharPosY;
s.widRoi = widRoi;
return s;
// ====================================================================
/// <summary>
/// Type Conversion class.
/// </summary>
// ====================================================================
public static class TypeConversion
// ====================================================================
/// <summary>
/// Convert from unsafe fixed byte array to managed string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">fixed byte array</param>
/// <returns>string</returns>
// ====================================================================
public static unsafe string FixedByteToString(byte* sender)
List<byte> data = new List<byte>();
for (byte* counter = sender; *counter != 0; counter++)
return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data.ToArray()).Trim('\0');
// ====================================================================
/// <summary>
/// Convert from managed string to unsafe fixed byte array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">input string</param>
/// <param name="result">fixed byte array (output)</param>
// ====================================================================
public static unsafe void StringToFixedByte(string value, byte* result, int length)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) value = "";
byte[] valueBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(value);
byte* counter = result;
for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
if (index < value.Length) *counter = valueBytes[index];
else *counter = 0x00;
* @struct Unsafe WID_BCR
* @brief WID120 Barcode Parameter (Internal used by <see cref="Wid110LibUser.Wid110Lib"/>
* @author Jg
* @date 10.05.2017
* 16.04.2020 MAI Changed char array to fixed byte. Added StructLayout attribute.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct WID_BCR_Unsafe
public fixed byte widFormat[32]; //!< Format of String "++++++++++++"
public fixed byte widConversion[48]; //!< IBM- Conversion Table ("000102030405060708091011121314151517")
public int widIBM_RtoL; //!< Activate IBM BC412 (0..1)
public int widIBM_LtoR; //!< Activate IBM BC412 (0..1)
public int widIBMConversion; //!< IBM- Conversion (0..2) None,Base 35,Custom A, Custom V, Custom R, Programmable
public int widSemi; //!< Activate Semi Barcode (0..1)
public int widTIConversion; //!< TI Conversion (0..3) None,Base 35, Custom, Custom Checksum
public int widBarCodeLength; //!< Code Length (0..18) 0=auto
public int widSeparator; //!< Separator Character (0..4) none,DASH,POINT,SPACE,HASH
public int widDigits; //!< Wafer Number (0..3) 2 digits, suppress leading zero, 3 digits
public int widEnableAltis; //!< Enable Altis (0..1)
public int widCheckSum; //!< Show Check Character (0..1)
public int widResolution; //!< Resolution of Barcode (0..2) Standard, High Resolution, Standard & High Resolution
public int widLowContrast; //!< Contrast of Barcode (0..1) Activate Low Contrast Codes
public WID_ROI widRoi; //!< Region of Interrest
* @class WID_BCR
* @brief WID120 Barcode parameter
* @author MAI
* @date 16.04.2020
public class WID_BCR
public string widFormat; //!< Format of String "++++++++++++"
public string widConversion; //!< IBM- Conversion Table ("000102030405060708091011121314151517")
public int widIBM_RtoL; //!< Activate IBM BC412 (0..1)
public int widIBM_LtoR; //!< Activate IBM BC412 (0..1)
public int widIBMConversion; //!< IBM- Conversion (0..2) None,Base 35,Custom A, Custom V, Custom R, Programmable
public int widSemi; //!< Activate Semi Barcode (0..1)
public int widTIConversion; //!< TI Conversion (0..3) None,Base 35, Custom, Custom Checksum
public int widBarCodeLength; //!< Code Length (0..18) 0=auto
public int widSeparator; //!< Separator Character (0..4) none,DASH,POINT,SPACE,HASH
public int widDigits; //!< Wafer Number (0..3) 2 digits, suppress leading zero, 3 digits
public int widEnableAltis; //!< Enable Altis (0..1)
public int widCheckSum; //!< Show Check Character (0..1)
public int widResolution; //!< Resolution of Barcode (0..2) Standard, High Resolution, Standard & High Resolution
public int widLowContrast; //!< Contrast of Barcode (0..1) Activate Low Contrast Codes
public WID_ROI widRoi; //!< Region of Interrest
public WID_BCR() { }
public unsafe WID_BCR(WID_BCR_Unsafe s)
widFormat = TypeConversion.FixedByteToString(s.widFormat);
widConversion = TypeConversion.FixedByteToString(s.widConversion);
widIBM_RtoL = s.widIBM_RtoL;
widIBM_LtoR = s.widIBM_LtoR;
widIBMConversion = s.widIBMConversion;
widSemi = s.widSemi;
widTIConversion = s.widTIConversion;
widBarCodeLength = s.widBarCodeLength;
widSeparator = s.widSeparator;
widDigits = s.widDigits;
widEnableAltis = s.widEnableAltis;
widCheckSum = s.widCheckSum;
widResolution = s.widResolution;
widLowContrast = s.widLowContrast;
widRoi = s.widRoi;
public unsafe WID_BCR_Unsafe ToUnsafeStruct()
WID_BCR_Unsafe s = new WID_BCR_Unsafe();
TypeConversion.StringToFixedByte(widFormat, s.widFormat, 32);
TypeConversion.StringToFixedByte(widConversion, s.widConversion, 48);
s.widIBM_RtoL = widIBM_RtoL;
s.widIBM_LtoR = widIBM_LtoR;
s.widIBMConversion = widIBMConversion;
s.widSemi = widSemi;
s.widTIConversion = widTIConversion;
s.widBarCodeLength = widBarCodeLength;
s.widSeparator = widSeparator;
s.widDigits = widDigits;
s.widEnableAltis = widEnableAltis;
s.widCheckSum = widCheckSum;
s.widResolution = widResolution;
s.widLowContrast = widLowContrast;
s.widRoi = widRoi;
return s;
* @struct Unsafe WID_DMR
* @brief WID120 2D-Code Parameter (Internal used by <see cref="Wid110LibUser.Wid110Lib"/>
* @author Jg
* @date 10.05.2017
* 16.04.2020 MAI Changed char array to fixed byte. Added StructLayout attribute.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct WID_DMR_Unsafe
public int widSymbol; //!< Activate Code Type (0 = DataMatrix, 1 = QR-Code
public int widLinNrm; //!< linear Code (normal) (0/1) off/on
public int widLinInv; //!< linear Code (invers) (0/1) off/on
public int widDotNrm; //!< Punkt Code (normal) (0/1) off/on
public int widDotInv; //!< Punkt Code (invers) (0/1) off/on
public int widCodeType; //!< Activate Code Type (0/1) normal/mirrored
public int widCodeSize; //!< Module Size of Code (0..3) large, semi, small, tiny
public fixed byte widFormat[32]; //!< Format of String "++++++++++++"
public WID_ROI widRoi; //!< Region of Interrest
* @class WID_DMR
* @brief WID120 2D-Code parameter
* @author MAI
* @date 16.04.2020
public class WID_DMR
public int widSymbol; //!< Activate Code Type (0 = DataMatrix, 1 = QR-Code
public int widLinNrm; //!< linear Code (normal) (0/1) off/on
public int widLinInv; //!< linear Code (invers) (0/1) off/on
public int widDotNrm; //!< Punkt Code (normal) (0/1) off/on
public int widDotInv; //!< Punkt Code (invers) (0/1) off/on
public int widCodeType; //!< Activate Code Type (0/1) normal/mirrored
public int widCodeSize; //!< Module Size of Code (0..3) large, semi, small, tiny
public string widFormat; //!< Format of String "++++++++++++"
public WID_ROI widRoi; //!< Region of Interrest
public WID_DMR() { }
public unsafe WID_DMR(WID_DMR_Unsafe s)
widSymbol = s.widSymbol;
widLinNrm = s.widLinNrm;
widLinInv = s.widLinInv;
widDotNrm = s.widDotNrm;
widDotInv = s.widDotInv;
widCodeType = s.widCodeType;
widCodeSize = s.widCodeSize;
widFormat = TypeConversion.FixedByteToString(s.widFormat);
widRoi = s.widRoi;
public unsafe WID_DMR_Unsafe ToUnsafeStruct()
WID_DMR_Unsafe s = new WID_DMR_Unsafe();
s.widSymbol = widSymbol;
s.widLinNrm = widLinNrm;
s.widLinInv = widLinInv;
s.widDotNrm = widDotNrm;
s.widDotInv = widDotInv;
s.widCodeType = widCodeType;
s.widCodeSize = widCodeSize;
TypeConversion.StringToFixedByte(widFormat, s.widFormat, 32);
s.widRoi = widRoi;
return s;