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# Copyright (c) 2005-2023, PyInstaller Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2
# or later) with exception for distributing the bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception)
Classes facilitating communication between PyInstaller and import hooks.
PyInstaller passes instances of classes defined by this module to corresponding functions defined by external import
hooks, which commonly modify the contents of these instances before returning. PyInstaller then detects and converts
these modifications into appropriate operations on the current `PyiModuleGraph` instance, thus modifying which
modules will be frozen into the executable.
from PyInstaller.building.utils import format_binaries_and_datas
from PyInstaller.lib.modulegraph.modulegraph import (RuntimeModule, RuntimePackage)
class PreSafeImportModuleAPI:
Metadata communicating changes made by the current **pre-safe import module hook** (i.e., hook run immediately
_before_ a call to `ModuleGraph._safe_import_module()` recursively adding the hooked module, package,
or C extension and all transitive imports thereof to the module graph) back to PyInstaller.
Pre-safe import module hooks _must_ define a `pre_safe_import_module()` function accepting an instance of this
class, whose attributes describe the subsequent `ModuleGraph._safe_import_module()` call creating the hooked
module's graph node.
Each pre-safe import module hook is run _only_ on the first attempt to create the hooked module's graph node and
then subsequently ignored. If this hook successfully creates that graph node, the subsequent
`ModuleGraph._safe_import_module()` call will observe this fact and silently return without attempting to
recreate that graph node.
Pre-safe import module hooks are typically used to create graph nodes for **runtime modules** (i.e.,
modules dynamically defined at runtime). Most modules are physically defined in external `.py`-suffixed scripts.
Some modules, however, are dynamically defined at runtime (e.g., `six.moves`, dynamically defined by the
physically defined `` module). However, `ModuleGraph` only parses `import` statements residing in external
scripts. `ModuleGraph` is _not_ a full-fledged, Turing-complete Python interpreter and hence has no means of
parsing `import` statements performed by runtime modules existing only in-memory.
'With great power comes great responsibility.'
Attributes (Immutable)
The following attributes are **immutable** (i.e., read-only). For safety, any attempts to change these attributes
_will_ result in a raised exception:
module_graph : PyiModuleGraph
Current module graph.
parent_package : Package
Graph node for the package providing this module _or_ `None` if this module is a top-level module.
Attributes (Mutable)
The following attributes are editable.
module_basename : str
Unqualified name of the module to be imported (e.g., `text`).
module_name : str
Fully-qualified name of this module (e.g., `email.mime.text`).
def __init__(self, module_graph, module_basename, module_name, parent_package):
self._module_graph = module_graph
self.module_basename = module_basename
self.module_name = module_name
self._parent_package = parent_package
# Immutable properties. No corresponding setters are defined.
def module_graph(self):
Current module graph.
return self._module_graph
def parent_package(self):
Parent Package of this node.
return self._parent_package
def add_runtime_module(self, module_name):
Add a graph node representing a non-package Python module with the passed name dynamically defined at runtime.
Most modules are statically defined on-disk as standard Python files. Some modules, however, are dynamically
defined in-memory at runtime (e.g., `gi.repository.Gst`, dynamically defined by the statically defined
`gi.repository.__init__` module).
This method adds a graph node representing such a runtime module. Since this module is _not_ a package,
all attempts to import submodules from this module in `from`-style import statements (e.g., the `queue`
submodule in `from six.moves import queue`) will be silently ignored. To circumvent this, simply call
`add_runtime_package()` instead.
module_name : str
Fully-qualified name of this module (e.g., `gi.repository.Gst`).
This method is typically called by `pre_safe_import_module()` hooks, e.g.:
def pre_safe_import_module(api):
def add_runtime_package(self, package_name):
Add a graph node representing a non-namespace Python package with the passed name dynamically defined at
Most packages are statically defined on-disk as standard subdirectories containing `` files. Some
packages, however, are dynamically defined in-memory at runtime (e.g., `six.moves`, dynamically defined by
the statically defined `six` module).
This method adds a graph node representing such a runtime package. All attributes imported from this package
in `from`-style import statements that are submodules of this package (e.g., the `queue` submodule in `from
six.moves import queue`) will be imported rather than ignored.
package_name : str
Fully-qualified name of this package (e.g., `six.moves`).
This method is typically called by `pre_safe_import_module()` hooks, e.g.:
def pre_safe_import_module(api):
def add_alias_module(self, real_module_name, alias_module_name):
Alias the source module to the target module with the passed names.
This method ensures that the next call to findNode() given the target module name will resolve this alias.
This includes importing and adding a graph node for the source module if needed as well as adding a reference
from the target to the source module.
real_module_name : str
Fully-qualified name of the **existing module** (i.e., the module being aliased).
alias_module_name : str
Fully-qualified name of the **non-existent module** (i.e., the alias to be created).
self._module_graph.alias_module(real_module_name, alias_module_name)
def append_package_path(self, directory):
Modulegraph does a good job at simulating Python's, but it cannot handle packagepath `__path__` modifications
packages make at runtime.
Therefore there is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths in this map for a package, and it will be
directory : str
Absolute or relative path of the directory to be appended to this package's `__path__` attribute.
self._module_graph.append_package_path(self.module_name, directory)
class PreFindModulePathAPI:
Metadata communicating changes made by the current **pre-find module path hook** (i.e., hook run immediately
_before_ a call to `ModuleGraph._find_module_path()` finding the hooked module's absolute path) back to PyInstaller.
Pre-find module path hooks _must_ define a `pre_find_module_path()` function accepting an instance of this class,
whose attributes describe the subsequent `ModuleGraph._find_module_path()` call to be performed.
Pre-find module path hooks are typically used to change the absolute path from which a module will be
subsequently imported and thus frozen into the executable. To do so, hooks may overwrite the default
`search_dirs` list of the absolute paths of all directories to be searched for that module: e.g.,
def pre_find_module_path(api):
api.search_dirs = ['/the/one/true/package/providing/this/module']
Each pre-find module path hook is run _only_ on the first call to `ModuleGraph._find_module_path()` for the
corresponding module.
The following attributes are **mutable** (i.e., modifiable). All changes to these attributes will be immediately
respected by PyInstaller:
search_dirs : list
List of the absolute paths of all directories to be searched for this module (in order). Searching will halt
at the first directory containing this module.
Attributes (Immutable)
The following attributes are **immutable** (i.e., read-only). For safety, any attempts to change these attributes
_will_ result in a raised exception:
module_name : str
Fully-qualified name of this module.
module_graph : PyiModuleGraph
Current module graph. For efficiency, this attribute is technically mutable. To preserve graph integrity,
this attribute should nonetheless _never_ be modified. While read-only `PyiModuleGraph` methods (e.g.,
`findNode()`) are safely callable from within pre-find module path hooks, methods modifying the graph are
_not_. If graph modifications are required, consider an alternative type of hook (e.g., pre-import module
def __init__(
# Mutable attributes.
self.search_dirs = search_dirs
# Immutable attributes.
self._module_graph = module_graph
self._module_name = module_name
# Immutable properties. No corresponding setters are defined.
def module_graph(self):
Current module graph.
return self._module_graph
def module_name(self):
Fully-qualified name of this module.
return self._module_name
class PostGraphAPI:
Metadata communicating changes made by the current **post-graph hook** (i.e., hook run for a specific module
transitively imported by the current application _after_ the module graph of all `import` statements performed by
this application has been constructed) back to PyInstaller.
Post-graph hooks may optionally define a `post_graph()` function accepting an instance of this class,
whose attributes describe the current state of the module graph and the hooked module's graph node.
Attributes (Mutable)
The following attributes are **mutable** (i.e., modifiable). All changes to these attributes will be immediately
respected by PyInstaller:
module_graph : PyiModuleGraph
Current module graph.
module : Node
Graph node for the currently hooked module.
'With great power comes great responsibility.'
Attributes (Immutable)
The following attributes are **immutable** (i.e., read-only). For safety, any attempts to change these attributes
_will_ result in a raised exception:
__name__ : str
Fully-qualified name of this module (e.g., `six.moves.tkinter`).
__file__ : str
Absolute path of this module. If this module is:
* A standard (rather than namespace) package, this is the absolute path of this package's directory.
* A namespace (rather than standard) package, this is the abstract placeholder `-`. (Don't ask. Don't tell.)
* A non-package module or C extension, this is the absolute path of the corresponding file.
__path__ : list
List of the absolute paths of all directories comprising this package if this module is a package _or_ `None`
otherwise. If this module is a standard (rather than namespace) package, this list contains only the absolute
path of this package's directory.
co : code
Code object compiled from the contents of `__file__` (e.g., via the `compile()` builtin).
analysis: build_main.Analysis
The Analysis that load the hook.
Attributes (Private)
The following attributes are technically mutable but private, and hence should _never_ be externally accessed or
modified by hooks. Call the corresponding public methods instead:
_added_datas : list
List of the `(name, path)` 2-tuples or TOC objects of all external data files required by the current hook,
defaulting to the empty list. This is equivalent to the global `datas` hook attribute.
_added_imports : list
List of the fully-qualified names of all modules imported by the current hook, defaulting to the empty list.
This is equivalent to the global `hiddenimports` hook attribute.
_added_binaries : list
List of the `(name, path)` 2-tuples or TOC objects of all external C extensions imported by the current hook,
defaulting to the empty list. This is equivalent to the global `binaries` hook attribute.
_module_collection_mode : dict
Dictionary of package/module names and their corresponding collection mode strings. This is equivalent to the
global `module_collection_mode` hook attribute.
def __init__(self, module_name, module_graph, analysis):
# Mutable attributes.
self.module_graph = module_graph
self.module = module_graph.find_node(module_name)
assert self.module is not None # should not occur
# Immutable attributes.
self.___name__ = module_name
self.___file__ = self.module.filename
self._co = self.module.code
self._analysis = analysis
# To enforce immutability, convert this module's package path if any into an immutable tuple.
self.___path__ = tuple(self.module.packagepath) \
if self.module.packagepath is not None else None
#FIXME: Refactor "_added_datas", "_added_binaries", and "_deleted_imports" into sets. Since order of
#import is important, "_added_imports" must remain a list.
# Private attributes.
self._added_binaries = []
self._added_datas = []
self._added_imports = []
self._deleted_imports = []
self._module_collection_mode = {}
# Immutable properties. No corresponding setters are defined.
def __file__(self):
Absolute path of this module's file.
return self.___file__
def __path__(self):
List of the absolute paths of all directories comprising this package if this module is a package _or_ `None`
otherwise. If this module is a standard (rather than namespace) package, this list contains only the absolute
path of this package's directory.
return self.___path__
def __name__(self):
Fully-qualified name of this module (e.g., `six.moves.tkinter`).
return self.___name__
def co(self):
Code object compiled from the contents of `__file__` (e.g., via the `compile()` builtin).
return self._co
def analysis(self):
build_main.Analysis that calls the hook.
return self._analysis
# Obsolete immutable properties provided to preserve backward compatibility.
def name(self):
Fully-qualified name of this module (e.g., `six.moves.tkinter`).
**This property has been deprecated by the `__name__` property.**
return self.___name__
def graph(self):
Current module graph.
**This property has been deprecated by the `module_graph` property.**
return self.module_graph
def node(self):
Graph node for the currently hooked module.
**This property has been deprecated by the `module` property.**
return self.module
# TODO: This incorrectly returns the list of the graph nodes of all modules *TRANSITIVELY* (rather than directly)
# imported by this module. Unfortunately, this implies that most uses of this property are currently broken
# (e.g., ""). We only require this for the aforementioned hook, so contemplate
# alternative approaches.
def imports(self):
List of the graph nodes of all modules directly imported by this module.
return self.module_graph.iter_graph(start=self.module)
def add_imports(self, *module_names):
Add all Python modules whose fully-qualified names are in the passed list as "hidden imports" upon which the
current module depends.
This is equivalent to appending such names to the hook-specific `hiddenimports` attribute.
# Append such names to the current list of all such names.
def del_imports(self, *module_names):
Remove the named fully-qualified modules from the set of imports (either hidden or visible) upon which the
current module depends.
This is equivalent to appending such names to the hook-specific `excludedimports` attribute.
def add_binaries(self, binaries):
Add all external dynamic libraries in the passed list of `(src_name, dest_name)` 2-tuples as dependencies of the
current module. This is equivalent to adding to the global `binaries` hook attribute.
For convenience, the `binaries` may also be a list of TOC-style 3-tuples `(dest_name, src_name, typecode)`.
# Detect TOC 3-tuple list by checking the length of the first entry
if binaries and len(binaries[0]) == 3:
self._added_binaries.extend(entry[:2] for entry in binaries)
# NOTE: `format_binaries_and_datas` changes tuples from input format `(src_name, dest_name)` to output
# format `(dest_name, src_name)`.
def add_datas(self, datas):
Add all external data files in the passed list of `(src_name, dest_name)` 2-tuples as dependencies of the
current module. This is equivalent to adding to the global `datas` hook attribute.
For convenience, the `datas` may also be a list of TOC-style 3-tuples `(dest_name, src_name, typecode)`.
# Detect TOC 3-tuple list by checking the length of the first entry
if datas and len(datas[0]) == 3:
self._added_datas.extend(entry[:2] for entry in datas)
# NOTE: `format_binaries_and_datas` changes tuples from input format `(src_name, dest_name)` to output
# format `(dest_name, src_name)`.
def set_module_collection_mode(self, name, mode):
Set the package/module collection mode for the specified module name. If `name` is `None`, the hooked
module/package name is used. `mode` can be one of valid mode strings (`'pyz'`, `'pyc'`, ˙'py'˙, `'pyz+py'`,
˙'py+pyz'`) or `None`, which clears the setting for the module/package - but only within this hook's context!
if name is None:
name = self.__name__
if mode is None:
self._module_collection_mode[name] = mode